Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
mosssideblue said:
Lets see the source of your claim that Pellers doesn't like Bony.

Again, where have we wasted money?

why else would the manager pick a faltering edin once a motivated bony arrived at the club. edin, and i love him, has been dogshit this season. every man and his dog knows that.

we have wasted money on sagna, shame cos i thought he would have done a job. fernando for the money was a big risk, well when you only have so much money you dont do risks.
mangala i think will come good, he ticks all the boxes, the problem is he isn't premiership ready. the same was levelled quite rightly at nastasic only he didn't cost 30 odd million.
by all means ship out garcia, barry, lescott and nasty but you replace them with better players ffs, we haven't done that.
in time all our buys could come good but we dont have time, this is the premier league and we are defending our title, something every one wants to take off us. it would have been better to keep the squad we had and just add one top notch player, spend the same amount by all means but spend it on one player, a player that would add to our squad not weaken it. i thought we'd learn from the shambles of the previous summer when we bought rodwell and co but in true city style we did even worse.

I agree Edin has been poor, but that doesn't mean Pellers doesn't like Bony (does it). Bony as we know is now injured. He may have been carrying a knock and Pellers would rather have a fully fit player over risking agrevating an injury (maybe).

Sagna was on a free so not sure of your argument there.

Fernando was scouted for over a year and so the professionals saw something we haven't, His cost was around £12 m if irc.

Mangala needs game time, but I expect him to thrive.

Its just opinions on whether we have improved on those we shipped out but IMO

Lescott had little pace and even less ability with the ball at his feet
Garcia was starting to show promise but wasn't the quickest
Nasty could not come to terms with our high line way of playing and unable to track back at pace.

All in all, I think we have bought wisely

wow. I mean fucking wow.

hi Txiki.
moomba said:
halfcenturyup said:
As for lumping them together, it's not surprising people do that. They arrived as the Barca dream team and Begiristain reports to Soriano, so poor performance gives Soriano decisions to make on which he, too, should be judged.

Should Khaldoon be judged on the success of the executive team he brought in? Should we bring him into the trio to blame for all the problems at the club?

No - but he'll judge them.
de niro said:
mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
why else would the manager pick a faltering edin once a motivated bony arrived at the club. edin, and i love him, has been dogshit this season. every man and his dog knows that.

we have wasted money on sagna, shame cos i thought he would have done a job. fernando for the money was a big risk, well when you only have so much money you dont do risks.
mangala i think will come good, he ticks all the boxes, the problem is he isn't premiership ready. the same was levelled quite rightly at nastasic only he didn't cost 30 odd million.
by all means ship out garcia, barry, lescott and nasty but you replace them with better players ffs, we haven't done that.
in time all our buys could come good but we dont have time, this is the premier league and we are defending our title, something every one wants to take off us. it would have been better to keep the squad we had and just add one top notch player, spend the same amount by all means but spend it on one player, a player that would add to our squad not weaken it. i thought we'd learn from the shambles of the previous summer when we bought rodwell and co but in true city style we did even worse.

I agree Edin has been poor, but that doesn't mean Pellers doesn't like Bony (does it). Bony as we know is now injured. He may have been carrying a knock and Pellers would rather have a fully fit player over risking agrevating an injury (maybe).

Sagna was on a free so not sure of your argument there.

Fernando was scouted for over a year and so the professionals saw something we haven't, His cost was around £12 m if irc.

Mangala needs game time, but I expect him to thrive.

Its just opinions on whether we have improved on those we shipped out but IMO

Lescott had little pace and even less ability with the ball at his feet
Garcia was starting to show promise but wasn't the quickest
Nasty could not come to terms with our high line way of playing and unable to track back at pace.

All in all, I think we have bought wisely

wow. I mean fucking wow.

hi Txiki.

This from a Mod who thinks we wasted money on Sagna. Perhaps you would remind us all what we paid for him again oh knoweledageble one

If you read my post in context rather than look for a headline to jump on then maybe you might have an inkling to what I was posting, but no. Carry on on your bandwagon of churlish nitpicking.
The correct answer is, of course, yes. However, the cycles are longer the higher up the hierarchy you go. Khaldoon won't carry the can for appointing Soriano if it doesn't work out, but if he appoints another that doesn't, then some questions would need to be asked, yes.

GaudinoMotors said:
moomba said:
halfcenturyup said:
As for lumping them together, it's not surprising people do that. They arrived as the Barca dream team and Begiristain reports to Soriano, so poor performance gives Soriano decisions to make on which he, too, should be judged.

Should Khaldoon be judged on the success of the executive team he brought in? Should we bring him into the trio to blame for all the problems at the club?

No - but he'll judge them.
We pay Sagna 120k per week that we could pay to someone else no?

mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
mosssideblue said:
I agree Edin has been poor, but that doesn't mean Pellers doesn't like Bony (does it). Bony as we know is now injured. He may have been carrying a knock and Pellers would rather have a fully fit player over risking agrevating an injury (maybe).

Sagna was on a free so not sure of your argument there.

Fernando was scouted for over a year and so the professionals saw something we haven't, His cost was around £12 m if irc.

Mangala needs game time, but I expect him to thrive.

