Do YOU think Mancini will be our manager next season?

Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

BobKowalski said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
WTF has this got to do with Hughes? He's gone and he isn't coming back. Seems like it's the "Hughes outers" who still have the problem.

Anyway - back on subject. Let's put a hypothetical question:

What if the the players weren't happy with Mancini's tactics, finding them too negative and restrictive? Let's also hypothesise that that a representative delegation had this out with Cook & Marwood and, after that, decided they were going to play the way they were happiest - quickly and not sitting back inviting pressure. That led to 11 goals in 2 games, in both of those scoring three goals within the space of a few minutes.

If you were then offered the choice of Mancini (and possibly more games like the ones away at Hull & Sunderland and the home games against Liverpool, Everton plus the first 75 minutes against Wigan at home) or another manager who was more sympathetic to playing the way the players felt happiest, which would you take?

Which would I take?

Firstly I would answer that everyone is here to win games not here to make your lives happier. If you were happier under someone like Hughes then I suggest you should have tried harder to win the f**king points that would have kept him in a job.

Secondly I would point out that under Mancini we have more discipline, a better shape and with the defensive frailities addressed - in part with the help of people like Ade actually putting in a shift to help out defensively (note another Mancini dictum) and that we are now expressing ourselves without the fear of getting pegged back.

Thirdly I would then ask the players if a) they would like to join another club because b) even if Mancini did get replaced by Mourinho its ain't going to get any easier and clearly they don't have the stomach for the hard work or the fight necessary to take the club where it wants to be.


And I was behind Hughes :-)
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

I can beleive to a certain extent the club want Mourinho.

I can beleive that some players don't like Mancini, when a new manager comes in and replaces the one who brought you to the club you are not going to instantly like him.

What i cannot belelive and i'm actually laughing at it is the notion that the players are running the side and changing the tactics. The Tactics have hardly changed since he came here, the only difference is we have our main attacking players back, fit and in form and we are putting away the chances we are creating.

If Johnson, Tevez, Adebayor and Bellamy were on form as they are now against Hull away and Everton away and home we would not have suffered defeats in them games.
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

levets said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
This is wrong mate, however, his leaving, could be dressed up any way it was required. Nice attempt at a fallback from the mysterious Desert Rat, though!

The owner has already proved with the dismissal of Hughes, they are not ones to worry too much re public opinion when it comes to being in what they perceive, the best interests of City.

Don't know what you're trying to prove/say here?

Nice attempt at a fallback? We had all this nonsense at the end of last season and this guy proved to be correct.

I know you work in the media, but you're no more clued up than me on this situation..

It would be open season on city if they sacked mancini after guiding us to 4th. That is not in the best interests of the club.

Only a joking reference to Desert Rat, including a caveat that Mancini might go, albeit on his own terms.

On another note, ha ha, little unsure as to why you think I work in the media, although know people who do work for the club, couple of the players.

And there is something we can both agree on, sacking Bobby is not a positive, but it doesn't make what other people are saying non-relevant.

It was open season on us when we sacked Hughes, after losing one game?
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

In my honest opinion, I hope we keep Mancini, as I think with the right team he could lead us to glory.

But if we're not keeping him, I hope we go for a proven manager who has a track record of success and put together a plan for City to continue to achieve and not just be a short term triumph.

Lets get behind the boys for the remainder of the season and let the powers decide on what is best for the club
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

i really hope he stays, it will be a big mistake if he goes imo,
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

Same people making the same points, going around in circles.

All will become clear at the end of the season, maybe even sooner.

It's too much to hope that this debate is put to bed but I'd rather focus on stuffing Utd and getting into that top four.

One thing is for certain, I've said this before, if Mancini gets us there under the circumstances - rumours, uncertainty, no spending money, injuries, bad luck, then he deserves a huge amount of praise.
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

tolmie's hairdoo said:
It was open season on us when we sacked Hughes, after losing one game?
Are you saying he was effectively sacked before the Spurs game?
You are on thin ice there, but also don't minimise the impact of our defeat by the UAE in Abu Dhabi. That was a bleak time for Hughes.
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

Didsbury Dave said:
Same people making the same points, going around in circles.

All will become clear at the end of the season, maybe even sooner.

It's too much to hope that this debate is put to bed but I'd rather focus on stuffing Utd and getting into that top four.

One thing is for certain, I've said this before, if Mancini gets us there under the circumstances - rumours, uncertainty, no spending money, injuries, bad luck, then he deserves a huge amount of praise.
As someone that wants Mancini to stay on, I have to say the spending thing worries me, thats not a great sign and I'm not even sure Johnson was "his" signing.
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

tolmie's hairdoo said:
grim up north said:
ffs you cannot make it up

now Mancini wants to leave,

the players hate him, the players have changed the tactics

what next

tolmies hairdo, desperate dave, prestwhich

I have not said Mancini wants to leave, the complete opposite in fact.

There are players who do not believe Mancini is the man. As for the tactics, my own opinion was based on an observation.

We have adopted a more attacking philosophy. As for zonal marking, weren't we already doing that under Hughes, also?

Albeit, very badly. And for the record, I couldn't stand Hughes.

No we switched to zonal with Mancini and with some success. I am a big follower of Doug's training reports and in the early days it was mainly defensive work, keeping our shape, positions for the zonal marking (sky showed it quite well during the match), shadow play etc. Lately there has been more focus on the offensive side with work done with Tevez and Ade and seemingly to make de Jong more of an effective attacking force (yeah I know!)

What has been interesting is (for once) seeing the fruits of this coming through on match day.

I don't care if the players like Mancini or if they hate his training regime but I do care if it is not been shown on match day. My biggest gripe about Hughes was did we actually do any f**king training because headless chickens seemed to be us on match day. Under Mancini win, lose or draw even I can see lots of elements of what Mancini wants coming through on matchday. The difference is like night and day and I do credit the players that irrespective of what they feel about Mancini they are carrying out or attempting to carry out his gameplan.

I make no pretence that I know what will happen manager wise in the summer and I say that as one of Jose's biggest fans but this attempt to twist good results into 'its all down to the players and nothing to do with the manager' is bizarre. Hell as a 'Hughes outer' even I never bothered to lay that sort of shite on Hughes when we did well.

You guys are going to have to stop reaching. Its starting to sound silly.
Re: Do YOU think Mancini will be out manager next season?

johnny crossan said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It was open season on us when we sacked Hughes, after losing one game?
Are you saying he was effectively sacked before the Spurs game?
You are on thin ice there, but also don't minimise the impact of our defeat by the UAE in Abu Dhabi. That was a bleak time for Hughes.

No, nothing to see there!

Forgot we had lost to Spurs as well as manure, that's all!

Are you saying a scratch City kids side losing to an UAE team was so bad? Find that hard to believe TBH.

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