Do you think we are building up to World War 3?

what a lot of people don't know or are not aware of is that Russia's nuclear system is safe guarded with a system that has radiation sensors deposited around all major cities and towns, as soon as any of the sensors pick up a certain amount of radiation the automatic launch takes over and despatches the lot in a retaliation strike, the automatic launch system can not be stopped once started,lets just hope its never faulty
All we know is that the Russian's told the American's this system was 'fully automatic'. Must be true then.
I made grammatical error in that one would assume I was linking Cancer with this new man made virus which I believe will wipe many of us out.

Thousands of years ago we weren't getting cancer to the same extent as humans do today and I (as do many people far more qualified than myself such as scientists) put this down to pollution/diet.
As cancer is strongly linked to a 'messing up' of our genetic code, could it not simply be the fact that on average we live far longer into old age nowadays? A longer lifetime increases the likelihood of our DNA messing up, and therefore should increase the likelihood of an individiual being diagnosed with a certain type of cancer.
As cancer is strongly linked to a 'messing up' of our genetic code, could it not simply be the fact that on average we live far longer into old age nowadays? A longer lifetime increases the likelihood of our DNA messing up, and therefore should increase the likelihood of an individiual being diagnosed with a certain type of cancer.
This report disagrees that its just because we are getting older.

There may be newer evidence published today which I am unaware of but like I said I'm no expert in this field.
There won't be a conventional WW3 , but a continuation of the perpetual global proxy war system used by russia and america, plus more influence in many regions by China, and more cyber warfare.

No major power is stupid enough to use nukes.
I dont think so but what wont help is this cock knocker Trump using Twitter to make menacing statements on a Monday about North Korea seeking to expand their nuclear arsenal, and then using it on a Tuesday to publicly disrespect and try to undermine the intelligence agencies he will be relying on to find out and inform him about it. Hes a fucking loon.
I made grammatical error in that one would assume I was linking Cancer with this new man made virus which I believe will wipe many of us out.

I'm certain cancer was man made but not purposely, more so a byproduct due to environmental/lifestyle factors which have changed during human evolution such as the industrial revolution, with ever increasing pollution and changes in our diet.

Thousands of years ago we weren't getting cancer to the same extent as humans do today and I (as do many people far more qualified than myself such as scientists) put this down to pollution/diet.

This view of a strong virus which will kill us (but is man made) is probably heavily influenced by the many films and videogames such as FallOut which has a basis of human race being wiped out by some virus.

I mean didn't we play Division together? Similar concept based on society having a smallpox pandemic.

It would be far easier to have the war in a laboratory than using soldiers marching.

Cancer has been around for about 4000 years, or at least that's the oldest record.

While I don't doubt pollution makes it worse it's certainly not something we created.
Cancer has been around for about 4000 years, or at least that's the oldest record.

While I don't doubt pollution makes it worse it's certainly not something we created.
Of course it isnt, its a changing of the bodies cells. That is not tinfoil covered enough for youtubers though. Medical science, physiology and fact? No, there must be more to it!
If I was Jewish I'd probably still want revenge for what happened during WW2. And Israel does have its 'Samson Option'.
Although part of revenge of course is savouring your victory, seeing your opponent humbled. If nuclear exchanges kicked off it'd all maybe be the end for everyone.

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