Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 4)

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Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
Pablo1 said:
Not at all Billy. The strange thing for me is out of all the players to come out and mention how inspirational the talk beforehand was, his performance was probably the least inspiring on the pitch, certainly for 40. Minutes or so.
So no problem, just an observation.

His performance may have been the least inspiring to you - but I'll ask once again - why the need for the snide comment? Does it hurt your feelings that one of the players praised something Pellegrini did because frankly, that's how your comment comes off.

Not looking to start a fight btw, just genuinely baffled as to why you'd make a snarky comment like that. Surely if Pellegrini's dishing out inspirational team talks and we're subsequently beating teams 6 - 0 this is something to be happy about. Not something to instantly find fault in.

He spat the phrase through gritted teeth, Billy. We all know why ;-)
Who spat what phrase? What do we know?
Pellegrini's transfer dealings haven't received enough praise for me.

He has brought in five players from foreign shores who,with the exception of injury to one,have adapted superbly and are looking like they have been here years.To a man each of them also look like team players who are here predominantly to play football and give their best for the club.

It seems he has the ability to spot players with excellent character to compliment ability,a winning combo and superb work from the boss.
FantasyIreland said:
Pellegrini's transfer dealings haven't received enough praise for me.

He has brought in five players from foreign shores who,with the exception of injury to one,have adapted superbly and are looking like they have been here years.To a man each of them also look like team players who are here predominantly to play football and give their best for the club.

It seems he has the ability to spot players with excellent character to compliment ability,a winning combo and superb work from the boss.
Completely agree with this.

As to Yaya, he was definitely off the pace for the first half hour or so.
FantasyIreland said:
Pellegrini's transfer dealings haven't received enough praise for me.

He has brought in five players from foreign shores who,with the exception of injury to one,have adapted superbly and are looking like they have been here years.To a man each of them also look like team players who are here predominantly to play football and give their best for the club.

It seems he has the ability to spot players with excellent character to compliment ability,a winning combo and superb work from the boss.
No complaints with the players he's brought in, obviously Jovetic aside who we haven't seen through injury I've been impressed with them all. Fernandinho and Negredo being the stand outs.
I cant be arsed arguing any more. I know what we have with Pellegrini and I know what we are building right now under his leadership and im going to enjoy it.

It would appear that Yaya and the players are too.
FantasyIreland said:
Pellegrini's transfer dealings haven't received enough praise for me.

He has brought in five players from foreign shores who,with the exception of injury to one,have adapted superbly and are looking like they have been here years.To a man each of them also look like team players who are here predominantly to play football and give their best for the club.

It seems he has the ability to spot players with excellent character to compliment ability,a winning combo and superb work from the boss.

I think it's fair if everyone involved in this summer's transfer dealings (Txiki, Ferran, MP, Khaldoon) should all get a pat on the back. Not just for how well the new players have equipped themselves, but also for managing to get excellent value for money with nearly every signing.
FantasyIreland said:
Pellegrini's transfer dealings haven't received enough praise for me.

He has brought in five players from foreign shores who,with the exception of injury to one,have adapted superbly and are looking like they have been here years.To a man each of them also look like team players who are here predominantly to play football and give their best for the club.

It seems he has the ability to spot players with excellent character to compliment ability,a winning combo and superb work from the boss.

It would be interesting to know how much influence he had on them, but it was undoubtedly some.

Negredo is looking like one of the club's best buys in years. 10/10
Fernandinho is looking like he could be mainstay for years. 10/10
Navas has ability but has been very patchy. Hopefully is settling in to England 7/10
Di Michaelis is well past it but was better than signing noone 5/10

The odd one is Jovetic. Whilst Ive only really seen one and a half full games and a few cameos, and he looks a nice enough player, I cannot at this time see where he will fit into our team and system.

Overall I'm very pleased with the signings. If you get 3 right out of 5 you are doing well.
blueinsa said:
I cant be arsed arguing any more. I know what we have with Pellegrini and I know what we are building right now under his leadership and im going to enjoy it.

It would appear that Yaya and the players are too.
There's no need to argue about anything. Yaya said his team talk was inspiring which is great news. The one thing I've been concerned about is his apparent lack of personality when he's in front of the press. As long as he acts different behind closed doors to the players then that concerns gone.
My only point was that of all the players to mention the team talk it was one who didn't look very inspired. It was more to do with Yaya than Pellegrini - who just to reiterate, I'm more than happy with.
FantasyIreland said:
Pellegrini's transfer dealings haven't received enough praise for me.

He has brought in five players from foreign shores who,with the exception of injury to one,have adapted superbly and are looking like they have been here years.To a man each of them also look like team players who are here predominantly to play football and give their best for the club.

It seems he has the ability to spot players with excellent character to compliment ability,a winning combo and superb work from the boss.

Cant complain with any of them (even Jovetic who will eventually be a superb player for us).

A much older (ready made) profile of signings than we've been used to over the past few years, but I reckon with a full season under his belt Pellegrini might bring in a few unknowns as well.
Pablo1 said:
blueinsa said:
I cant be arsed arguing any more. I know what we have with Pellegrini and I know what we are building right now under his leadership and im going to enjoy it.

It would appear that Yaya and the players are too.
There's no need to argue about anything. Yaya said his team talk was inspiring which is great news. The one thing I've been concerned about is his apparent lack of personality when he's in front of the press. As long as he acts different behind closed doors to the players then that concerns gone.
My only point was that of all the players to mention the team talk it was one who didn't look very inspired. It was more to do with Yaya than Pellegrini - who just to reiterate, I'm more than happy with.

In front of the press he is professional and polite. he answers questions truthfully and he very cleverly manages those who are starting to piss him off and then he goes about organising us and getting us playing like we did on Sunday.

Of course we could have a personality like Holloway but that's all he is......

He isn't here to make people smile and giiggle, he isn't our "Happy Harry", he is here to do a job.
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