Discuss Pellegrini

SuperMario's Fireworks. said:
robbieh said:
One of the things that may surprise Pelle is the style of play by the lower level teams.

In Spain i have seen teams like Jerez attempt to play football against the likes of Barca and Madrid. It usually ends in disaster with Messi or Ronaldo scoring 5.

Here that doesn't happen. It is commitment and park the bus time. There is absolutely no way Messi would score 50 goals a season here.

MP needs to wake up to this fact pretty quickly. It is not necessarily the beautiful game here. Arsenal can vouch for that. Prgmatism as practiced by Ferguson and Mourinho works better.

completely agree, In spain though the culture is different, he will adapt, Im looking forward to stoke away, thats the sort of the test we need.
I don't think there's any one culture in Spain like there isn't in England. I've seen countless Barcelona matches follow an extremely similar pattern to yesterday, difference being they have Messi + Iniesta so rarely fail to break them down. Although one in particular stands out when Levante sucker-punched them like Cardiff did to us, it happens now and again.
I'm gonna put my head on the block and suggest there wasn't too much wrong with the way we went about the game yesterday - yes a few players had an off day - but we got round the bus and scored what should've been the winner.

It was three defensive lapses that cost us, not the tactics, the formation or their manager being a fking genius (as a few on here would have us believe). MP saw it all coming, would expect them to use pace against a makeshift back two. FFS they scored 3 goals from 1,2 and 3 yards out.

It happens. We'll learn. Start again next game round.
blue underpants said:
Ducado said:
blue underpants said:
There is also evidence that Mancini would have sorted that shower out tactically and gone on to win it.....comfortably
Are you still pissed Norris? It was just a carbon copy of some away games last season
No im still pissed off that we sacked a man who wasnt afraid of having a go at these under performing couldnt give a shit so called footballers
Imagine Grandad Pellers laying into this lot at Carrington today, it willbe like being savaged by a dead sheep
Incredible.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:55 pm --<br /><br />
Ducado said:
Skashion said:
Fucking hell, is this really how we're going to go on? Pellegrini being slagged off by Inners, Mancini being slagged off by Outers. I knew it was inevitable on a small-scale level. After all, there are some absolute numpties who refused to support Mancini because they supported Hughes, they were just very few in number. But fook me, really, this is how this forum's going to be from now on after every result? Good result = Outers scoring points. Bad result = Inners scoring points. Get over yourselves and support the club not your fucking egos.
It's not often I agree with you but you are a 100% spot on and I have been saying similar, last week we had Dave & billy gloating and trying to rub people's noses in it, this week we have the most vociferous inners at it, nothing to do with the club they claim to support
It's beyond belief. 2 games in and we're attacking the manager.
Sacking Mancini in these circumstances was always going to be a problem. The bickering will go on all season long the minute something goes wrong. I miss Bobby, though.
stonerblue said:
SaddleworthBlueRhino said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
All the main forum consists of nowadays is tit-for-tat stupidity, post-match navel gazing and playing the blame game.
Resurrecting old feuds just to prove some arcane point or other.
It's Groundhog Day, Bluemoon style, and it is beyond boring.
+ Me

I'm in.

Me too
"Keep calm and carry on"
BillyShears said:
Damocles said:
BillyShears said:
Doesn't really account for the various businesses which Vinny is involved in. I think it's very easy to criticise England players because of how high profile they are in England. I daresay if you were to go to Portugal, Spain, and Italy, you'd find some of their biggest international players involved in off the field commercial stuff.

Anyway the discussion on Joe feel moot to me. Think it's nigh on impossible he'll be dropped anytime soon.

Maybe we can just the caveat of "other entertainment industries". I'm aware that people invest in charity work to little detriment and small projects but as soon as the media glare of "more than a footballer" attaches to them, they seem to forget that they are a footballer first.

I'm sure Soriano would term it brand diversification causing a loss of focus on the core product or some such.

Perhaps those on the continent are able to deal with it better as the focus never leaves them and it's just the English players who struggle with it? Either way, they all seem to go wank after they start their little projects

Vinny owns a music/record company, is involved in film production, and is mentoring one particular artist in Belgium.

I think with regard to England players the problem isn't really what other businesses they're involved in, more the cultural aspects of being a footballer in England. Bottom line is English footballers drink, fuck, and party far more than their top level counterparts in Europe. This is a problem and it's why in my opinion many of them never develop fully or fulfil their potential. Not sure this is the case with Joe mind you, just a general observation.
Didn't Vinny buy a Belgian team last year too? Afaik Milner is teetotal but he is the exception rather than the rule, just look at Adam Johnson or shrek.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:15 pm --<br /><br />
Plaything of the gods said:
blue underpants said:
Ducado said:
Are you still pissed Norris? It was just a carbon copy of some away games last season
No im still pissed off that we sacked a man who wasnt afraid of having a go at these under performing couldnt give a shit so called footballers
Imagine Grandad Pellers laying into this lot at Carrington today, it willbe like being savaged by a dead sheep
You don't know that. I had heard that he is firm but fair, and not afraid to tackle awkward situations or bench names if they don't perform. What he does NOT do is bad mouth his players in public; good managers don't undermine the people who work for them.
I for one hope he bollocked them at half time yesterday.
RegMuffin said:
I'm gonna put my head on the block and suggest there wasn't too much wrong with the way we went about the game yesterday - yes a few players had an off day - but we got round the bus and scored what should've been the winner.

It was three defensive lapses that cost us, not the tactics, the formation or their manager being a fking genius (as a few on here would have us believe). MP saw it all coming, would expect them to use pace against a makeshift back two. FFS they scored 3 goals from 1,2 and 3 yards out.

It happens. We'll learn. Start again next game round.

i was referring to the OP;s tactical awareness
RegMuffin said:
I'm gonna put my head on the block and suggest there wasn't too much wrong with the way we went about the game yesterday - yes a few players had an off day - but we got round the bus and scored what should've been the winner.

It was three defensive lapses that cost us, not the tactics, the formation or their manager being a fking genius (as a few on here would have us believe). MP saw it all coming, would expect them to use pace against a makeshift back two. FFS they scored 3 goals from 1,2 and 3 yards out.

It happens. We'll learn. Start again next game round.

fully agree.
Wait a minute, if MP expected them to use pace against a makeshift defence then why did he play Garcia and Lescott, the slowest pairing since Fatboy Bob and Larry No Legs played for the Cock Robin pub team in the 70s?
ban-mcfc said:
RegMuffin said:
I'm gonna put my head on the block and suggest there wasn't too much wrong with the way we went about the game yesterday - yes a few players had an off day - but we got round the bus and scored what should've been the winner.

It was three defensive lapses that cost us, not the tactics, the formation or their manager being a fking genius (as a few on here would have us believe). MP saw it all coming, would expect them to use pace against a makeshift back two. FFS they scored 3 goals from 1,2 and 3 yards out.

It happens. We'll learn. Start again next game round.

fully agree.

The way some on here have gone crackers over yesterdays game leaves me wondering how they'd handle a defeat in a must-win game.

This is football

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