Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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FromPollockToSilva said:
TimmyTopper said:
And we thought we were bad in Europe under Mancini

We were. That has nothing to do with this.
This. We were shit tonight, and got given a lesson by the best team in Europe. But then last season we got given an equally clear lesson from a decent, though no more, Ajax team
Mike D said:
How long does Pellegrini get ? What I seen tonight and so far I am not exactly brimming with confidence. Against the shit teams of that I include the rags (who I also add are shit) we've struggled against probably the best team in the world tonight we were humiliated apart from the last 20 minutes when Pellers woke and smelt the coffee.

Just how long do we give this in my book it was always a gamble bringing in? This a man no spring chicken who has fallen at the big club before? His only success has been at the smaller club and I guess that well could be his level over achieving. Despite now being on the fence I think that unless he doesn't turn things around by christmas he'll be gone with the turkeys.

He needs to be gone by xmas really but that won't happen we're stuck with him until at least next summer. £100 million spent, doesn't know his best team, far too passive during games just sitting there hoping something changes instead of making it happen. Our two best results so far are Newcastle and the rags and Newcastle were unsettled by the transfer bid by Arsenal and went down to 10 and we beat the rags because Moyes is even more clueless than Pellegrini. The spanish duo got this one badly wrong.
cookster said:
Mike D said:
How long does Pellegrini get ? What I seen tonight and so far I am not exactly brimming with confidence. Against the shit teams of that I include the rags (who I also add are shit) we've struggled against probably the best team in the world tonight we were humiliated apart from the last 20 minutes when Pellers woke and smelt the coffee.

Just how long do we give this in my book it was always a gamble bringing in? This a man no spring chicken who has fallen at the big club before? His only success has been at the smaller club and I guess that well could be his level over achieving. Despite now being on the fence I think that unless he doesn't turn things around by christmas he'll be gone with the turkeys.

Christmas maximum

Who the hell do we bring in if we get shut though?
I can't believe he's trying to build a system around 4-4-2, it's just utterly crazy. We fucked ourselves again by having 4 top strikers and therefore feeling the need to play 2 of them in the starting 11.

I hope MP isn't too stubborn to make the changes quickly because he'll be out of a job if he doesn't.

We have to go 4-3-3/4-2-3-1 and he needs to ditch Dzeko, sell him in Jan and get another attacking mid/winger in.
Why the slagging off of Pellegrini?

Mancini made the same exact mistake against Bayern. (2 man midfield)

Pellegrini also didn't give up 2 soft near post goals to put the team on the back foot.
BLUEMATT23 said:
cookster said:
Mike D said:
How long does Pellegrini get ? What I seen tonight and so far I am not exactly brimming with confidence. Against the shit teams of that I include the rags (who I also add are shit) we've struggled against probably the best team in the world tonight we were humiliated apart from the last 20 minutes when Pellers woke and smelt the coffee.

Just how long do we give this in my book it was always a gamble bringing in? This a man no spring chicken who has fallen at the big club before? His only success has been at the smaller club and I guess that well could be his level over achieving. Despite now being on the fence I think that unless he doesn't turn things around by christmas he'll be gone with the turkeys.

Christmas maximum

Who the hell do we bring in if we get shut though?
Jumanji said:
Why the slagging off of Pellegrini?

Mancini made the same exact mistake against Bayern. (2 man midfield)

Pellegrini also didn't give up 2 soft near post goals to put the team on the back foot.

Because he got the team and formation wrong and waited until 70 minutes had passed to change things? Just a thought.
Have bided my time but patience is running thin now.

He looks tactically naive and as if someone has just said to him "why don't you have a go at this managing lark".

Keep getting dicked in midfield but tell you what lets keep the same formation as didn't work last time
I'm just pissed off that is was obvious after 20/30 minutes our team needed charging but nothing happened until it was too late in the second half.
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