Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

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I don't wanna get caught up in all this bitchfest shit, but it was actually 1-3 at West Ham .

As it happens; I actually thought there was an improvement second half, not that we could have been any worse mind. So Manuel must have done something right. Obviously Silva coming on helped, but I just felt we were better second half, even before his introduction.
Didsbury Dave said:
Ric said:
Skashion said:
Bitchfest Part #3,276,062

Frustrating, isn't it? Obviously it'd be absurd not to have a thread discussing the manager on a football forum, but it's getting tedious as fuck reading the same posters having the same tedious arguments. Any sensible debate is lost amongst the petty bitching and point scoring.

If you don't like it you can always fuck off to another forum.

Oh, wait...

Maybe we should just start a separate thread where the same posters can have their personal rows, whilst the rest of us discuss it rationally in here.
Didsbury Dave said:
waspish said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Don't be sour mate. We all fuck up sometimes.

The fact that you saw fit to come running to this thread during the game just adds a certain comedy, that's all.

I understand you are still grieving. It will pass.

We all do it even you but it's all fun on this forum where point making is what's its about! It's like when your a kid wanting the last word...

Those who I have a pop at know exactly why I do it. But fair enough, I'm the first to moan at people taking threads off track.

Whilst picking Milner on the left was an odd decision, maybe Pellegrini had no alternative tonight. I wanted silva to replace navas and Milner to swap sides in the second half, but in the event the change made worked well.

Our makeshift backline defended well in the main too tonight. Whilst a reserve game can only tell you so much, it was a decent night for the manager.

Our makeshift backline defended better once Ameobi was taken off and Silva and Milner started to exert some control in midfield. Prior to that they were getting woman slapped. Yet again the cunning punt forward and nod down caused mayhem in the first half. We do not defend well. We do not like pressure on us. It has been a common thread in every match we have played so far win. lose or draw. If you give us room and don't pressure us we are fine. Don't give us room and put pressure on us we are far from fine. We collapse into a soggy mess of ineptitude.

Ric said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ric said:
Frustrating, isn't it? Obviously it'd be absurd not to have a thread discussing the manager on a football forum, but it's getting tedious as fuck reading the same posters having the same tedious arguments. Any sensible debate is lost amongst the petty bitching and point scoring.

If you don't like it you can always fuck off to another forum.

Oh, wait...

Maybe we should just start a separate thread where the same posters can have their personal rows, whilst the rest of us discuss it rationally in here.

Nah mate. Everone knows this is the thread for long-standing grudges, digging up dead arguments and overreacting maniacally and gleefully to any result. It should be called 'Son of "does anyone seriously want Mancini out",' or maybe grandson.

You want a sensible one, you start your own. Just make this a sticky, call it "Cabal Aggro", announce that the Code of Conduct doesn't apply and watch those hits grow.
BobKowalski said:
Didsbury Dave said:
waspish said:
We all do it even you but it's all fun on this forum where point making is what's its about! It's like when your a kid wanting the last word...

Those who I have a pop at know exactly why I do it. But fair enough, I'm the first to moan at people taking threads off track.

Whilst picking Milner on the left was an odd decision, maybe Pellegrini had no alternative tonight. I wanted silva to replace navas and Milner to swap sides in the second half, but in the event the change made worked well.

Our makeshift backline defended well in the main too tonight. Whilst a reserve game can only tell you so much, it was a decent night for the manager.

Our makeshift backline defended better once Ameobi was taken off and Silva and Milner started to exert some control in midfield. Prior to that they were getting woman slapped. Yet again the cunning punt forward and nod down caused mayhem in the first half. We do not defend well. We do not like pressure on us. It has been a common thread in every match we have played so far win. lose or draw. If you give us room and don't pressure us we are fine. Don't give us room and put pressure on us we are far from fine. We collapse into a soggy mess of ineptitude.


Agreed it was a relief when Ameobi went off. I also thought Lescott and Boyata improved from this point. So I was wondering; why did Pardew take him off when he was causing so many problems? Fitness maybe?
People were going on in the match day thread about how awful the football was and they weren't convinced by Pellegrini, etc. Two replies to that:

1. Today's performance was really an exception to the rule, as we've been playing good football for the most part even when we've lost (usually through terrible errors by Hart or a defender). This is the only truly dour performance in a while.

2. We had boring and poor performances like this last season... in fact the football was pretty dull for the most part last season with a few exceptions. The Aston Villa game in the League Cup which wasn't on TV, but which some of us were unfortunate enough to attend, made today's performance look like Bayern Munich it was so bad.

We do have to sort the defence out quickly, though. We got a clean sheet today but a better team wouldn't have allowed us that. The high balls and crosses are a serious problem. Kompany will be back soon, which will help (as may Demichelis' experience), but this is a position we should look to bolster, if not in January then next summer with someone who can play the high line comfortably.
BobKowalski said:
Didsbury Dave said:
waspish said:
We all do it even you but it's all fun on this forum where point making is what's its about! It's like when your a kid wanting the last word...

