Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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I'll judge him on what I've seen not on his past somewhat fortunate glories. At the moment and on current signings I'm not enthused or sure he knows what is required.
There's more than one thing wrong in the state of Denmark at the moment though - not just him.
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
mosssideblue said:
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
Don't be stupid asking posters to name who, it's Txixi job to identify who and he's clearly not doing a good job. I'd like to see your answer on how and who you think we are getting value for money from?
The guys fucking incompetent at his job, either that our he's deliberately fucking our squad up, €60 million on reserves.
It's under his stewardship that the average age of the squad has got to where it's at by signing players past their peak, and not moving on players and replacing with adequate younger models. Yaya should have gone last summer and Dzeko too and we would have got a far better price than we will now, probably twice as much. That money along with the other he wasted could have got a one or two genuine class additions.
He's paid well enough to do his job and when he doesn't see the obvious then he shouldn't be in the bloody job

Why is it stupid. He called out we bought shite, then he is more than capabke of saying who we should have bought. As for the remainder of your post, that is eually poor. Compared to those guys I suspect you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to talent spotting. So best leave it to those who make a professional living from it dont you think.
Considering a poll in one of the national papers has Txixi getting a whopping 90% for who's to blame for where we are I'll take that as evidence that you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to spotting a incompetent clown...probably because you are one yourself

For newspaper poll read a few know noting idiots on here that have hated him from day one pmsl
mosssideblue said:
dancity19 said:
mosssideblue said:
I agree Edin has been poor, but that doesn't mean Pellers doesn't like Bony (does it). Bony as we know is now injured. He may have been carrying a knock and Pellers would rather have a fully fit player over risking agrevating an injury (maybe).

Sagna was on a free so not sure of your argument there.

Fernando was scouted for over a year and so the professionals saw something we haven't, His cost was around £12 m if irc.

Mangala needs game time, but I expect him to thrive.

Its just opinions on whether we have improved on those we shipped out but IMO

Lescott had little pace and even less ability with the ball at his feet
Garcia was starting to show promise but wasn't the quickest
Nasty could not come to terms with our high line way of playing and unable to track back at pace.

All in all, I think we have bought wisely

Strange argument re. Fernando - just because he was scouted for a year doesn't mean he was a wise buy?

Defend certain buys, but to make a blanket remark that we have 'bought wisely' is half glass full stuff beyond belief. Who have we bought, Dinho aside (and probably Demi) that has actually improved us, or at least improved us to where we should be?

Our hands were tied last year with FFP so we had to be shrewd in our dealings, and could only look at short term options in several cases.

Sagna has proven to be able to play at our level and was free - so IMO a good deal
Fernando showed his ability in game one against the Chavs. IMHO he has been the scapegoat and dragged down by others not performing and expecting him to sweep everything up - again, I would say for £12m, not a bad buy, but needs better support from those around him as proven in his debut
Lamps - again, on a free and a shrewd short term piece of business.
Mangala - Has played both ends of the spectrum (really good, and really poor). It's in him, we just need to minimise his errors, which given time, will surely happen. Overpriced,maybe, but not his fault.
Bony - Losing Negredo meant we needed a replacement. For the money paid, he should continue to deliver in the PL

Sagna and Lamps will be off this summer (along with others), so we will need to wait to see what pans out before judging again. What I wont do is moan if we dont get the stellar names we are alledgedly looking at as reality says, you cannot secure the services of everone you want.

Half full always, overly so is not for me to judge

Sagna was proven before he came - assume that is what you mean? He hasn't done nearly enough though.

The thing is, you are spinning certain signings tomato them appear good - maybe Fernando and Mangala have played well a few times, but as it stands, they aren't up to it.
Regarding the Mangala fee - no, it isn't his his fault he was overpriced - isn't it Txiki's, and that is who we are discussing. As it happens, I haven't made my mind up on Mangala yet - I think/hope he will come good.
The Lampard one is a tough one - I think we overstate what he has done - but given it was free - no complaints there.
Bony - too early to judge.
Navas - decent enough, but nowhere near good enough for where we aim to be.
Jovetic - not good enough unfortunately.
Negredo - good 1st half of the season, then disappeared - due to personal reasons, I think. My main issue with this is that it was clear to everyone that he was going to go/wanted to go. It was talked about all summer. It was absolutely criminal to let him go on the last day of the transfer window, leaving us with 2 strikers: 1 who is incredibly inconsistent, and another who is, unfortunately, injury prone and unlikely to play a whole season. And, an attacking mid/second striker who is even more injury prone. That was SHOCKING from Txiki.
Caballero - what an absolute waste of money.
Dinho - great buy.
Demi - good buy

It can't all be blamed on Txiki; there is a lack of joint up thinking between him and Pellegrini it seems. Are the right players being bought for the system Pellegrini wants to play? And, of course, Pellegrini just isn't getting the most out of the players - that is beyond Txiki's control.

