Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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MCC said:
robbieh said:
I seriously would be interested in the opinion's of BS and DD on this performance.

To be fair they both wanted mourinho iirc.
I may be mistaken about Billy, but my recollection is that Dave and I wanted Mourinho. Honestly it's notable as we don't tend to agree. Billy doesn't like Mourinho at all if I remember correctly.
Never seen a loss that was so obviously the manager's fault. Hart is the only player who can honestly be given individual blame (and even then, letting Ribery run riot around the box isn't doing the GK any favours). Everyone else's poor performances can be attributed to the system AFAIC. The strikers were crap because they had no service. The midfielders were crap because they were constantly outnumbered. And the defence were crap because Bayern had so much possession in dangerous places, that they were eventually forced into errors. Bayern didn't actually create anything amazing.

I hope Pellegrini holds his hands up for this one and then we can move on. He's obviously a talented coach, and I have no doubt he'll show it in time. But he definitely dropped the ball tonight.
The least said the better. What's happened to this so called pressing game posters were wanking themselves into a frenzy over ?
“I think the three substitutes did very well and we changed a little more than that. In the last 15/20 minutes we were better,” the boss stated.

Well why didn't you make them earlier FFS
I always felt it was time for Bobby to go but I have seen absolutely nothing pre- season or in- season from Pellegrini to suggest he iwas worth the bother.
On tonight's showing any Bluemooner could have matched his managerial input.
We got rid of Roberto, I'm thinking we could have just nipped down the road and got the other Roberto (Martinez) . .Could he have done worse????
CityForever45 said:
What' s to discuss ? Nothing ! He is a mediocre manager that should have never been hired to replace a legend like Mancini. But the ones to blame are the Spanish duo, this club has gone downhill since they joined.

In Txiki and Ferran we trust...Saw that line daily on here throughout the summer. They are only here to line their own pockets,like most of the playing staff. All this to replace a manager who actually really cared.
jimharri said:
Jumanji said:
When asked in the sky post match why he didn't change tactics, he said Silva could not play more than 20 minutes.

Garcia even would have helped seize the midfield IMO.
Steady on!
It's true.

Mancini put on De Jong for Dzeko when our midfield 2 was overrun in Munich and it steadied the ship. Took Mancini 55 minutes, Pellegrini 15 more.

Even If Silva wasn't able to play more than 20, others could at least help us match their bodies.

It's just that Silva would not only let us match their bodies, but provide a huge threat. That's why Silva would have been the ultimate sub.

A Garcia or Milner would just help the swamping. Silva if fit would have affected both attack and defence.
taconinja said:
MCC said:
robbieh said:
I seriously would be interested in the opinion's of BS and DD on this performance.

To be fair they both wanted mourinho iirc.
I may be mistaken about Billy, but my recollection is that Dave and I wanted Mourinho. Honestly it's notable as we don't tend to agree. Billy doesn't like Mourinho at all if I remember correctly.
I'd have chosen Mourinho over MP any day of the week. Yes; he's a ****.

A **** who knows how to win trophies, including two CL titles with two different clubs.
Blue Haze said:
tuearts overhead said:
a modern day Kevin Keegan f---in joke

we got rid of Bobby someone who bought us success (and would have achieved more if the club had backed him in the transfer market last year) because we wanted to be holistic ffs

He had his own unresolvable problems. We were in dire form when Mancini was sacked.
We may have been but the shit that was coming down from upstairs certainly helped to sink last seasons ship.
Gaylord du Bois said:
Ducado said:
The thing is I am willing to give him a little bit more slack, but if he continues to get it wrong, he will have to go
That's pretty much all we can do. I hope he turns the corner but my gut feeling is he's out of his depth.
Must admit I've just had a skim through the match thread
And seen a post of
The Chilean Stuart pearce
Made me laugh.
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