Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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baildon blue said:
Don't know if I should go or not to the West Ham game .
The last 8 weeks have really pissed me off .
Even when we were losing under the likes of Hughes .
I wasn't this pissed off .
Are they really worth spending your money on these next few matches .

Difficult to say. There is supposed to be some enjoyment in going to the match, if you genuinely don't think you will get any then fuck it off. The one thing I would say is that the next few matches have suddenly become hugely important, for unexpected reasons, so personally I think it is important to be there.
baildon blue said:
Don't know if I should go or not to the West Ham game .
The last 8 weeks have really pissed me off .
Even when we were losing under the likes of Hughes .
I wasn't this pissed off .
Are they really worth spending your money on these next few matches .

Eh? Do you only want to go if we always win!

Part of being a fan is supporting the team through thick and thin. Genuine City Fans know that.
Damocles said:
Shaelumstash said:
Damocles said:
Actually the whole point in context was that if you're not a dickhead to people then when things turn bad, you can always turn them back around because the players respect you and you respect them. When things go bad and you're Van Gaal then you're dead in the water.

If Mancini had Pellegrini's demeanour then he'd still be our manager despite his bad season. If Pellegrini had Mancini's demeanour he'd already have gotten the sack. Also worth noting that the things coming out of our boardroom are that Pellegrini won't be sacked and will be given another chance next year after a full summer behind him.

This feels weird having to explain it to people who think management of people in football is some crazily special environment totally different to management of people elsewhere, but if you want to get the best out of somebody then you have to treat them with respect. People know when they've done well and when they haven't and you banging on about it isn't helping anybody but your own frustrations.

Ferguson pointed out that people have changed and he's right to a degree but also football has become a much more psychologically focused. Even Mourinho doesn't bollock his players in that way and he's probably the best management psychologist out there working today.

It's funny to me that people talk about Pellegrini being a dinosaur because he's playing 4-4-2 and then on the other hand suggesting that he should be jumping around more on the touchline and shouting at people in the dressing room. It shows a very old fashioned and out of date understanding on the game as it is today.

You should maybe send your post to the managerial "dinosaurs" of Mourinho and Guadiola because I can guarantee both of them would be shouting and jumping around on the touchline had their team played like we did on Sunday.

You are correct that the drill sergeant style of management is outdated and doesn't work with millionaire footballers. However, the nice guy pushover with no back bone approach doesn't work either at the top level. Pellegrini and Woy Hodgson being two prime examples. It's fine during the good times with a happy camp, but when standards drop players need a manager they respect to make sure standards don't drop. Pellegrini clearly doesn't command that respect.

Can I have access to that dressing room camera you have please that allows you to know so much about how Pellegrini and Hodgson talk to their players after a disappointing result?

Because I suspect you've massively oversimplified and stereotyped them to suit your point. Pellegrini isn't somebody who will NEVER stand up to his players. He's a professional manager in one of the highest standards of sport in the entire world, if you can sum up what you think his problem is in management in a sentence then let's just say that nobody can suggest you're overthinking things.

Funny that people think he is such a pushover when he was recently quoted as saying:

“I’ve changed my character 100%; if not, I could never have become a manager” .

“At first, I made decisions based on emotion, when you have to take them calmly. When I made the transition from player to coach I evaluated myself and saw that I needed to improve my personality. I would fight with players – literally. I was 35 and you can’t be like that; you have young players to guide. You have to transmit calm. It’s not easy to slow your heart rate and maybe some see it as a flaw, passivity, but it’s among the best things I’ve done.”

Calm and pushover are not the same thing.
baildon blue said:
Don't know if I should go or not to the West Ham game .
The last 8 weeks have really pissed me off .
Even when we were losing under the likes of Hughes .
I wasn't this pissed off .
Are they really worth spending your money on these next few matches .

Get your arse down there. We're blues mate. We stick with em come hail, rain or sh*t.

Always have done, always will do.

Dream, believe, be proud!!

Together we fight to the end!!

flb said:
FanchesterCity said:
I don't think it'll hurt sales, but I generally agree with your sentiments.
This year's tickets for me and my son will be a struggle (complicated reasons). We're being asked to pay more, and I'd like to feel eager anticipation of yet another step forward on this great journey (new stand included!)....

But I don't feel like that. I feel negative towards City if I'm honest. They're going to take more money off me, and I've no clue who'll be in charge.
I love City, I'll always love them. I'll always support them.... but I might not always allow myself to be bent over and shafted in the process.

Plenty will argue we've got good prices... we have. Or that we have fantastic facilities... we do. But every family has a price point, and this season's performances have managed to sow just the tiniest little seed.... 'what IF I didn't renew.... ?'

The price isnt the most important thing, seeing players put effort in and sweating for the shirt is what makes me feel like a supporter, watching Dzeko,Kolorov and Yaya this year fucking ambling around has been nearly enough for me to say fuck it enoughs enough. Its a fucking disgrace tbh, the least they can do is make some effort. for me personally if i dont see significact changes next year in the type of player we buy then season tickets will drop right down my list of priorities.

Totally agree with your comments about putting the effort in as we have to put the effort in to be able afford the price to watch our team play.

I have struggled this year to get next years season card and I am being relocated but I have to do it as it is in my genes to be their, I cant give in too easily and it would cost me more in the long run as I would attend all League games anywhere.

The only issue I now have is whether or not to join Champs League Cup scheme as I have an issue with the way FFP as been implemented by the governing body to stop my team from competing so why would I fund such corruption.

Im fucking the CL scheme off mate, only going next season if we get through the group, maybe be Europa anyway so who knows !
flb said:
flb said:
The price isnt the most important thing, seeing players put effort in and sweating for the shirt is what makes me feel like a supporter, watching Dzeko,Kolorov and Yaya this year fucking ambling around has been nearly enough for me to say fuck it enoughs enough. Its a fucking disgrace tbh, the least they can do is make some effort. for me personally if i dont see significact changes next year in the type of player we buy then season tickets will drop right down my list of priorities.

Totally agree with your comments about putting the effort in as we have to put the effort in to be able afford the price to watch our team play.

I have struggled this year to get next years season card and I am being relocated but I have to do it as it is in my genes to be their, I cant give in too easily and it would cost me more in the long run as I would attend all League games anywhere.

The only issue I now have is whether or not to join Champs League Cup scheme as I have an issue with the way FFP as been implemented by the governing body to stop my team from competing so why would I fund such corruption.

Im fucking the CL scheme off mate, only going next season if we get through the group, maybe be Europa anyway so who knows !

If we finish 5th, I'm thinking the UEFA competition scheme might be about as popular as a sack of dog shit. But then, if you join it, you'll almost certainly be guaranteed a ticket should we get to the final.
I am against the appointments of either Sabella or Benitez as Pellegrini's replacement but if the club feels they are the right candidates then so be it.
baildon blue said:
I agree the players are just as much to blame as Pellergrini .
But his tactics this season have been poor .
And for the life of me i don't know what they do in training .
It's ok dropping Nasri but what about Yaya Toure .
Anyway i wrote this season off after Liverpool when we lost 2-1 .
Something got to be done soon .
Because our seasons going really stale .

Nice poem
hamad138 said:
Does Pep even wants to come to City?

In his books its written he hates clubs like chelsea where there is no history and a Money Guy controlling the club.

There a money guy controlling every club isnt there?!
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