He hasn't done a terrible job, but nowhere near as good as we expected, I don't think. I think there is a real fear of criticising him, just because he came from this great Barca regime. I think he does need to buy a couple of 'ready made stars' this summer. Not football manager style, but I think it's what we need this summer.
blueinsa said:
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
mosssideblue said:
Why is it stupid. He called out we bought shite, then he is more than capabke of saying who we should have bought. As for the remainder of your post, that is eually poor. Compared to those guys I suspect you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to talent spotting. So best leave it to those who make a professional living from it dont you think.
Considering a poll in one of the national papers has Txixi getting a whopping 90% for who's to blame for where we are I'll take that as evidence that you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to spotting a incompetent clown...probably because you are one yourself

For newspaper poll read a few know noting idiots on here that have hated him from day one pmsl

I suppose had the poll been the other way, they'd be well informed, analytical and discerning.
blueparrot said:
middleton___blue said:
mosssideblue said:
Why is it stupid. He called out we bought shite, then he is more than capabke of saying who we should have bought. As for the remainder of your post, that is eually poor. Compared to those guys I suspect you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to talent spotting. So best leave it to those who make a professional living from it dont you think.
He's doing excellent so far though isnt he? Our players have stood out like sanchez for arse and fabregas for chavs havent thet? Just wake up mate, and realise that they play a huge part of this mess.
Why do you keep saying THEY' it just makes you look like you don't know what your talking about?Maybe you dont
Not really mate, i was referring too txiki and soriano.
blueinsa said:
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
mosssideblue said:
Why is it stupid. He called out we bought shite, then he is more than capabke of saying who we should have bought. As for the remainder of your post, that is eually poor. Compared to those guys I suspect you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to talent spotting. So best leave it to those who make a professional living from it dont you think.
Considering a poll in one of the national papers has Txixi getting a whopping 90% for who's to blame for where we are I'll take that as evidence that you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to spotting a incompetent clown...probably because you are one yourself

For newspaper poll read a few know noting idiots on here that have hated him from day one pmsl

One poster says he didn't like them from day one and you make the conclusion that's why others don't like him and then laugh at a poll. Fucking irony is lost on retards like you, know wonder your happy with the DOF
That was ONE of his jobs.

For the revenue, it was growing well when he came, he has just continued the growth. Actually, at a lower annual rate, but it is more difficult as the base gets higher that's for sure.

As for lumping them together, it's not surprising people do that. They arrived as the Barca dream team and Begiristain reports to Soriano, so poor performance gives Soriano decisions to make on which he, too, should be judged.

squirtyflower said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
mosssideblue said:
To you, maybe to others not so.

Would you like to explain who and why they have been disastrous

If you need me to explain that to you then your incapable of understanding anyway so I won't waste my time!

Folks, Did he seriously ask that question?
your post wasn't worth shit once you lumped them both together in your opening sentence
without picking holes from the beginning, such as Balo has proved his talent since leaving, Serrano has made us the fastest growing club, in terms of revenue, in the world, and that was his job
mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
mosssideblue said:
Lets see the source of your claim that Pellers doesn't like Bony.

Again, where have we wasted money?

why else would the manager pick a faltering edin once a motivated bony arrived at the club. edin, and i love him, has been dogshit this season. every man and his dog knows that.

we have wasted money on sagna, shame cos i thought he would have done a job. fernando for the money was a big risk, well when you only have so much money you dont do risks.
mangala i think will come good, he ticks all the boxes, the problem is he isn't premiership ready. the same was levelled quite rightly at nastasic only he didn't cost 30 odd million.
by all means ship out garcia, barry, lescott and nasty but you replace them with better players ffs, we haven't done that.
in time all our buys could come good but we dont have time, this is the premier league and we are defending our title, something every one wants to take off us. it would have been better to keep the squad we had and just add one top notch player, spend the same amount by all means but spend it on one player, a player that would add to our squad not weaken it. i thought we'd learn from the shambles of the previous summer when we bought rodwell and co but in true city style we did even worse.

I agree Edin has been poor, but that doesn't mean Pellers doesn't like Bony (does it). Bony as we know is now injured. He may have been carrying a knock and Pellers would rather have a fully fit player over risking agrevating an injury (maybe).

Sagna was on a free so not sure of your argument there.

Fernando was scouted for over a year and so the professionals saw something we haven't, His cost was around £12 m if irc.

Mangala needs game time, but I expect him to thrive.

Its just opinions on whether we have improved on those we shipped out but IMO

Lescott had little pace and even less ability with the ball at his feet
Garcia was starting to show promise but wasn't the quickest
Nasty could not come to terms with our high line way of playing and unable to track back at pace.

All in all, I think we have bought wisely

better than micah who is on half his money?
halfcenturyup said:
As for lumping them together, it's not surprising people do that. They arrived as the Barca dream team and Begiristain reports to Soriano, so poor performance gives Soriano decisions to make on which he, too, should be judged.

Should Khaldoon be judged on the success of the executive team he brought in? Should we bring him into the trio to blame for all the problems at the club?
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