Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

alera said:
They had a sports lawyer on the BBC website saying refusing to play is gross misconduct and we are within our rights to sack him if / when it's proven he refused to play.

He losses his wages and we can sue him and his agent for the loss of a huge transfer fee.

He can't be allowed anywhere near the club after this. Not in the training ground, not in the stadium no where near any of our players. He has to be made an example of with extreme prejudice. Even the Pfa are saying his is looking at severe consequences.

No longer a city player as far as I am concerned.

Loaning or selling him cheap would mean he and KIA win. It's gone beyond that it's made us a laughing stock. He has to be made an example of. we need to do whatever we can to ruin what is left of his career.
Cheers for the info mate.

And yes, he absolutely HAS to be made an example of. Believe me, we'll never, ever have this problem again.

One bad apple spoils the bunch, it really does. The sooner he leaves the better it is for us and the dressing room.

And to think I was slated on here for calling him vermin. Laughable.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

We know the chance of recouping much of our original valuation has gone, and he will now depreciate with every passing week, between now and the window.

The irony is, the clown has presented City with the 'perfect storm' to 'get even'.

Much like Chelsea did with Mutu, expect to see us take our chance in court for breach and recouping more than we could ever have wished on the open market.

Him and his fucking weasle will be turning tricks in Forte Apache just to put food on the table.

A fine of two weeks maximum equals almost £600k.

City will baulk at paying him an additional £3.6m to let him get even fatter in the stands, prior to the Jan window.

Sacking him now saves us £4.2m in the immediate.

The original talk was of cutting our losses in January, but it does appear to be getting nastier by the hour.
My take on Tevez

Helped us from 9th to 5th to 3rd and FA Cup win,with his goals and workrate,during last 2 years.
Most fans and he knows we are not as dependent on him now,so he sulks and causes unrest among the squad.
He used us,we used him,that is what this player is about,no love lost,ship him out first chance we get,ask him to donate this weeks wages to the Royal Manchester Childrens hospital appeal as he forsook the option of earning his money last night,alledgedly.
I stand behind Bobby Manc at all times,one boss,one rule,if you don't like it,get out.
I trust Khaldoon to support Bobby 100% on this one,if this is correct,which it looks very much like it is.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

Aphex said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Aphex said:
there is a heat of the moment element to it all, and i can't help but think we may have been slightly stitched up by the media

i was angry last night, but i'm going to wait and see what comes of this. if the worst case scenario is of petulance then something may still be salvageable from this sorry mess.
I guess it comes down to we are almost into Oct do any of us really think Tevez will not be looking for a way out in Jan anyway.... So if Mancini backs down at this point and accepts that he "misunderstood" him we get 3 months before he is looking for a move again. Don't get me wrong I like Tevez alot as a player and think he will struggle to find another team that will build themselves around him the way we DID for the last 2 seasons(and seem to have moved away from this year). However, I question the cost of any make up.

he may try to move (more than likely) but to 'let him rot in the reserves' as some people have stated will reflect badly on us - eventually worse than the actual catalyst

i also have faith in ADUG to make the right decision on this.

How do you possibly work that out?

Everyone in the game is on our side and all "comment" from the press has suggested doing just that. They are the opinion formers.<br /><br />-- