Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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How long does Pellegrini get ? What I seen tonight and so far I am not exactly brimming with confidence. Against the shit teams of that I include the rags (who I also add are shit) we've struggled against probably the best team in the world tonight we were humiliated apart from the last 20 minutes when Pellers woke and smelt the coffee.

Just how long do we give this in my book it was always a gamble bringing in? This a man no spring chicken who has fallen at the big club before? His only success has been at the smaller club and I guess that well could be his level over achieving. Despite now being on the fence I think that unless he doesn't turn things around by christmas he'll be gone with the turkeys.
Wrong Choice of manager for me. I agree Mancini had took us as far as he could, But expected a manager, with a good track record. If you are not successful by the time your sixty or at least knocking on the door, then it,s highly unlikely that your ever gonna be. I know the new guy should be given time , but he is beginning to worry me.
Ducado said:
stony said:
jimharri said:
This will turn bloody in about 10 minutes.

So it should. We were told he was a master tactician who thought about the game. All I've seen so far is someone who's been extremely fucking naive.

I am running out of patience with him, I have given him plenty of slack but that was shocking, the worst I have seen us play in years, the Spanish lads need to have a chat with him and tell him to shape up or ship out

I must admit Duc, I've never seen you so pissed off with a City manager. I feel the same way, it's probably because the expectations were so high.
A few games aside, the season so far has been a huge fucking let down. I know it's early, but losing to Cardiff, the way we lost to Villa and tonights abortion, it's just plain fucking worrying. I expected the odd hiccup, but I wasn't expecting a Mark Hughes impersonation.
To me, a good manager handles personalities in the locker room and/or the tactics on the pitch. Simple enough it seems. Some excel at both but most have a strength in one or the other.

We were told that MP was a great tactician on the pitch - his strength. With this strength we would get results and the locker room would be easier to manage.

My fear is that if he can't correct his tactics he will lose the locker room too. And then we'll have a mess on our hands.
So far from three far from difficult Premier League away games games we have taken one single point, we have just been outclassed at home in Europe - not looking good so far.
Mike D said:
How long does Pellegrini get ? What I seen tonight and so far I am not exactly brimming with confidence. Against the shit teams of that I include the rags (who I also add are shit) we've struggled against probably the best team in the world tonight we were humiliated apart from the last 20 minutes when Pellers woke and smelt the coffee.

Just how long do we give this in my book it was always a gamble bringing in? This a man no spring chicken who has fallen at the big club before? His only success has been at the smaller club and I guess that well could be his level over achieving. Despite now being on the fence I think that unless he doesn't turn things around by christmas he'll be gone with the turkeys.

Christmas maximum
2 against 3 all night in central midfield. Clueless.

As Prestwich Blue would say - a complete and utter brain fart.
cookster said:
Mike D said:
How long does Pellegrini get ? What I seen tonight and so far I am not exactly brimming with confidence. Against the shit teams of that I include the rags (who I also add are shit) we've struggled against probably the best team in the world tonight we were humiliated apart from the last 20 minutes when Pellers woke and smelt the coffee.

Just how long do we give this in my book it was always a gamble bringing in? This a man no spring chicken who has fallen at the big club before? His only success has been at the smaller club and I guess that well could be his level over achieving. Despite now being on the fence I think that unless he doesn't turn things around by christmas he'll be gone with the turkeys.

Christmas maximum
Be hugely embarrassing if he were only to get that long
Emperors's new clothes.

You know you have a duffer when the opposing manager praises Pelle to the skies despite never having lost to him.

The tactics today baffling and to be frank non existent. Two strikers. Madness.

On the positive side we did learn that Dzeko is a complete waste of space when the going gets tough. Negredo every time. Although Nasri wasn't complete crap like Dzeko, Silva showed what we have been missing.

Hart???? Surely it's time for a change.

Bayern are a class outfit but MP made the job far more difficult than it needed to be.
It might be the conspiracy theorist in me, but I think Pele's hands are somewhat tied by the ethos the Spanish duo is trying to instill in the club. Anyone with a casual football knowledge could see we were getting run over in midfield, and the look of frustration on Pele's face within the first few minutes of the game speaks to me as someone whose hands are tied.
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