Discuss Pellegrini

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
jake28 said:
MadchesterCity said:
Which we should have done

And if it meant getting rid of a few high profile players then so be it. At least players who then came to the club would know the manager had the power.

From what I heard those players included Vinny,Hart,Nasri and Dzeko....Oh well theres the door boys.

Like others have said you need only look at the piss can example. **** of the highest order but there was no doubts who the boss was. If the players got a bit too big for their boots he'd show them the door. No player is bigger than the club and thats the way it should be.
hilts said:
bluemoon32 said:
Pellegrini will last about as long as it takes for him to piss off the players, once he does that they'll go squealing to people above him and he'll be a goner.
Player power rules at City.

But at least the players are happy now, who cares about results their well being is my only concern

yep-hey but it's a transitional season fella so easy street it is.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
hilts said:
bluemoon32 said:
Pellegrini will last about as long as it takes for him to piss off the players, once he does that they'll go squealing to people above him and he'll be a goner.
Player power rules at City.

But at least the players are happy now, who cares about results their well being is my only concern

yep-hey but it's a transitional season fella so easy street it is.

Lets just hopethe transition isn't from Premiership to Championship.
MadchesterCity said:
jake28 said:
MadchesterCity said:
Which we should have done

And if it meant getting rid of a few high profile players then so be it. At least players who then came to the club would know the manager had the power.

Which is exactly what they should have done if that was what was required. I agree that would have given Mancini further power but think the two amigos did him up like a kipper

I think a few people got a bit giddy when these two turned up. So they worked at Barca. Big deal. We are not Barca and the PL is not La Liga. Barca have done well enough without these guys.

Choosing Pellegrini is a huge gamble on their part. They ousted a guy who may not have been popular with the players but wins stuff and shows a bit of emotion, which the fans like. If Pelle carries on like this he will be toast and so will they, eventually. Their next appointment will be crucial.
didactic said:
robbieh said:
When his name was first put forward, I thought why the hell would we want to sack a serial winner and replace him with the Chilean version of Juande Ramos. However not wanting to appear a bad loser went along with the Cabals version, that Pelle is a football genius. To be fair to that small group of Mancini dislikers, Txiki and most of the media and the players seemed to concur.

Having now seen the first games of his reign the obvious thing is that whereas when Roberto came in he organised a fairly shambolic defence, Pelle seems to have made our defence appear extremely vulnerable.

That wouldn't be so bad if something were offered in return. But in fact we look pretty disorganized all over the park.

I can't help feeling that the signings have been good. The question is whether we have a Joe Venglos or an Arsene Wenger running things from the side.

Mancini's ego got to him he didn't get the backing he believed he deserved and rightfully or wrongly popped off in public. Now all of us know you cannot undermine your bosses in public. Still think he could take us further.

the thing is mancini was a winner right or wrong about the ego he won us the premier league fa cup community shield 3 champions league spots 3rd 1st 2nd never a play off place

in the 4 years he built a team of winners a back bone of a great team 2nd to none and just needed backing at the right times they say 3 years is about the right time to build another team with the back bone he had so last summer should have been a clear out and new blood sign before pre season

we all knew mancini plan the list of players on mancini wish list but some bright spark in marwood fucked up big time and in the end panic sign crap and mancini lost the control of the club behind the sceens

I keep saying it our new manager will not see out christmas
RandomJ said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
jake28 said:
And if it meant getting rid of a few high profile players then so be it. At least players who then came to the club would know the manager had the power.

From what I heard those players included Vinny,Hart,Nasri and Dzeko....Oh well theres the door boys.

Like others have said you need only look at the piss can example. **** of the highest order but there was no doubts who the boss was. If the players got a bit too big for their boots he'd show them the door. No player is bigger than the club and thats the way it should be.

Correct pal-which is why they won so many things...not a t city...tails wags the dog unfortunately.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
RandomJ said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
From what I heard those players included Vinny,Hart,Nasri and Dzeko....Oh well theres the door boys.

Like others have said you need only look at the piss can example. **** of the highest order but there was no doubts who the boss was. If the players got a bit too big for their boots he'd show them the door. No player is bigger than the club and thats the way it should be.

Correct pal-which is why they won so many things...not a t city...tails wags the dog unfortunately.

If that's the case then we buy a new dog that has no tail , our owners who employ the dog can afford it.
bluemoon32 said:
Pellegrini will last about as long as it takes for him to piss off the players, once he does that they'll go squealing to people above him and he'll be a goner.
Player power rules at City.

Maybe so, but Joe Brutus Hart will need to keep his A game going or the current regime won't support the guy who went behind Mancini's back. Once you are in debt to these sort of people you are in trouble.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
jake28 said:
MadchesterCity said:
Which we should have done

And if it meant getting rid of a few high profile players then so be it. At least players who then came to the club would know the manager had the power.

From what I heard those players included Vinny,Hart,Nasri and Dzeko....Oh well theres the door boys.

the pisscan despite his faults as a human being if you can call him that got it right, he got shot when needed, if we can believe that hart, lescott,nasri,vinny and dzeko were causing problems and it is a big if, then i would happily have got rid of hart,nasri,dzeko and lescott, let him get rvp, de rossi or whoever he fancied

This is history though it didn't happen certain players got their wish, i am just wondering why with this new found love they are to a man playing well below par, what is their next excuse

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