Discuss Pellegrini

Ducado said:
blue underpants said:
Ducado said:
Bloody hell the hysterics are getting worse
No they are not, his body language today said as much
The guy might be a nice fella but he is miles out of his depth and will be gone before Christmas
Like I have said before you and others are making snap judgements
Sorry mate but i have never made a snap decision in my life i am too long in the tooth for that, i have watched this team since 1960 and this smacks of and is on a par with the late great Malcolm Allison replacing the even greater Joe Mercer, it stinks and if people think Pellers is anywhere near as good as Mancini they need to have a look at themselves
The people who came on this board and slagged Mancini off thinking the grass would be greener once we got rid of the best manager since Joe should hang their heads in shame, its 4 games in and its like a massive kick in the bollocks on a cold Winters day.....its fuckin painful
come on fellow blues we all have our own opinions and none of us are happy with the way that we played BUT lets look on the bright side and be positive.
we are never the same team without our captain and the one game we had it every other team were scared of us after the 4-0.
we have been unlucky with injurys and played very poor yet we are still 4 th drawing with the rags and 2 points of top of the league.
cardiff looks like a hard place to go and we all no stoke has never been easy for us.
our players are only going to adabt more to the system.
all we can do now is hope for the injuries to stop and and pellegrini keeps his promises
Ducado said:
Right lets get this straight

There are quite a few on here tonight who think we should get rid of Pellegrini?

I think it's rather harsh after 4 games, but you are entitled to your opinions, so he walks, what then? Who is going to take his place?

I think a fairer assessment of the situation would be that we have lost our captain and have had a few more injuries.

I am sure Pellegrini will be a pragmatist and will know when things are working or not working and will make adjustments to suit

I will go back to the point that time is needed and that many a title winning team has had a very poor start (the rags were famous for it) and some teams have had excellent starts but have run out of gas by November

So to clarify are you saying if kompany was out for a season and a couple more were injured we should expect shit performances, do we have a squad or not? how many games did vidic play last year, is camel gob a permanent fixture? looking at the hull and cardiff games what adjustments has pellegrini made?
getting rid of Bobby aint looking like a good move just now is it tbf

but it's early days and maybe the whole holistic thing will click into gear before father christmas comes

I don't believe that we have upgraded but I genuinely hope I'm wrong
andyhinch said:
MP is a world beater, get off his case it's 4 games in for fucks sake, half of you are like plastic rags on here, I'll support them if there in the northern conformance

A world beater? What are you basing this on considering he's won sweet FA in his career? He seems like a likeable guy but he seems so out of his depth it's really worrying. Hope he turns it round with two big games coming up but it's not looking good.
hilts said:
Ducado said:
Right lets get this straight

There are quite a few on here tonight who think we should get rid of Pellegrini?

I think it's rather harsh after 4 games, but you are entitled to your opinions, so he walks, what then? Who is going to take his place?

I think a fairer assessment of the situation would be that we have lost our captain and have had a few more injuries.

I am sure Pellegrini will be a pragmatist and will know when things are working or not working and will make adjustments to suit

I will go back to the point that time is needed and that many a title winning team has had a very poor start (the rags were famous for it) and some teams have had excellent starts but have run out of gas by November

So to clarify are you saying if kompany was out for a season and a couple more were injured we should expect shit performances, do we have a squad or not? how many games did vidic play last year, is camel gob a permanent fixture? looking at the hull and cardiff games what adjustments has pellegrini made?

The rags had cover for Vidic in Evans Jones and Smalling our cover Demechelis (however it's spelt) and Micah are also injured and Lescott is totally Left footed.
Let's be just a little wacky here and suggest that it's not the manager but the players who have little appetite. We keep going on about players who are legends of Manchester City after 1-2 great seasons. There are to many happy to pass the ball sideways in the hope that someone else will do something and they won't be noticed doing fuck all.
Why do people keep bringing up the Kompany injury as the root of all our problems? Last time I checked Kompany doesn't score many goals for us and at the moment our biggest problem is we can't string a half decent attack together. We didn't even test Stokes keeper ffs.
RandomJ said:
andyhinch said:
MP is a world beater, get off his case it's 4 games in for fucks sake, half of you are like plastic rags on here, I'll support them if there in the northern conformance

A world beater? What are you basing this on considering he's won sweet FA in his career? He seems like a likeable guy but he seems so out of his depth it's really worrying. Hope he turns it round with two big games coming up but it's not looking good.

You see, I don't think you and quite a few other do hope he turns it around, what your hoping for is some vindication that the hurt you felt would be justified when Roberto got the boot, I have read enough on here to draw my own conclusions about what is going on.

And when it does turn around which it will in my opinion you and the rest will be nowhere to be seen, it's exactly the same thing that happened before, we win a few games the outers are nowhere to be seen.

Sure it's fine to air your disappointment, I am not that happy with the last few games, but I know that 4 games in is not the time to be calling for the managers head on a platter
morleyswife said:
de niro said:
Georgian Maestro said:
Are you for real?

you can live on former glories if you like but I say it as it is. we are fucking shite. no direction, no oooph no nowt.

Take your head for a wobble

You are respected as a mod on here. So either stop fucking going or put something constructive up

If you had a rant over 1 performance fair enough. But it's not

You're right. It's not ONE. It's THREE on the bounce.

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