Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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Big call for Txiki with who to replace Pellers with.
3 wins out of 11 is as bad as anything Hughesless delivered so Pellers will be toast.
If Txiki fails with the next choice of manager then he will be toast too.
Jimfv1 said:
I think Txiki has done OK especially in moving players on a getting value for those we needed to go. Where he has struggled is in signing squad players for high fees who haven't improved the first team at all. The squad has improved but not the first team. I think we can cut him some slack in that we have had to comply with FFP and been much less competitive in the market than we could have been. The fact we have missed out on the likes of Costa, Fabregas, Matic and similar players who have come to the Premier league and been successes makes us fans feel a little short changed by the club we support. I was gutted when Hazard joined Chelsea (which was pre Txiki joining us) and we signed the likes of Scott Sinclair and Jack Rodwell.

I think this summer is very important for Txiki's reputation with our fans and the fact the first team squad needs an overhaul. I hope we change the coach first and consult with the new manager over which players we need and make sure they have the right mentality and speed of play to improve our first team. We need some top British players as well as a couple of good European ones, with at least one star name joining.

Chelsea paid 32M for Fabregas, 32M for Costa, 15M for Luis, 27M for Cuadrado and 10M for Remy last summer. Our FFP sanction was we could not spend more than 50M over the entire year not including any money we gained from selling players. We also had to maintain and not increase the wage bill meaning we had to get rid of players to make way for others. I don't know about you but we could not of sold enough to find 64M for both Fabregas and Costa, both players we also did not really need at the time. The only time we needed a striker was the day before the deadline when Negredo decided he was off but it was too late.

I don't think Txiki could of done much better, we were panicked into buying the players we did because certain players left. Look how we struggled with the striker situation this year, we had to replace Negredo and the only proven striker available was Bony. Aside from that, Rodwell left, Garcia left and Richards left so we needed both a DM and a right back. We got a good deal with Sagna but he hasn't settled because he hasn't had chance to play. We also lost Lescott and were relying on Demichelis with no backup so we had to sign a defender, we got Mangala who for some reason like Sagna never plays??

The problem right now is not Txiki, it is this stupid rotation policy where every player gets to play and not be tested for their position. Look at Chelsea, they have the same full backs every game and if they play crap, they get dropped but they also become consistent with the same defence every week. Here we have an entirely different defence every week which is not based on form so the players aren't being competitive, everyone plays no matter how bad they play and our defence has been mostly inconsistent in who does play so performances suffer. Our back 4 should be the same every week with a change only coming if we need to rest players in the cups or by dropping those whose form turns bad. Zabaleta for example has been terrible the last few games along with others yet they now for whatever reason continue to play every week. Why isn't Sagna being played when Zabs turns crap? This isn't about rotation it is about picking the best team to win a game. Why isn't Mangala being played to freshen things up, he is young and eager to learn surely... I just cannot understand it at all.

I think we have a half decent squad but right now we are not making any use of it! Why wasn't Milner on the bench at the weekend when he was exactly the kind of player we needed, instead we are putting a 36 year old on to get us a point???! I think it makes a lot more sense to blame the manager than Txiki. The manager has had the tools but has not made any real effective use of all of them.
blueparrot said:
This is a big summer for Txiki, and he'll be judged on that side of his job next season, but the other side of acadamies and long term direction of our football will take at least 2 or 3 years before they can be properly judged. The thing is Khaldoun and the Sheik will see the day to day developments and know the summer plans, if they had doubts they would act immediately , so I,m confident things will turn out the way we,d all want, just need patience and to hold our nerve.
Spot on, and you saved me looking through the rest of the thread for a sensible post.
inbetween said:
Jimfv1 said:
I think Txiki has done OK especially in moving players on a getting value for those we needed to go. Where he has struggled is in signing squad players for high fees who haven't improved the first team at all. The squad has improved but not the first team. I think we can cut him some slack in that we have had to comply with FFP and been much less competitive in the market than we could have been. The fact we have missed out on the likes of Costa, Fabregas, Matic and similar players who have come to the Premier league and been successes makes us fans feel a little short changed by the club we support. I was gutted when Hazard joined Chelsea (which was pre Txiki joining us) and we signed the likes of Scott Sinclair and Jack Rodwell.

I think this summer is very important for Txiki's reputation with our fans and the fact the first team squad needs an overhaul. I hope we change the coach first and consult with the new manager over which players we need and make sure they have the right mentality and speed of play to improve our first team. We need some top British players as well as a couple of good European ones, with at least one star name joining.

