Love it, every aspect of it except for the booze, as I'm not a drinker. I've just started eating Christmas Puddings given to me last Christmas, and I'm a connoisseur of mince pies. The best are the ones from the Manchester Christmas Markets, with loads of juicy mince and good firm pastry.
I've already played a few Christmas playlists, starting with carols and classical favourites. I'll probably take in a classical concert or a carol concert at The Bridgwater Hall. I'll soon read Christmas books like A Christmas Carol to set the mood.
Christmas shopping is well under way, with further visits planned to London, York and Chester Christmas Markets, and other places.
Christmas Day is the main highlight, with family round for dinner, and church in the morning to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and we have a host of other activities at the church I attend.
But if I wasn't into Christmas, or had no children or grandkids to pamper, I think I'd be looking to go away for a short break somewhere warm. Or I might go away somewhere nice (or London maybe) to look after someone's house and pets, and a free getaway.