Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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TGR said:
blueinsa said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
That is really bizarre. If I felt that way I would just fuck it off completely. Not waste my time or money and spend it with my family instead.
Do you really honestly think I hate the club I have adored all my life,supported since I was 7 just because they sacked Mancini??
Mancini was a winner-that is a fact-ok not in Europe.
He is toast,history but for some it is though he didn't exist. They slag him,I will defend him.
I want Pellegrini to be a success but I have zero confidence at the moment.

Bullshit fella.

A poster came on the other day and stated very clearly he would be gone for Christmas to which you replied, "hopefully".

You want him to fail and you want him gone. The "hopefully" comment spells that out very clearly.

At least have the balls to admit it.


St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:

Maybe he just thinks Pellegrini is a crap manager?

Maybe its just sour grapes, something he cant hide given his almost constant referrals to Mancini?
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
TGR said:
OB1 said:
I seriously doubt that Pellegrini has the brief or intention of sacrificing the league for the Champions League but that does not mean that he won't try and rotate players or that he will only play his best side in one of the competitions. He's got to try and find the right balance, which will be all the more difficult at the moment when he and some of the players are new to the club.

It's fairly clear the very senior management of the club view
the CL as the main priority this season and Pellegrini will
have been briefed accordingly. Progess in the CL is the
prerequisite. Winning the title this season is not.

Dangerous game if that is the case.
We could seriously end up with egg on our faces.

Or we could all support the manager and the team and see where it takes us, you never know we might actually win something along the way?

You also might enjoy it?
Danamy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
So the Nouveau inners (to term a ducado phrase) want to give Pellegrini time-When they are asked how long-they cannot give a definitive answer.

The answer to the question SHB is however long the Sheikh is willing to give him?

I'm willing to back his decision whatever it may be, after all he's done for our club, how can any of us argue?

He would be the first to admit he has made a number of mistakes and acted on some poor advice but I would suggest in the main he has a harem of bodies and is wise enough to back the right horse enough times to achieve most of waht he sets out to do.
mancity1 said:
he has a harem of bodies and is wise enough to back the right horse enough times to achieve most of waht he sets out to do.
mate that is the best mixed metaphor I have heard in a long time... what is he doing with horses in his harem and what exactly is he setting out to do to them?
Summerbuzz said:
mancity1 said:
he has a harem of bodies and is wise enough to back the right horse enough times to achieve most of waht he sets out to do.
mate that is the best mixed metaphor I have heard in a long time... what is he doing with horses in his harem and what exactly is he setting out to do to them?

And while you're at it can you please translate this for me?

mancity1 said:
Either he will or won't and if so their is light abound and it will blind us for the better.

If you have singled out Garcia for that signpost and his is carrying a torch without a battery then fair enough but it could have been worded a tad better.
Danamy said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Danamy said:
The answer to the question SHB is however long the Sheikh is willing to give him?

I'm willing to back his decision whatever that may be, afterall he's done for our club how can any of us argue?

Dan-So we are saying that ii's the Sheikhs overall decision then and not Khaldoon and the Spanish double act?
Come on mate-don't try to deflect this onto the Sheikh now because this isn't the issue here.
If you wanted to go down the lines of that then let's say he fucked pellegrini off next week (would everyone criticise him for that??) as the so called nouveau outers are getting criticised for not giving him time?
Sorry but at this level you don't get time anymore. Sorry to go back to it..Mancini came in mid season and changed it immediately and this is the only thing I can compare it to.Moving on from that I see no change in performances whatsoever but a further investment.

I'm happy to agree with whatever the Sheikh decides, yes, if that makes me stupid, then i'm stupid, i think he's earnt the right don't you?

If you think a managerial decision isn't put under his nose first then you're very naive, afterall it's only his business?

We're told that Mansour watches every game, just like a supporter, and just like any supporter, he would no doubt want his opinion on the club's manager heard. In his case, supporting the club with billions of his own dirhams means that he really can have his say.
Summerbuzz said:
BillyShears said:
Agree with nearly all of that ... two things specifically I disagree with. Firstly, I think that success in the CL does help you recruit better players - simply because those players get to see you playing in the glamour ties which whether consciously or subconsciously makes you a glamour side yourself. I've little doubt that Cavani's move to PSG would never have happened had they not performed as they did in the CL ... it was a marker of sorts about their quality.

The other thing I disagree with is the idea that Pellegrini or in fact the owners have prioritised the CL. For me it's a case of looking at the quality of the players you have and the volume of quality players you have and finding the right balance to make sure you do challenge on two fronts. It'd be IMO stupid to sack one manager for being shit in the CL whilst doing very well in the PL, and then employ another one telling them that one competition over the other is a priority.

So in short ... he needs to succeed in both competitions. What the owners/board perceive as success is anyone's guess but IMO a sustained title challenge plus reaching the knock out rounds of the CL will this season be considered a success. Failing in either one will be ... well, considered failure. Not that I think it'd effect the manager's position - just that he'd know he needed to do dramatically better in the following season.

Well, Cavani went to PSG, Falcao and plenty of others went to Monaco. Who knows why indeed. I will say that Real had no problem recruiting world stars during long periods of inadequate CL performance. Why? Money, and prestige. I think. I've hinted before that I think money and prestige is doable for us - and hope that the other stuff will come out of that. I think doing it the other way round is going to be attrition - it won't save us money (look at this summer) and it will drive us fans insane much as Wenger and Benitez drove their fans potty.

