Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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It only took Mancini 55 minutes to realise we needed a 3-man midfield when we lost 2-0 to Bayern at the Allianz. He put on De Jong for Dzeko.

Silva should have started for Dzeko. Took 70 minutes?
Jumanji said:
It only took Mancini 55 minutes to realise we needed a 3-man midfield when we lost 2-0 to Bayern at the Allianz. He put on De Jong for Dzeko.

Silva should have started for Dzeko. Took 70 minutes?
I think this game would have been far different if he had done so. It's very frustrating.
I honestly didn't think we'de see anything that clueless under Pellegrini. That should worry even the most hardcore supporters. Clueless would actually be kind.
jimharri said:
This will turn bloody in about 10 minutes.

So it should. We were told he was a master tactician who thought about the game. All I've seen so far is someone who's been extremely fucking naive.
adrianr said:
I honestly didn't think we'de see anything that clueless under Pellegrini. That should worry even the most hardcore supporters. Clueless would be kind.

Same. I supported him but he's changing my mind. Team selection didn't make any sense. Two strikers against Bayern's midfield was foolish. And why Dzeko?

They were the superior squad by a distance, but that doesn't mean we have to use suicide tactics.
I'm really starting to worry about this appointment. Just seems too hard headed to make the changes that are needed. Where was the coaching in this game? Getting smoked and he never got up off his seat to encourage some sort of tacticle changes. Mancini had to go. We were having problems with him last year and with his personality things were only going to get worse. But MP doesn't seem to be the guy he's been made out to be.
i seriously don't know what was he thinking tonight. two strikers and long passes? that worked wonderfully.
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