Discuss Pellegrini

JULES said:
keneke1234 said:
i mean cmon, its been TWO games.... you cant judge the manager based on TWO freaking games... give the man some time, he will deliver once the team fully gets how the manager wants to play and they adjust to the somewhat new system.
Christ! theres a man on here talking sense, come on you lot GET HIM

More a case of not using ONE game to completely write off the achievements of the previous manager
LongsightM13 said:
It's wrong to say that was an away display from last season.
No, it was even orse. It was Wolves away from even earlier, the day Micah made Jarvis look like Messi.
Unimpressed to say the least with the manager today. Had no effect at half time, got every substitution drastically wrong.
Why the fuck were Aguero & Silva, our two worst players by a mile, still on the field?
Why remove Navas just as the game was opening up?
Why remove Fernandinho when a foothold was needed and Yaya was being a typically lazy, sideways, non-tackling Shithouse.
Nasri against a hard working team. Why?
Lazy, complacent, slow, spineless, ponderous, cowardly, physically cowardly.
I remember a multiple trophy winner getting sacked fir that kind of display.
Too many automatic choices, undroppable cruisers taking the piss.
Hart, Yaya, Silva etc need a spell on the bench away from home. Teach them humility if nothing else.
Can someone explain how this is progress?

I agree 100% and I'm not confident this type of performance will be a one off this season. We have much tougher tests than Cardiff away to come so no point in blindly having faith it will be turned around in a short space of time because it won't. A draw away at Stoke would be acceptable to some on here based on what happened today but it wouldn't be acceptable for that very same reason.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
blue underpants said:
Kin ell i need another drink before MOTD2

You will have a long wait mate-It's not on until tomorrow night!!

Thank Fuck for that.
Just saw it described on News at Ten as "one of the biggest upsets in Prem history"
those c"nts on MOTD will have a field day.
bobmcfc said:
FantasyIreland said:
It comes as little surprise at the people looking for a war again.

Pellegrini is a class act,id have hoped he'd have been a little further down the road with clearing up the mess,however,all will be good,i've no worries.

Todays shower - A blessing in disguise maybe?

It's never a blessing to be beaten and outplayed by a side with a 10th of the quality and with 100 times more belief and pride. Our players have absolutely took the piss out of us today, they didn't give us anything at all. They just turned up all billy big bollocks and expected Cardiff to roll over. Maybe bobby had it right, they need a rollicking and a good kick up the arse because they get paid an absolute mint to wear that shirt and run through walls. Man management is all very well and good but when you have to work with vapid, pampered arseholes like that day in day out it's very hard to keep a lid on your temper.

I am fuming as are alot of blues. We pandered them too much when we should have let roberto ship them out . Now I hope manuel has the spuds to do it

Whilst I agree that Cardiff played with a lot more passion and desire you are way off the mark to suggest we got outplayed. All Cardiff's goals came against the run of play and they were happy just to put 10 men behind ball. The fact we bossed possession seems to suggest we didn't get outplayed.
JULES said:
keneke1234 said:
i mean cmon, its been TWO games.... you cant judge the manager based on TWO freaking games... give the man some time, he will deliver once the team fully gets how the manager wants to play and they adjust to the somewhat new system.
Christ! theres a man on here talking sense, come on you lot GET HIM
But hes NOT talking sense, dosnt matter one jot if its 2 games or 22 games, there was a supposed title challenging team of internationals V The Welsh Dog n fuckin Duck and the Dog n DUCK SHOWED WHO WANTED IT MORE.
Like it or not thats what happened
this article has it spot on

'City Are Going To Win It All' was No) 7 on our list of Top Ten Knee-Jerk Reactions on Tuesday. We talked of 'verve', we talked of 'proper wingers' and we annoyed those who did not quite grasp the concept of the feature and thought we were genuinely saying that City would destroy all who faced them. At No) 3 on that list was 'Arsenal Are F*cked'. If we were to write the same feature again this week, those two knee-jerk reactions would be reversed. Which tells you everything you need to know about the pointlessness of trying to draw long-term conclusions from one match.

What happened at Cardiff on Sunday was utterly predictable in its unpredictability. We had so many of the ingredients for a shock (if one Premier League team beating another at home by a single goal should ever really be considered a shock): A ridiculously wonderful atmosphere, the first home game of the season for top-flight newcomers, visitors who have spent a shedload of money but could still only field an agonisingly slow centre-half pairing and, of course, a hugely overrated goalkeeper. 'Welcome to the Premier League' is Sky Sports' early message to Manuel Pellegrini, but we suspect he has already spotted that football has a curious habit of not always letting the superior side win.

"Nobody believes they can score two goals against us from set pieces - football is like that," said a pretty unruffled Pellegrini (and I swear that I only saw this quote after writing the paragraph above).

Gary Neville was at pains to point out that City were not actually playing badly in Cardiff and he was right. They dominated possession, they created chances and they took some of those chances. They were not as devastating as they were against Newcastle but then Cardiff did not allow them to be devastating; Gary Medel and Aron Gunnarsson were amongst those who worked so hard that they may now sleep for a week. Pablo Zabaleta had an uncharacteristically poor game and Joe Hart had a characteristically poor game. Cardiff took advantage just as they will have to do another nine or ten times if they want to survive in the Premier League. Their challenge is to create that atmosphere and play with that intensity when less sexy opposition comes to town.

The odds on City winning the title drifted after the result in Cardiff - presumably there are those who do not believe that City lost a single game two seasons ago or have forgotten that United conceded five goals in their first three games of last season. This week will bring feverish speculation about a big-money move for a centre-half and suggestions that Hull City will be able to 'get at' this City defence on Saturday, as if those two corners in Cardiff have destroyed everything Pellegrini has done this summer in terms of strengthening and preparation. Such is football and such is the media.

'Pellegrini's halo has slipped' tweeted one prominent national journalist after the game, presumably because he was the one flapping and floundering at a corner. It's at this point that we would like to say our own 'Welcome to the Premier League'.
blue underpants said:
Mike N said:
Two games into our new manager's reign and some fans are panicking like little girls.

Good God.
Some people are not panicking they are just concerned, a class team being beaten by a workman like team like Cardiff is worrying especially as we know that the rags, Chelsea, Spurs, lpool and the Arse would have rolled them over with ease

Have another read. Lots of people are panicking.

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