Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2015/16

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Ah the desperation argument that the manager and owners know what they are doing so shouldn't be questioned, when did this light bulb moment happen for you?, my guess was about 2 seasons ago, was it a bump to the head?

I've always felt that the owners deserve the respect of having their decisions backed. It's hardly a controversial thing to say. With regards Pellegrini, as I say he's shown a tremendous amount of faith in Kelechi. That should be applauded rather than ridiculed.
They sold Negredo, Dzeko, and Jovetic over a six month period and replaced the three of them with Bony and Kelechi. How does that not show an incredible amount of faith in the kid?

In terms of him having played "much more" this season, i'm not entirely sure where and when these matches are in which he should've played but didn't, but considering we're top of the league, top of our CL group, and in both cups, it's not exactly a disaster if his game time has been a bit more limited than some know nowt on the terraces would've liked.

Your not very good at this are you? What has being top of the league got to do with anything in this context, if you are unaware of the games when we could have brought him on sooner I can only suggest you watch the games more closely, my view is that he could of played him more often with no detriment to results, I don't understand why you don't just copy and paste I am of the same opinion as pellegrini for every post, it would save you a lot of time
A simple example of what I'm talking about, iswas evident from Tuesday. We have Clichy & Mangala on the bench as well as DeBruyne & Delph. Delph comes on, & we also bring on a 97 ytear old centre back, to shore up the midfield.

That is so 'safe' it's beyond ridiculous. That should be Kean Bryan or George Evans. And iot shouldn't be a worry to use them, as both should nopw have had plenty of experience doing the same in cup games etc & been previously coached & analysed till their eyeballs fall out, after their previous cameo appearences, by Pellegrini & Vieira, so they are in no doubt what the job entails & the discipline required.

We can't trust either of those two for 5 mins, but we can trust Kolarov for 95.

Don't agree with this, I'm all for us having youngsters, but I believe people believe the drivel about us needing them so much that they believe we should idiotically throw them in during high stake games.
I've always felt that the owners deserve the respect of having their decisions backed. It's hardly a controversial thing to say. With regards Pellegrini, as I say he's shown a tremendous amount of faith in Kelechi. That should be applauded rather than ridiculed.

Like I say you seem to have had a complete change of outlook approx 2 seasons ago, huge coincidence no doubt, slight overkill with the tremendous amount of faith
Like I say you seem to have had a complete change of outlook approx 2 seasons ago, huge coincidence no doubt, slight overkill with the tremendous amount of faith

You keep referring to two years ago. Not entirely sure why that's relevant to the current discussion.

Just to refer back to you previous post with regards the comment "What has being top of the league got to do with anything in this context" - well it has everything to do with the discussion at hand. The club is set up and geared up to win and being top of the league suggests we're winning. So although we're all entitled to have personal preferences in any given situation, it shouldn't take away from the tremendous job that the manager or the owners are doing.

Also, might be best for you to let go of whatever emotional resentment you have towards me for something I posted three years ago as three years is a long time in football, in life, in most things. I've just done a little search and you've made a lot of very disparaging and personal comments about me and you don't know me from Adam and frankly, I didn't even know that I'd gotten under your skin to quite such an extent.
Wow, you don't get it do you? "Whole history of football". You know football is totally different now don't you? I've got this "idea" from well football its self. As for Kingsley Conan, he is a recognised youth star, much like Sterling. We played a 20 year old rather than De Bruyne. If you're going to us a comparison to Bryan perhaps not use one that's played first team football for PSG and Juventus before signing for Bayern on loan. He's even played in a CL final. He's an exception much like Iheancho or Pogba. Certainly not a above average u19's player.

You say I know nothing, look how much better Iheanacho was at EDS level. We played Schalke a few years back, they had a kid with an Afro, he was miles ahead of anyone on the pitch, miles better than Barker, Bryan et al. He's the level you need to be at. Watch him, Leroy Sane. He was stand out. He's the level that makes it.

I personally think Bryan playing 90 minutes(normally) at his own level in the youth champions league is better than 5 minutes for the first team. Seems the club agree.

As I say, you seem to take no consideration of squad moral, player freshness. Player values. (They are an asset after all) You only have a your own vision, apparently anyone disagreeing doesn't know what they are talking about.

Well, there's plenty of folk at City much more knowledgable than you or I that disagree with you.

Says who ? You are telling me for a fact that all of City's coaches believe that none of our kids should have been given minutes in first team ? But Pozo on the other hand deserved to be played centre forward v Everton as he is so much better than the rest ? BULLSHIT.

And bullshit Mane was better than our players, absolute fucking bullshit. He might have been one of the few players from the opposition ANY OPPOSITION who would get in our team, like Roberts. And he was rightly given a chance by uis club. Same with Iheanacho but utterly wrong in the case of Garcia & wrong that about 7 or 8 others have never been used ahead of him.