Those who I have a pop at know exactly why I do it. But fair enough, I'm the first to moan at people taking threads off track.

Whilst picking Milner on the left was an odd decision, maybe Pellegrini had no alternative tonight. I wanted silva to replace navas and Milner to swap sides in the second half, but in the event the change made worked well.

Our makeshift backline defended well in the main too tonight. Whilst a reserve game can only tell you so much, it was a decent night for the manager.

Our makeshift backline defended better once Ameobi was taken off and Silva and Milner started to exert some control in midfield. Prior to that they were getting woman slapped. Yet again the cunning punt forward and nod down caused mayhem in the first half. We do not defend well. We do not like pressure on us. It has been a common thread in every match we have played so far win. lose or draw. If you give us room and don't pressure us we are fine. Don't give us room and put pressure on us we are far from fine. We collapse into a soggy mess of ineptitude.


Well for a start it was a reserve back four, and three of them have played almost no league football this year. And I am struggling to remember a chance Newcastle had, apart from that one in extra time. Where the back four did struggle was their distribution, mainly because all four of them are very poor passers. That's what kept the ball coming back at us in the first 30 minutes, and was compounded because the reserve midfield kept giving it away.

After half time Newcastle barely threatened and we defended their setpieces fine. And the silva sub changed the game

I hate to sound a bit trite, but we have just gone up to Newcastle with a reserve back seven, kept a clean sheet and not come under much pressure at all. That will do me.

We are making defensive errors in the league but that's not something that was relevant in tonight's game.

As an aside, What I did like was that we looked a lot fitter than Newcastle.
Wretched Vengeance said:
BobKowalski said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Those who I have a pop at know exactly why I do it. But fair enough, I'm the first to moan at people taking threads off track.

Whilst picking Milner on the left was an odd decision, maybe Pellegrini had no alternative tonight. I wanted silva to replace navas and Milner to swap sides in the second half, but in the event the change made worked well.

Our makeshift backline defended well in the main too tonight. Whilst a reserve game can only tell you so much, it was a decent night for the manager.

Our makeshift backline defended better once Ameobi was taken off and Silva and Milner started to exert some control in midfield. Prior to that they were getting woman slapped. Yet again the cunning punt forward and nod down caused mayhem in the first half. We do not defend well. We do not like pressure on us. It has been a common thread in every match we have played so far win. lose or draw. If you give us room and don't pressure us we are fine. Don't give us room and put pressure on us we are far from fine. We collapse into a soggy mess of ineptitude.


Agreed it was a relief when Ameobi went off. I also thought Lescott and Boyata improved from this point. So I was wondering; why did Pardew take him off when he was causing so many problems? Fitness maybe?

Possibly fitness but I think the introduction of Silva was the catalyst. It caused Pardew to rethink his gameplan and caused a loss of momentum which allowed us to start getting a grip of the game. Moving Milner to CM as part of this substitution also helped. Milner brought more energy and authority to the center and Silva more creativity to the game plus the psychological impact of him just been on the pitch cannot be underestimated.

That said we still had some dicey moments but at least the wretchedness of the first half was largely gone.
LoveCity said:
People were going on in the match day thread about how awful the football was and they weren't convinced by Pellegrini, etc. Two replies to that:

1. Today's performance was really an exception to the rule, as we've been playing good football for the most part even when we've lost (usually through terrible errors by Hart or a defender). This is the only truly dour performance in a while.

2. We had boring and poor performances like this last season... in fact the football was pretty dull for the most part last season with a few exceptions. The Aston Villa game in the League Cup which wasn't on TV, but which some of us were unfortunate enough to attend, made today's performance look like Bayern Munich it was so bad.

We do have to sort the defence out quickly, though. We got a clean sheet today but a better team wouldn't have allowed us that. The high balls and crosses are a serious problem. Kompany will be back soon, which will help (as may Demichelis' experience), but this is a position we should look to bolster, if not in January then next summer with someone who can play the high line comfortably.

I'll let you into a secret. We do not have to play exhilarating football all the time. Sometimes you just take the result and sod the performance. We got through and have a nice jammy QF draw. Champers all round.

You do not have to defend Pellers everytime we stink the place out performance wise and win. Under Mancini we did sometimes battle to a dour 1-0 or 2-0 win especially early on. As a fan of Bobby's I never saw the need to rush in here and defend a meh performance. Fuck it we won. The end.

It would be most helpful if you and others stop being so fucking precious about Pellers because trust me there will be future occasions when it will go totally tits up and Pellers will take his lumps as Mancini did before him and his successor will after him. Its just the way it is.
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