Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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dancity19 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dancity19 said:
SHB- I am sure during the summer you said, though you were a Mancini inner, that you thought pellegrini was a great appointment and how you were looking forward to this season. You now seem determined for him to fail.

Secondly, I bet every time Mancini drew at stoke, you used the tough away game excuse.

The fact is, this has not been the start anyone expected. Very underwhelming. But 4 games have gone and that is way too early to judge.

This whole thread has just turned into a bit of a point scoring between Mancini inners and outers. Just like last season. But everyone has to get over it. Pellegrini didn't sack Mancini. Dave and billy didn't sack Mancini. I

To early to judge in your opinion. I am entitled to mine and will stick to it.
He has won fuck all in Spain-a 2 team league.
He has changed nothing-and he has had a whole pre season to endorse his ways on the team.
I want him toi fail-Yeah course I do you idiot-That is why I keep taking leave,spending my hard earned just to score cheap points.Get real
It's a forum and it's about opinions-I have mine.Most don't agree but if he is a huge success I will say I was wrong. If he is not then I won't say I told you so.Yes I admired Mancini but he had his faults but it's about now and I have seen nowt that fills me with any confidence-4 games or not!

You obviously don't want city to fail. But I think part of you would be satisfied in a perverse way if pellegrini fails as it would be revenge for the Mancini sacking. Anyway, that's not the point. You seemed so behind pellegrini in the summer???

I am not filled with confidence at the moment, it has been a very poor start, like I said, no one can deny that! But after 4 games it is a little rash, I think, to claim he isn't up to it. Give it 10 games, if we haven't improved then I think a lot of questions will be asked. It's been a poor start, but we have only played 4 games!

That is really bizarre. If I felt that way I would just fuck it off completely. Not waste my time or money and spend it with my family instead.
Do you really honestly think I hate the club I have adored all my life,supported since I was 7 just because they sacked Mancini??
Mancini was a winner-that is a fact-ok not in Europe.
He is toast,history but for some it is though he didn't exist. They slag him,I will defend him.
I want Pellegrini to be a success but I have zero confidence at the moment.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Danamy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
So the Nouveau inners (to term a ducado phrase) want to give Pellegrini time-When they are asked how long-they cannot give a definitive answer.

The answer to the question SHB is however long the Sheikh is willing to give him?

I'm willing to back his decision whatever that may be, afterall he's done for our club how can any of us argue?

Dan-So we are saying that ii's the Sheikhs overall decision then and not Khaldoon and the Spanish double act?
Come on mate-don't try to deflect this onto the Sheikh now because this isn't the issue here.
If you wanted to go down the lines of that then let's say he fucked pellegrini off next week (would everyone criticise him for that??) as the so called nouveau outers are getting criticised for not giving him time?
Sorry but at this level you don't get time anymore. Sorry to go back to it..Mancini came in mid season and changed it immediately and this is the only thing I can compare it to.Moving on from that I see no change in performances whatsoever but a further investment.

I'm happy to agree with whatever the Sheikh decides, yes, if that makes me stupid, then i'm stupid, i think he's earnt the right don't you?

If you think a managerial decision isn't put under his nose first then you're very naive, afterall it's only his business?
Marvin said:
The midfield hasn't performed - why?

Because it's protecting a very vulnerable central defence.

Remember AC Milan pre-season when we had Lescott and Garcia in defence, and we said never again, well circumstances have conspired to give us a variation on that defence.

A weakened defence is no going to push up and expose itself, and the team feels the vulnerability. And then we have 3 or 4 players feeling their way into the Premiership. We should know by now, from the experience of watching players like Silva, that it takes 2-3 months to get to grips with what's required.

There's got to be another explanation than bad management for City's struggles. City have a great squad, even if Pellegrini is just average, he'd be unable to neuter them to such a degree unless something else is going on - and there is. Look at our back 4 in the last 3 games.

What you are inferring is that VK is the answer to a lot of our problems Marvin because outside one or two variations the back fours we have used to date will have to carrry us through.

I like Richards he adds pace and power that we otherwise don't have and can be a nuisance at our set pieces on occasion but he is injury prone and struggles to deliver a decent cross and in this current set up we have will need to cover a lot more ground than what the likes of Clichy or Kolorov is prepared to do.

Other than our latest signing who is 32 untried in the premiership again is unlikely to hit the ground running although MP knows him a lot better I fail to see why you hedge your bets on the personnel in the back four.

For me its more set up , lack of motivation and work rate than the personell although I do agree a fit and firing VK makes a difference and would a fit and firing Sergio and Silva and Nasri and anybody else you care to through in.