Chelsea paid 32M for Fabregas, 32M for Costa, 15M for Luis, 27M for Cuadrado and 10M for Remy last summer. Our FFP sanction was we could not spend more than 50M over the entire year not including any money we gained from selling players. We also had to maintain and not increase the wage bill meaning we had to get rid of players to make way for others. I don't know about you but we could not of sold enough to find 64M for both Fabregas and Costa, both players we also did not really need at the time. The only time we needed a striker was the day before the deadline when Negredo decided he was off but it was too late.

I don't think Txiki could of done much better, we were panicked into buying the players we did because certain players left. Look how we struggled with the striker situation this year, we had to replace Negredo and the only proven striker available was Bony. Aside from that, Rodwell left, Garcia left and Richards left so we needed both a DM and a right back. We got a good deal with Sagna but he hasn't settled because he hasn't had chance to play. We also lost Lescott and were relying on Demichelis with no backup so we had to sign a defender, we got Mangala who for some reason like Sagna never plays??

The problem right now is not Txiki, it is this stupid rotation policy where every player gets to play and not be tested for their position. Look at Chelsea, they have the same full backs every game and if they play crap, they get dropped but they also become consistent with the same defence every week. Here we have an entirely different defence every week which is not based on form so the players aren't being competitive, everyone plays no matter how bad they play and our defence has been mostly inconsistent in who does play so performances suffer. Our back 4 should be the same every week with a change only coming if we need to rest players in the cups or by dropping those whose form turns bad. Zabaleta for example has been terrible the last few games along with others yet they now for whatever reason continue to play every week. Why isn't Sagna being played when Zabs turns crap? This isn't about rotation it is about picking the best team to win a game. Why isn't Mangala being played to freshen things up, he is young and eager to learn surely... I just cannot understand it at all.

I think we have a half decent squad but right now we are not making any use of it! Why wasn't Milner on the bench at the weekend when he was exactly the kind of player we needed, instead we are putting a 36 year old on to get us a point???! I think it makes a lot more sense to blame the manager than Txiki. The manager has had the tools but has not made any real effective use of all of them.

You ignore how much Chelsea brought in on transfers, David Luiz for 50 million for instance,
lukaku for 28 million.
We've bought terribly in recent windows and the apologists above for Begiristain and whoever else makes thee decisions - i'd include Pelligrini here - are spouting nonsense.
Really big summer this and one that is going to shape the next few seasons of our club before we start to see a return on the academy lads being filtered through.

We have sat still for a number of years now, and most of that is down to FFP and platini wanting to curb us in our pursuit of European glory. In all honesty I believe that some of the players currently at the club would not actually still be here if we were not restricted by FFP.

That said this summer it is time to move on the players that have been here for some time but haven't consistently made the grade and produced what is required for us to go up another level.

We need to go out this summer and get the players needed and hold no punches. We have filled the team with players that provide a service to the main stays in the squad, what they actually don't do is have the ability to get the squad firing if the main players are off form.

As pellers has said himself, we are lacking that stellar signing, the last time we did that was years ago when we brought in the players just after the takeover - a statement to say we are City and we mean fcuking business.....

Well this summer we need to do it again and I hope we do it because another poor recruitment campaign this time round and you can bet we will be fighting for a top four finish come May 2016.
From Mail's article:

Between August 2008 and August 2011, Kompany, Zabaleta, Silva, Toure, Aguero, Milner and Nasri were all bought under the guidance of sporting director Brian Marwood. He did not get every deal right— signing players is hardly an exact science — but City entered Europe in 2011-12, and every season since, thanks to a core group he brought to the club.
The present regime talk well about the beautiful game, and chief executive Ferran Soriano placed fine football ahead of winning in his list of priorities two years ago, but the executors of that philosophy at City pre-date their arrival. Fernandinho is arguably alone in being a player bought by the new boss who would be guaranteed a place under the old boss.
We never used to hear about recruitment, let alone recruitment specialists, in the days before the influx of foreign coaches. When the likes of Harry Redknapp did it, the phrase was wheeler-dealing, and it was spat at him like he was knocking out reconditioned BMWs in the Old Kent Road.
Yet Begiristain has overseen 56 transactions in less than three years, including 37 transfers, 17 loans and two professionals released. His background, however, means he gets credited with recruitment, not flogging second-hand cars. Still, you could buy quite a few good little runners for £172.1m.