Football has changed. Yeah it's much easier for kids to potentially play as the pitches are perfect & you are not allowed to tackle them, & it's much less violent wheras Peter Barnes had his collarbone broken by a 'tackle' when he was young.
If he came through at City now, he would never have scored in a cup final.

And Delph, Fernando etc would end up at Halifax if they were trying to get through our system now.
Don't worry I will, it's obvious you get very annoyed when people don't share your opinion. Lots of expletives and derision of my opinions.

I disagree with you, those who are employed by one of the best run clubs in the World disagree with you, and yet I voice my opinion, and it's wasting your time?

I'll agree I haven't seen all of Denayer's games, I know he was left out in favour of experience for the Fenerbahçe game.

Kolarov hasn't been left out of any of our games. You don't like him, that much is clear. Still, proves my underlying point, you don't know what you're talking about.

Ignoring yours and my opinion of Kolarov's ability, we obviously differ, that's a discussion.
What is not a discussion. Txiki is our director of football, Pellegrini is our first team manager. Throughout the season their job consists of.

1. Results & performances. They both feel that Kolarov is best placed to help obtain our goals. (This is subjective).
2. Squad harmony. They both feel that keeping senior players fit and happy is important.(subjective too). Contributes to point 1.
3. Asset management. Kolarov is a seasoned international with over 3 years left on his contract. He needs to managed as such. Your suggestions devalue said asset greatly. This is terrible for the club. (This is not subjective).

Like it or not, footballers are assets and football is a business. If the club don't feel someone like Lopes is good enough, it would be detrimental to everyone involved if the best deal wasn't taken.

Your point would have some validity, if we weren't playing young players. The fact that you think Barker is better or more deserving of a place in the team than Garcia is totally irrelevant. You are a fan much like me. Your posts and inability to take anything on board prove you allow your emotions to influence your arguements. I would be much the same.

But Pellegrini, Txiki et Al aren't running on emotions, they take absolutely everything into account. We as fans chose to support City and hope that the club knows what it's doing. In the past the club has been a joke, I now personally trust the club.

Not particularly relevant here. A very good mate of mine used to be one of the youth physio's at City circa summer 07. He's a rag by the way, not a shit one though. He did his coaching badges in Chicago, at Chicago Fire at the time of Stoichkov. I tell you this to highlight him not being an utter clown. He'd heard of Sturridge, said he was liked at City, but told us Ish Miller was the big star, all clubs around Europe were sniffing around him. He'd just scored a hatrick for England u20's I think. Granted they're what 18 months apart, but at the time Miller was 19, so Sturridge was in and around the same teams.
My point, it shows how different senior and development football is.

And how completely wrong coaches often are about kids, in fact more often than not.
You keep referring to two years ago. Not entirely sure why that's relevant to the current discussion.

Just to refer back to you previous post with regards the comment "What has being top of the league got to do with anything in this context" - well it has everything to do with the discussion at hand. The club is set up and geared up to win and being top of the league suggests we're winning. So although we're all entitled to have personal preferences in any given situation, it shouldn't take away from the tremendous job that the manager or the owners are doing.

Also, might be best for you to let go of whatever emotional resentment you have towards me for something I posted three years ago as three years is a long time in football, in life, in most things. I've just done a little search and you've made a lot of very disparaging and personal comments about me and you don't know me from Adam and frankly, I didn't even know that I'd gotten under your skin to quite such an extent.

You aint got under my skin fella, I have a perfectly valid argument that we could have given kelechi or one of the other lads more time on the pitch without affecting results, it isn't radical, I am not suggesting going mental with it, but you just see everything as some bizarre attack on pellegrini and the owners which must be defended, how you don't get bored of it yourself I don't know , and as someone who isn't shy of having a go at posters You're being a tad hypocritical
And Delph, Fernando etc would end up at Halifax if they were trying to get through our system now.

Delph and Fernando both needed experience at Villa and Porto before they were ready to play premier league football at the level we are now. Neither would have got in as 18 year olds. It's exactly the same for most of our 18 year olds. There will be very few that make the jump from EDS to first team without getting experience out on loan.
You aint got under my skin fella, I have a perfectly valid argument that we could have given kelechi or one of the other lads more time on the pitch without affecting results, it isn't radical, I am not suggesting going mental with it, but you just see everything as some bizarre attack on pellegrini and the owners which must be defended, how you don't get bored of it yourself I don't know , and as someone who isn't shy of having a go at posters You're being a tad hypocritical

I think the owners and Pellegrini deserve more respect than is being shown in this discussion. I'll go back to pretty much my first post on the subject today. Khaldoon stated categorically that young players would not be put into the first team if it compromised the first team. So you've got it from the horse's mouth. Youth is important, but it won't be given it's head unless the coaching staff think the player is good enough.

Now if you think you're in a better position to judge whether a player is good enough than Txiki, Manuel, and the rest of the coaching staff that's your business.
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