Manure would't say that having Vidic or Ferdinand out for a lengthy period of time would lessen the sides effectiveness against any side by and large least of all Cardiff , Hull , Stoke and the team we play tonight.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dancity19 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
To early to judge in your opinion. I am entitled to mine and will stick to it.
He has won fuck all in Spain-a 2 team league.
He has changed nothing-and he has had a whole pre season to endorse his ways on the team.
I want him toi fail-Yeah course I do you idiot-That is why I keep taking leave,spending my hard earned just to score cheap points.Get real
It's a forum and it's about opinions-I have mine.Most don't agree but if he is a huge success I will say I was wrong. If he is not then I won't say I told you so.Yes I admired Mancini but he had his faults but it's about now and I have seen nowt that fills me with any confidence-4 games or not!

You obviously don't want city to fail. But I think part of you would be satisfied in a perverse way if pellegrini fails as it would be revenge for the Mancini sacking. Anyway, that's not the point. You seemed so behind pellegrini in the summer???

I am not filled with confidence at the moment, it has been a very poor start, like I said, no one can deny that! But after 4 games it is a little rash, I think, to claim he isn't up to it. Give it 10 games, if we haven't improved then I think a lot of questions will be asked. It's been a poor start, but we have only played 4 games!

That is really bizarre. If I felt that way I would just fuck it off completely. Not waste my time or money and spend it with my family instead.
Do you really honestly think I hate the club I have adored all my life,supported since I was 7 just because they sacked Mancini??
Mancini was a winner-that is a fact-ok not in Europe.
He is toast,history but for some it is though he didn't exist. They slag him,I will defend him.
I want Pellegrini to be a success but I have zero confidence at the moment.

Bullshit fella.

A poster came on the other day and stated very clearly he would be gone for Christmas to which you replied, "hopefully".

You want him to fail and you want him gone. The "hopefully" comment spells that out very clearly.

At least have the balls to admit it.


St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
blue underpants said:
Ducado said:
Bloody hell the hysterics are getting worse
No they are not, his body language today said as much
The guy might be a nice fella but he is miles out of his depth and will be gone before Christmas
Re: Discuss Pellegrini

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
mancity1 said:
I live in OZ Exeter , we get all the City games live and I record them on my Foxtel box.

We are a bit primitive over hear.

I do it all from my living room chair and I do some analysis for a number of locally based clients who are blue fans but cant watch the games live on tele who pay me for my " words of wisdom."

Yep I may be unwell staying up all hours of the night for the mighty blues but I have not missed a game either through the world service of other forms of media since 1974 and wouldn't change a thing even though in part its cost me two marriages (LOL).

I am sure I am as passionate about City as you are perhaps more so as I doubt you would do what I do if you were living in Melbourne.

As for the rest of your spiel I cannot fathom how you would assume I drew any conclusions about your length of service to all things Blue etc from a simple comment about you regreting turning up for Southampton etc.

Seems to me you are either a bit insecure or on a trip to justify something that doesn't need justifying or establishing.

Perhaps if you had read my login details you would not have had to go on your tangential rant.

It was you that said you had regrets going to Southampton not me.

As for your travels its your choice the fact you mention it suggests you want somekind of plaudit for it which you won't get from me sorry.

I am a gluttin for punishment , I have watched our loss to Cardiff 4 times so I can tell MP what he needs to do to ensure he stays in the job a little longer because I like the man and don't want to see him fail and get fired for the first time since RM releaved him of his services (LOL).

He listens to me you know.

We can keep this pissing contest up all day if you like, but it's not much of a contest if one of us doesn't have to move from his armchair, whilst the other's involves a 12 hour round trip just to attend home games......although for the avoidance of doubt and further argument, I do not suggest you wouldn't do the same if you lived where I do.
Re the highlighted section, you know fuck all about me or my level of commitment to City, so your presupposition that I would not do what you do were I resident in Australia, is just that; a presupposition, and an ill informed one at that.
I am not seeking any plaudits for my long term attendance of City matches, but I could not retort to your passive aggressive snide comment about my "regretting" (a word I never used) going to City games that we didn't win, without referencing that attendance.


BillyShears said:
Lancet Fluke said:
lots of Mancini fans were worrying on here when he was on the verge of being sacked that we were about to become Chelsea, sacking managers at the drop of a hat, it was one of their arguments for keeping him on. Now they seem quite keen on trying to force a manager out before he's had a chance to succeed or fail.

That's not the only massive contradiction in their dribbling rubbish ...

That's assuming they are the same individuals of course. Discounting the dogmatists who increasingly dominate this thread, there are plenty in the middle ground - inners and outers - who are disappointed with the current fare but prepared to give Pellegrini a reasonable amount of time. Let's not dismiss them contemptuously, eh?
Re: Discuss Pellegrini

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
mancity1 said:
gelly said:
I am not sure if the objective of Pellegrini is to win the Champions League or to just progress say quarter finals or something.