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2999712/Manuel-Pellegrini-wants-crack-player-did-Manchester-City-spend-172m-on.html#ixzz3Uh7CXWfK" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... z3Uh7CXWfK</a>
sam663 said:
From Mail's article:

Between August 2008 and August 2011, Kompany, Zabaleta, Silva, Toure, Aguero, Milner and Nasri were all bought under the guidance of sporting director Brian Marwood. He did not get every deal right— signing players is hardly an exact science — but City entered Europe in 2011-12, and every season since, thanks to a core group he brought to the club.
The present regime talk well about the beautiful game, and chief executive Ferran Soriano placed fine football ahead of winning in his list of priorities two years ago, but the executors of that philosophy at City pre-date their arrival. Fernandinho is arguably alone in being a player bought by the new boss who would be guaranteed a place under the old boss.
We never used to hear about recruitment, let alone recruitment specialists, in the days before the influx of foreign coaches. When the likes of Harry Redknapp did it, the phrase was wheeler-dealing, and it was spat at him like he was knocking out reconditioned BMWs in the Old Kent Road.
Yet Begiristain has overseen 56 transactions in less than three years, including 37 transfers, 17 loans and two professionals released. His background, however, means he gets credited with recruitment, not flogging second-hand cars. Still, you could buy quite a few good little runners for £172.1m.

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2999712/Manuel-Pellegrini-wants-crack-player-did-Manchester-City-spend-172m-on.html#ixzz3Uh7CXWfK" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... z3Uh7CXWfK</a>

Jesus Christ that's an understatement.

Firstly Marwood also bought Johnson, Rodwell, Sinclair, Adebayor, Roque Santa Cruz, and many, many others. The sale value that Marwood got for some players was fucking outrageous and a big reason why we were in FFP trouble.

Secondly before Txiki came in that group of players had never even left the group stages of the CL.

Thirdly, Harry was called a "wheeler dealer" because he solved problems using his transfer strategy rather than tactics or man management. Txiki Begiristan is a Director of Football and has a responsibility to provide his manager with the best squad possible which has the most options available for him to utilise. This is like comparing a drug dealer with a pharmacist. And his total fees is bullshit as the first post shows

Fourthly, and the most irritating of all, Samuel is just full of shit:

As for crack players, City could have bought Suarez, Gareth Bale or Diego Costa, Cesc Fabregas and Nemanja Matic and still been left with between £90m and £100m.

We've spent £109m net. If we had bought a player for £60m then we'd have £49m left. That £49m would have to buy us a right back, a centre back, a goalkeeper, two centre midfielders and a two strikers. I don't care who you are, buying 7 CL quality players for £50m is impossible. Even removing free transfers or loans, buying 5 CL players for £50m is ridiculous without even considering the homegrown regulations that we had to adhere to.

Fuck the Daily Mail and its stupid clickbait bullshit. I guess City's new PR regime have stopped handing out access to Martin Samuel like he was in a sweet shop.
Damocles said:
sam663 said:
From Mail's article:

Between August 2008 and August 2011, Kompany, Zabaleta, Silva, Toure, Aguero, Milner and Nasri were all bought under the guidance of sporting director Brian Marwood. He did not get every deal right— signing players is hardly an exact science — but City entered Europe in 2011-12, and every season since, thanks to a core group he brought to the club.
The present regime talk well about the beautiful game, and chief executive Ferran Soriano placed fine football ahead of winning in his list of priorities two years ago, but the executors of that philosophy at City pre-date their arrival. Fernandinho is arguably alone in being a player bought by the new boss who would be guaranteed a place under the old boss.
We never used to hear about recruitment, let alone recruitment specialists, in the days before the influx of foreign coaches. When the likes of Harry Redknapp did it, the phrase was wheeler-dealing, and it was spat at him like he was knocking out reconditioned BMWs in the Old Kent Road.
Yet Begiristain has overseen 56 transactions in less than three years, including 37 transfers, 17 loans and two professionals released. His background, however, means he gets credited with recruitment, not flogging second-hand cars. Still, you could buy quite a few good little runners for £172.1m.

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2999712/Manuel-Pellegrini-wants-crack-player-did-Manchester-City-spend-172m-on.html#ixzz3Uh7CXWfK" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... z3Uh7CXWfK</a>

Jesus Christ that's an understatement.