Its just opinions on whether we have improved on those we shipped out but IMO

Lescott had little pace and even less ability with the ball at his feet
Garcia was starting to show promise but wasn't the quickest
Nasty could not come to terms with our high line way of playing and unable to track back at pace.

All in all, I think we have bought wisely

wow. I mean fucking wow.

hi Txiki.

This from a Mod who thinks we wasted money on Sagna. Perhaps you would remind us all what we paid for him again oh knoweledageble one

If you read my post in context rather than look for a headline to jump on then maybe you might have an inkling to what I was posting, but no. Carry on on your bandwagon of churlish nitpicking.
halfcenturyup said:
We pay Sagna 120k per week that we could pay to someone else no?

mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
wow. I mean fucking wow.

hi Txiki.

This from a Mod who thinks we wasted money on Sagna. Perhaps you would remind us all what we paid for him again oh knoweledageble one

If you read my post in context rather than look for a headline to jump on then maybe you might have an inkling to what I was posting, but no. Carry on on your bandwagon of churlish nitpicking.

Yes we could have, but that would also have meant buying someone. If we had of bought someone, with what we were allowed to spend, then it would hardly have been a world class RB, and there would have been outcry that we wasted money. With the pursestrings being tight, Sagna was a good deal, admitedly it is a short term solution, but now we are allowed to spend more liberally, I'm sure we will get someone in who can offer longevity and a challenge for Zab.
Personally I think Txiki's record is a glass half full/empty kind of thing in the transfer market and with player contracts.

1. Most of the kids brought in to the academy. Many of the kids from overseas have exceptional talant. We will only see how good in later years.
2. Fernandinho. A bit pricy for his age but one of the best defensive midfielders in the league.
3. Demichelis. Probably a purchase at Pellers bidding but even so he's been great for us so a positive for Txiki in listening to the manager.

So So:
1. Mangala. Has played brilliantly against good opponents but has struggled against the lumpers. Mainly because he seems to think that he has to make and when a challenge every time the opposition has the ball. If this can be brought under control then he will be a great signing.
2. Navas. A GREAT first season but has struggled this. Still of use as an attacking substitute when we get pace into the team.

Not Good:
1. Sagna. A great defender but our full backs have to attack and overlap. He is useless at this part of this game. Classic case of a square peg in a round hole.

1. Fernando. Dire or a dire day. The worst player to arrive at City since Wayne Bridge. He has pace but nothing else. He needs to be gone prior to the start of next season.

1. Giving Dzeko & Nasri new long contracts. if we recoup this money as transfer fees then a big Positive. If not then Awful.

All the other signings that people moan about were brought in before Txiki became DOF.
Similarly is it his fault that YaYa, Kompany, Dzeko and Zabaleta have had strikers this season? Frankly the answer is no. He does have to rebuild the team this summer though - AND THAT IS ALL HIS RESPONSIBILITY INCLUDING GETTING A NEW MANAGER.
I have a fecking big axe to grind over the manner of the axing of Mancini - as it cost us the FA cup. But if folks can't get on then they can't get on. Mancini should probably have been dismissed in early March if this was the case. Letting a boil fester doesn't mean it will get better. They normally get bigger and then pop leaving gunge everyware.
mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
mosssideblue said:
I agree Edin has been poor, but that doesn't mean Pellers doesn't like Bony (does it). Bony as we know is now injured. He may have been carrying a knock and Pellers would rather have a fully fit player over risking agrevating an injury (maybe).

Sagna was on a free so not sure of your argument there.

Fernando was scouted for over a year and so the professionals saw something we haven't, His cost was around £12 m if irc.

Mangala needs game time, but I expect him to thrive.

Its just opinions on whether we have improved on those we shipped out but IMO

Lescott had little pace and even less ability with the ball at his feet
Garcia was starting to show promise but wasn't the quickest
Nasty could not come to terms with our high line way of playing and unable to track back at pace.

All in all, I think we have bought wisely

wow. I mean fucking wow.

hi Txiki.

This from a Mod who thinks we wasted money on Sagna. Perhaps you would remind us all what we paid for him again oh knoweledageble one

If you read my post in context rather than look for a headline to jump on then maybe you might have an inkling to what I was posting, but no. Carry on on your bandwagon of churlish nitpicking.

from a mod? what the fuck has being a mod got to do with anything? if i was to mod your posts you could easily be sanctioned for trolling.
only a rag would say we have bought wisely. our buys have been dogshit. so bad other players have lost their own game by babysitting them.
oh and i dont have to be knowledgeable to see that sagna on 150k is a worse asset than micha was for 70k. its not all about a fee ffs.

fuck me i can't wait till the schools go back.
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
blueinsa said:
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
Considering a poll in one of the national papers has Txixi getting a whopping 90% for who's to blame for where we are I'll take that as evidence that you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to spotting a incompetent clown...probably because you are one yourself

For newspaper poll read a few know noting idiots on here that have hated him from day one pmsl

One poster says he didn't like them from day one and you make the conclusion that's why others don't like him and then laugh at a poll. Fucking irony is lost on retards like you, know wonder your happy with the DOF

idiot? Deary fucking me, my conclusion was absolutely spot on it seems.
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