Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2015/16

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Can't believe he pulled out the tired excuse, it was cringeworthy and a load of absolute bollocks. Does he honestly think we buy the utter garbage he comes out with.
It really is cringeworthy. We have the best training & recovery facilities in the world, and he comes out with that!
This won't go down well with some but the executive team also have to take some responsibility. Pellers should have gone at the end of last season. The executive team presumably continued with Pellers because of the chase for the holy grail that is Guardiola. Although apparently nothing was agreed or signed. So the fact we are where we are now should be no surprise to them. I guess we have to hope that he turns up at the end of the season or else it could get really interesting. I am not sure that the Premiership is poorer this season just that with the new TV deal clubs have more to spend making it more competitive. What Ranieri has done with Leicester is incredible when they were fighting relegation last year. A very good manager that has moulded them into a team but more importantly with great belief. How can Pellers complain about squad depth compared to Leicester and 200 million spend. The fact we are 3 points behind at this stage is ridiculous. Its frightening what we have spent in the last 18 months and the return on our investment to date. Chelsea and the rags will be looking for managers soon so it I'll get interesting if we do not secure Pepe. Plus as has been said if we don't make top four what then? Would Peoe still come? Not sure we can get rid now if we are waiting for Pepe but my point is we should not be in this position again, as the executive team should have replaced him last season.

You are totally correct. The men who make the big decisions have made a terrible error of judgement regarding Pellegrini and him staying beyond last season.
Pep won't touch us without champions league football guaranteed. The club have to make this decision now and make the right one,Pellegrini has to go.

Spot on mate. I think the players know he is going in the summer so can't be arsed. It's like when fergie announced he was retiring first time around and when Keegan said he would leave at the end of the season, the players just downed tools.
I think the whole ethos of the club needs looking at on the footballing side. I say that, because I'm still not entirely certain that Manuel can be held solely responsible for this, when imo, those above and around him are singing of the same hymn sheet. That sheet being we play attacking football and we will always be the team that dictates the game.

That's a collective decision. Not just his. It's working within a remit/brand and the reason Bobby got fired, because he wanted sole control of the football and couldn't get along with an holistic approach.

We are trying to emulate Barcelona and im not entirely sure why. The PL is totally different. I can understand a general principle of playing in a certain way, I mean when do you ever see Bayern or Barca etc adapt their footballing principles to win a game? Very rarely.

To get to that stage takes an inordinate amount of time and in that respect I'm willing to be patient. The question is at what cost will it be whilst we perfect our way of playing the game?

And the way we want to play the game will be just fine. The issue is that right now we are not doing it in the way it is intended. We are getting so many basics wrong. We don't press, we don't work hard enough without the ball. I could go on.

Those are the fine, daily details that come down to the manager. That part he is getting terribly wrong and I think Guardiola would have us playing the type of football the brand wants a lot sooner than Manuel will.
I think the whole ethos of the club needs looking at on the footballing side. I say that, because I'm still not entirely certain that Manuel can be held solely responsible for this, when imo, those above and around him are singing of the same hymn sheet. That sheet being we play attacking football and we will always be the team that dictates the game.

That's a collective decision. Not just his. It's working within a remit/brand and the reason Bobby got fired, because he wanted sole control of the football and couldn't get along with an holistic approach.

We are trying to emulate Barcelona and im not entirely sure why. The PL is totally different. I can understand a general principle of playing in a certain way, I mean when do you ever see Bayern or Barca etc adapt their footballing principles to win a game? Very rarely.

To get to that stage takes an inordinate amount of time and in that respect I'm willing to be patient. The question is at what cost will it be whilst we perfect our way of playing the game?

And the way we want to play the game will be just fine. The issue is that right now we are not doing it in the way it is intended. We are getting so many basics wrong. We don't press, we don't work hard enough without the ball. I could go on.

Those are the fine, daily details that come down to the manager. That part he is getting terribly wrong and I think Guardiola would have us playing the type of football the brand wants a lot sooner than Manuel will.

Perfectly summed up
You are totally correct. The men who make the big decisions have made a terrible error of judgement regarding Pellegrini and him staying beyond last season.

I said as much at the time and was slagged off to high heaven.

I also got the piss taken out of me for saying he was poison but that's exactly what he is. Fucking poison.
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