Firstly Marwood also bought Johnson, Rodwell, Sinclair, Adebayor, Roque Santa Cruz, and many, many others. The sale value that Marwood got for some players was fucking outrageous and a big reason why we were in FFP trouble.

Secondly before Txiki came in that group of players had never even left the group stages of the CL.

Thirdly, Harry was called a "wheeler dealer" because he solved problems using his transfer strategy rather than tactics or man management. Txiki Begiristan is a Director of Football and has a responsibility to provide his manager with the best squad possible which has the most options available for him to utilise. This is like comparing a drug dealer with a pharmacist. And his total fees is bullshit as the first post shows

Fourthly, and the most irritating of all, Samuel is just full of shit:

As for crack players, City could have bought Suarez, Gareth Bale or Diego Costa, Cesc Fabregas and Nemanja Matic and still been left with between £90m and £100m.

We've spent £109m net. If we had bought a player for £60m then we'd have £49m left. That £49m would have to buy us a right back, a centre back, a goalkeeper, two centre midfielders and a two strikers. I don't care who you are, buying 7 CL quality players for £50m is impossible. Even removing free transfers or loans, buying 5 CL players for £50m is ridiculous without even considering the homegrown regulations that we had to adhere to.

Fuck the Daily Mail and its stupid clickbait bullshit. I guess City's new PR regime have stopped handing out access to Martin Samuel like he was in a sweet shop.

Samuel has curried a lot of favour with his FFP POV but ultimately most of his "opinions" are standard journo rubbish.
Damocles said:
sam663 said:
From Mail's article:

Between August 2008 and August 2011, Kompany, Zabaleta, Silva, Toure, Aguero, Milner and Nasri were all bought under the guidance of sporting director Brian Marwood. He did not get every deal right— signing players is hardly an exact science — but City entered Europe in 2011-12, and every season since, thanks to a core group he brought to the club.
The present regime talk well about the beautiful game, and chief executive Ferran Soriano placed fine football ahead of winning in his list of priorities two years ago, but the executors of that philosophy at City pre-date their arrival. Fernandinho is arguably alone in being a player bought by the new boss who would be guaranteed a place under the old boss.
We never used to hear about recruitment, let alone recruitment specialists, in the days before the influx of foreign coaches. When the likes of Harry Redknapp did it, the phrase was wheeler-dealing, and it was spat at him like he was knocking out reconditioned BMWs in the Old Kent Road.
Yet Begiristain has overseen 56 transactions in less than three years, including 37 transfers, 17 loans and two professionals released. His background, however, means he gets credited with recruitment, not flogging second-hand cars. Still, you could buy quite a few good little runners for £172.1m.

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2999712/Manuel-Pellegrini-wants-crack-player-did-Manchester-City-spend-172m-on.html#ixzz3Uh7CXWfK" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... z3Uh7CXWfK</a>

Jesus Christ that's an understatement.

Firstly Marwood also bought Johnson, Rodwell, Sinclair, Adebayor, Roque Santa Cruz, and many, many others. The sale value that Marwood got for some players was fucking outrageous and a big reason why we were in FFP trouble.

Secondly before Txiki came in that group of players had never even left the group stages of the CL.

Thirdly, Harry was called a "wheeler dealer" because he solved problems using his transfer strategy rather than tactics or man management. Txiki Begiristan is a Director of Football and has a responsibility to provide his manager with the best squad possible which has the most options available for him to utilise. This is like comparing a drug dealer with a pharmacist. And his total fees is bullshit as the first post shows

Fourthly, and the most irritating of all, Samuel is just full of shit:

As for crack players, City could have bought Suarez, Gareth Bale or Diego Costa, Cesc Fabregas and Nemanja Matic and still been left with between £90m and £100m.

We've spent £109m net. If we had bought a player for £60m then we'd have £49m left. That £49m would have to buy us a right back, a centre back, a goalkeeper, two centre midfielders and a two strikers. I don't care who you are, buying 7 CL quality players for £50m is impossible. Even removing free transfers or loans, buying 5 CL players for £50m is ridiculous without even considering the homegrown regulations that we had to adhere to.

Fuck the Daily Mail and its stupid clickbait bullshit. I guess City's new PR regime have stopped handing out access to Martin Samuel like he was in a sweet shop.

The trouble is the majority read it and take it as gospel and im not just talking about rival fans either unfortunately going off here at times.

Not one journo and not one fan knows what we spend or what we sell players for or what we pay them, not fucking one!
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