I agree with your targets. I just wish they were different. The league and a huge dollop of prestige is there for the taking this year. But then again, the Derby is this weekend and is more valuable to our league challenge than Stoke away was.

And I can see, an away win tonight sets us up beautifully in the group. Our progression depends massively on beating the weaker teams, because against the top teams, it's anybody's guess what will happen. an early win would mean we only needed to beat the two weaker teams at home and we'd have 9 points. A good result would also give much needed belief to the players in their ability in this competition.

But I disagree that Pelle is nailed on for 2 years. We have no way of knowing what happens from here. Out of the group and title race by the end of January, and the reasons for his appointment lie in pieces.

I have to laugh when Blueinsa says 'if he doesn't get us top four'. TOP FUCKING FOUR? You thought the last guy deserved shooting for failing to challenge for the league, we spend 100m, and the new target is... top 4. Just...


My sentiments exactly , the two are not mutually exclusive or negatively correlated.

if anything good league form is paramount for a confident follow up in the Chumps League up next.

We beat Stoke 3-0 last Saturday and the mindset would be far different than coming off the worst 0-0 performance I can remember since the takeover.
Lancet Fluke said:
Summerbuzz said:
mancity1 said:
he has a harem of bodies and is wise enough to back the right horse enough times to achieve most of waht he sets out to do.
mate that is the best mixed metaphor I have heard in a long time... what is he doing with horses in his harem and what exactly is he setting out to do to them?

And while you're at it can you please translate this for me?

mancity1 said:
Either he will or won't and if so their is light abound and it will blind us for the better.

If you have singled out Garcia for that signpost and his is carrying a torch without a battery then fair enough but it could have been worded a tad better.
Thats the most acute case of brentitus I've seen for sometime.
blueinsa said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dancity19 said:
You obviously don't want city to fail. But I think part of you would be satisfied in a perverse way if pellegrini fails as it would be revenge for the Mancini sacking. Anyway, that's not the point. You seemed so behind pellegrini in the summer???

I am not filled with confidence at the moment, it has been a very poor start, like I said, no one can deny that! But after 4 games it is a little rash, I think, to claim he isn't up to it. Give it 10 games, if we haven't improved then I think a lot of questions will be asked. It's been a poor start, but we have only played 4 games!

That is really bizarre. If I felt that way I would just fuck it off completely. Not waste my time or money and spend it with my family instead.
Do you really honestly think I hate the club I have adored all my life,supported since I was 7 just because they sacked Mancini??
Mancini was a winner-that is a fact-ok not in Europe.
He is toast,history but for some it is though he didn't exist. They slag him,I will defend him.
I want Pellegrini to be a success but I have zero confidence at the moment.

Bullshit fella.

A poster came on the other day and stated very clearly he would be gone for Christmas to which you replied, "hopefully".

You want him to fail and you want him gone. The "hopefully" comment spells that out very clearly.

At least have the balls to admit it.


St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
blue underpants said:
No they are not, his body language today said as much
The guy might be a nice fella but he is miles out of his depth and will be gone before Christmas

How the fuck does that mean he wants him to fail?
He just doesn't rate him

I remember Folk on here saying Get this Italian C UNT out of my club last season
What do you think abt that?
Personally I think we should separate the Ferran/Txiki arguments from the Pellegrini debate.

Irrespective of how we fare under Pellegrini the manager or head coach is a short term affair on a 3 year cycle. Ferran and Txiki are charged with ensuring the financial and football well being of the club for the next decade and longer. Two totally separate and distinct job descriptions. The idea that Pellers failing will impact on F&T that they leave is a non starter. Ideally it would have been preferable if Mancini could have overseen the first team for a couple of more years but as we will know the reality of Mancini deferring to F&T was a pipe dream (albeit a pleasent one for a while) and Sheikh Mansour with his eye on the long term was only ever going to back F&T when push came to shove. The fact that Sheikh Mansour backed F&T over a title winning manager should tell you enough of the importance of F&T.

Pellegrini is here because F&T know him plus he was available, won't kick up a stink when, say, Barry is moved on and won't start calling out players in public and upsetting everyone (the poor lambs). In short he is a safe pair of hands. Much like Hodgson was described when he went to Liverpool. My own view is that Pellers won't cut it but has an excellent chance to get us out of the group stages of the CL and if he finishes top 3 the board will be viewing that as a success. What grates is the PR bollocks that soft soaped Pellers arrival "I bring you sexy football" and the majority of the media telling me he is an upgrade (just like Hodgson to Liverpool) and what an outstanding success he has been. This is frankly insulting and assumes I cannot read a CV. The next person to tell me getting a record points total to finish 2nd, or doing anything to finish fucking 2nd, I will hunt down and kill. I assume doing this does not breach the T&C of the site due to extenuating circumstances.

I support what F&T are trying to do. I get why Pellers is here. I do not get a hard on that he did 'wonders at Villareal' any more than I got a hard on that Hughes did 'wonders at Blackburn'. I do think we have a squad that can win the PL and will be pissed if we don't because the powers that be sacrificed the short term for the long term even if I acknowledge (begrudgingly) that it may be the correct course of action.

Finally a word for F&T. Next time you want a safe pair of hands employ Rafa. Yes he's a bit awkward and he won't be promising anything stupid like 'I bring you sexy football' but he will win stuff and the football will actually be pretty good. Fact.
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