Past has shown that most times the winners of the Champions League tend to be the league winners that season as well. Only Chelsea, Liverpool etc have won it without the League Title.

The League title is the bread and butter, win the League title, challenge for it and Champions League will follow. He cannot expect to have a good Europe campaign if he rest players. Last season Bayern streamrolling domestic league and cup gave them a springboard, confidence, mentality, style of play to win the Champions League. Resting players should only happen at quarters or semi final stages.

We won't be winning the Chumps League in the next two seasons I can tell you for sure.

The owners believe rightly or wrongly having been assured by the Barca Duo that our squad and the " new found harmony holistic nature of the club " is good enough to compete on both fronts.

I have grave doubts myself on both fronts but we may with a bit of luck get through the group stage and thats a good start.

The only harmony at the club is what is happening off the pitch which at the moment is important but not as important as getting it right on the pitch.

Is it now?

The barca duo happy with their work so far for if they are they could be in for a rude awakening soon.

Owners happy with the Barca duo ?

I wouldn't be.

Finances in order after paying out Mancini etc ?

I do know you are referring more to the financial set up outside the squad costs and I agree they would be heading in the right direction but as you infer success on the pitch helps immensely with success off it and much quicker than most would anticipate and vica versa provided you know how to spend your transfer money well.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
blueinsa said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Is that for Manuel that spade???
Let's speak tonight hey..See if your opinion changes then.

If he fails to qualify us from the group and or fails to grab a top4 spot come May then i will drive him to the airport myself.

Difference between us is that i will base my decision on the season as a whole and not on what happened to the last incumbent and petty squabbles on an internet forum.

He has had 4 games SHB, 4 fucking games!

And I have made my judgement and I will stick to it. I am not alone but that's nothing to do with me.
Could I just ask-Show me one,just one positive from Cardiff,Hull,Stoke?

Apologies if it looks like I'm picking on you SHB, but you're the only one that seems to be so blinkered on this.

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
And I have made my judgement and I will stick to it

Your quote above says it all really, it tells me no matter how well we play tonight or against the Rags etc....you want the guy out, that's sad if it's how you honestly feel?
blueinsa said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dancity19 said:
You obviously don't want city to fail. But I think part of you would be satisfied in a perverse way if pellegrini fails as it would be revenge for the Mancini sacking. Anyway, that's not the point. You seemed so behind pellegrini in the summer???

I am not filled with confidence at the moment, it has been a very poor start, like I said, no one can deny that! But after 4 games it is a little rash, I think, to claim he isn't up to it. Give it 10 games, if we haven't improved then I think a lot of questions will be asked. It's been a poor start, but we have only played 4 games!

That is really bizarre. If I felt that way I would just fuck it off completely. Not waste my time or money and spend it with my family instead.
Do you really honestly think I hate the club I have adored all my life,supported since I was 7 just because they sacked Mancini??
Mancini was a winner-that is a fact-ok not in Europe.
He is toast,history but for some it is though he didn't exist. They slag him,I will defend him.
I want Pellegrini to be a success but I have zero confidence at the moment.

Bullshit fella.

A poster came on the other day and stated very clearly he would be gone for Christmas to which you replied, "hopefully".

You want him to fail and you want him gone. The "hopefully" comment spells that out very clearly.

At least have the balls to admit it.


St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
blue underpants said:
No they are not, his body language today said as much
The guy might be a nice fella but he is miles out of his depth and will be gone before Christmas

Maybe he just thinks Pellegrini is a crap manager?
Martin* said:
His early press conference comments regarding the club playing "attractive and attacking football" have really left him open to criticism. I firmly believe that if he had kept quiet there would be no discussion at all regarding his ability only four games in.

Too many people are being blinded by the fact we have picked up 7 points and are ahead of Chelsea and United (on goal difference). Our opening four games were a gift compared to Chelsea and United's start and we really needed to be maximising the points from these games. United have played a title contender, two tough away games at Liverpool and Swansea and a gimmee at home to Palace.

We beat a very poor Newcastle, scraped past Hull at home, were turned over by Cardiff and fortunate to take a point from Stoke. From the off we should of been looking for 10 points as an absolute minimum. This is not arrogance; this is the belief and attitude title contenders need.

I'm sure Pellegrini will get us going but the signs are the same as Javi Garcia 4 games in - far from convincing and little sign of there being light at the end of the season long tunnel.

I like the post Marvin bar the last sentence where you hedge your bets each way a tad.

Either he will or won't and if so their is light abound and it will blind us for the better.

If you have singled out Garcia for that signpost and his is carrying a torch without a battery then fair enough but it could have been worded a tad better.
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