Do you care about being considered a 'big' team?

We've actually come down a notch. Once we were a massive club. Now we're not a big club.

I've not heard Little Ciddy, and City, City, no one knows your name, for a long time.
This big argument bullshit is for kids, those of limited intelligence, and fans of clubs who have had past glories but who have since fallen on harder times.

Who gives a shit about a football clubs "bigness" other than those groups?

What team is the bestest of all time? Couldn't give a shit as it's a subjective argument which resembles a dog chasing its own tail.
I would far rather have a ping and a chat with a supporter of a small club than one of the redshirts.

A guy I used to work with was a home and away Orient supporter and we had some great, funny conversations about football.

Never had a decent conversation with a dipper but know a few United fans who are decent lads.
I don't care what other clubs fans think but it doesn't even really need to be debated as it's obvious that we're massive, when I grew up many kids my age jumped ship and stopped supporting us for the rags due to their success.

I'm at the age where I remember rags young and old bleating on about the double double in the mid 90s, two double's over the course of a few years and it seemed at the time they all genuinely thought it was the biggest achievement ever.
For them it showed how dominant they were at the time and how nobody had previously had this stranglehold over the domestic game, they carried on with that utter tripe until they won a treble then that that took centre stage.
We've pretty much done everything they or anyone else has ever achieved in terms of individual seasons, Pep's dominance during his stay in England has been during arguably the toughest era too, we're now into double figures and 4th in terms of total top flight league titles won.

We're absolutely massive and have broken nearly every record imaginable during this past decade while winning honours in style against tougher contenders, many from the redshirt brigade cannot take this and their fanbases along with their media love in truly despise us for stopping them.
The propaganda machine against us in the tabloids has worked wonders so far, due to the fact many journalists favourite or 2nd favourite team isn't winning because of us.
It's gotten so bad that the mardarses who support the rags the dippers and arse are all crying 115 constantly on social media it's their last hope, they're all unified in their complete hatred for us all whilst simultaneously claiming that they also don't care about us.

They'll be a shift with the media narrative 10 years from now maybe even sooner (but doubt it) as many new journalists come through, ones who actually grew up watching us become successful with an unbiased view they'll take up more senior roles. With that those dated ideas going out the door just like those old guard journalists who get moved on, mainly due to the long-term embarrassment they will cause the tabloids with their openly biased hatred, the attitude will change but we'll still be very much hated we'll still get the odd sly digs here and there, which will mainly be due to how successful we're rather than the usual hit pieces we receive nowadays.

If we do carry on being relatively successful for 10 more years then for the sake of this scenario they'll be 30 year olds in 2035 with kids of their own, whether these are blues or not those 30 year olds in 2035 will have only have taken a major interest in football aged 7 or 8 if not older, 30 year olds in 2035 will have been 7 around the time of Aguero that 9320 goal... So these people in 2035 (if we carry on winning) will have seen us be the most successful team of their lifetime let that sink in.

Most of City's detractors in a decade will be seen as bitter and old.

We probably still won't have the biggest trophy cabinet but as far as prestige is concerned we've already cemented our place and legacy, we'll be seen as one of the most desirable clubs to play for and for a very long time too, it's happening already the very youngest talents today they dream of playing for us (Manchester City) Barca or Real that's how massive we've become.

Whether you care or not about the question this thread asks, the very last part above is very important when others claim we aren't massive, kids around the world dream of playing for Manchester City Football Club and if that isn't massive then I don't know what is.

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