Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2015/16

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What pleased me the most yesterday was pellegrini bringing on Demichelis to toughen us up in the centre, in times gone past he'd have brought on another striker !

That was good to see, cementing the result to make sure we got 3pts.

I was also impressed with how hard Nasri and Bony worked when they came on.

I still can't get over how good Bony's touch is... when Chelsea were attacking right at the end and hit the post, Kompany hammered the ball to get rid of the danger and Bony controlled it, out muscled the Chelsea player and then drew the free kick. He also linked well with Nasri in one of our attacks. We seem to have the perfect instruments for Pellegrini's orchestra this season. We don't have a direct replacement for Yaya but apart from that the squad looks excellent and it will need to be, our run in is tough and if we progress in the CL we'll need everyone in form and firing.

I don't think I've ever been as excited about a season. It's started so well already.
Since moving to 433/451/4141 or however you want to view it

2-0 vs West Ham
3-2 vs VIlla
1-0 vs Spurs
6-0 vs QPR
4-2 vs Swansea
2-0 vs Soton
3-0 vs West Brom
3-0 vs Chelsea

Avg Goals Scored: 3
Avg Goals Conceded: 0.5
Clean Sheets: 6 (75%)
Wins: 8 (100%)

This thread is lovely and harmonious. Long may it continue.

P.S Couldn't you argue we played 4-2-2-2 against Chelsea? ;)
I agree. Baffling how off the pace Vinny and Toure were for most of last season and what a big impact that had especially against sides like Burnley where the league was lost ! :)
Lets not forget the massive personal tragedy that Yaya endured before the start of last season. Dealing with a fast moving terminal illness and ultimate death of a close family member would have had a devastating effect. Grief and emotion associated with that situation can be difficult to control and get over. It clearly impacted on him emotionally and physically.
This season Yaya seems leaner, fitter and completely focussed. For me that is the big difference.

As for Vinnie I think last year he possibly had niggling long term injuries which affected performance and confidence. As with Yaya He looks completely revitalised - fitter, sharper, focussed and utterly determined.
He deserves great credit for our start to the season.

Sterling is the only new addition to the starting XI so far, so fair play to Pellegrini for reinvigorating the squad and getting them hungry again.

The new contract has helped his position, but he's shown himself to be more versatile already this season. The decision to introduce Nasri at half time, and switch Sterling and Silva paid instant dividends.
I said the exact same thing at the game today too. It was clear that Watford were happy to have effectively two banks of five and meaningful space was hard to come by. Moving the pace into the centre reaped dividends.

Players are very quick to be rewarded when things are going well, as shown by the plaudits that are rightly being written on the various individual threads. Today was a prime example where, although players ultimately win you titles, the manager can make the difference. The temptation will always to keep with a winning formula as long as possible to give it chance to work. Pellegrini today was decisive and ultimately won us the three points.

Endearing, unassuming and intelligent. I feel proud to have someone like him as our manager and I don't want him to do well just because that would mean we as a club are doing well, I want him to do well because people like him seem to be a rarity nowadays, at least at the top level.
I said the exact same thing at the game today too. It was clear that Watford were happy to have effectively two banks of five and meaningful space was hard to come by. Moving the pace into the centre reaped dividends.

Players are very quick to be rewarded when things are going well, as shown by the plaudits that are rightly being written on the various individual threads. Today was a prime example where, although players ultimately win you titles, the manager can make the difference. The temptation will always to keep with a winning formula as long as possible to give it chance to work. Pellegrini today was decisive and ultimately won us the three points.

Endearing, unassuming and intelligent. I feel proud to have someone like him as our manager and I don't want him to do well just because that would mean we as a club are doing well, I want him to do well because people like him seem to be a rarity nowadays, at least at the top level.
Well said
Great win!

I said the exact same thing at the game today too. It was clear that Watford were happy to have effectively two banks of five and meaningful space was hard to come by. Moving the pace into the centre reaped dividends.

Players are very quick to be rewarded when things are going well, as shown by the plaudits that are rightly being written on the various individual threads. Today was a prime example where, although players ultimately win you titles, the manager can make the difference. The temptation will always to keep with a winning formula as long as possible to give it chance to work. Pellegrini today was decisive and ultimately won us the three points.

Endearing, unassuming and intelligent. I feel proud to have someone like him as our manager and I don't want him to do well just because that would mean we as a club are doing well, I want him to do well because people like him seem to be a rarity nowadays, at least at the top level.
+ 2
I said to my mate after 30 minutes we should bring Navas off for Nasri because Navas is absolutely useless against a deep lying parked bus.

I didn't expect Pellegrini to make the change, but he did at half time, and it completely changed the game. Fair play to him, he's not put a foot wrong so far this season, well done Manuel.
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