Do you care about being considered a 'big' team?

Remember when United were winning everything under Taggart and we used to take the piss for having fans in London etc? And we used to take the piss because they had no atmosphere?

You know why we did it? Because we were shite on the pitch and it’s all we had.

When teams stop trying to take the piss about meaningless and patently incorrect stuff like this, it’s time to start worrying because it means they’re catching up on the pitch.
City have always been a big club. But unfortunately had bad management and fortunes over a grim period, which makes these times even sweeter. City still hold the highest attendance outside of Wembley. City aren't climbing a ladder, we've always been on the top rung and just stepped down a couple of rungs to re-set. If all English clubs were on the same ladder, they would all be looking up at our arse.
A terrible air crash put utd on the world stage, creating sympathy and support from all round the world. Without being cynical they are still milking that event now 70 years on. You could say the same with the dippers and Hillsborough. Arsenal have always been wealthy, easy as that.
I just love city tbh but our performances on the pitch are not part of me as a person. If city fail I’m not a failure and vice versa. Some of our “big club” detractors use their team allegiance as a proxy for themselves. When their big club loses they in turn are a failure. I’m glad not to be caught up in that rabbit hole tbh
Couldn't give a fuck what some scouse supporting twitter **** from Ireland or some spotty faced Tarquin wanker from Romford or a Sharp shirt wearing, pissed up gobby bellend in the pub thinks about MY club. I just laugh in their faces. Champions again one ole.
It their dick waving contest, the only way they think they can measure up. If you don't think City are a "big club" then you're not really paying attention and it's no longer 1990.
United and Liverpool have enormous nationwide support from Inverness to Plymouth, they are out on their own. But we are now in the same bracket as Villa Spurs Arsenal West Ham , we have outgrown the Newcastle Wednesday Everton Leeds Sunderland bracket
All across social media, rags, dips, tarquins and the odd villa, spurs etc supporter will call us a small team and say we'll never be as big as united/their team/in general no matter what we do.

I don't know about anyone else, but I have and probably will never care about being a 'big' team. I've seen what being a 'big' team means. It mean being like the red shirt cartel.

We have solid local support, and that's something I appreciate the most about us. Salt of the earth Mancunians, and even surrounding areas that have been going for years and supporting us at rock bottom. Supporters of those teams say they've been there for the downs, but their downs are finishing midtable, ours were Division 2 and the fabled York City result. They don't get it, and never will.

But what are your thoughts?
Question- how do you quantify “big”?
Not in the slightest. It's a kid's thing surely? Was a badge of honour when I was a kid, being the only City supporter in a sea of red..
Either way, we've had 12 years of dominance, and youngsters around the world coming of age, choosing teams, watching Aguero, Dzeko, Yaya, Kompany, Fernandinho, De Bruyne, Rodri, Alvarez, Haaland, the Silvas etc etc.. all from huge football countries and continents. The club are no doubt working on India, China, U.S.
We'll be globally bigger than all of them in a decade. Internet impressions is about the last thing the 'legacy' clubs have to hang on to. Let them have it a while longer.
You'd have to be 18 now to have even the vaguest memory of United winning a title.. and it'll be another 5 years minimum before they even come close again, let's be honest. They're living in dream land if they think that has no real-world consequences.
I just love city tbh but our performances on the pitch are not part of me as a person. If city fail I’m not a failure and vice versa. Some of our “big club” detractors use their team allegiance as a proxy for themselves. When their big club loses they in turn are a failure. I’m glad not to be caught up in that rabbit hole tbh
Christ - I recognise myself in that - I shouldn't, but I do - If City are winning - all is right with the World - lose and the weekend/day is ruined. Was a time when I was over it 5 minutes after the final whistle. Success and the pressures of it eh.

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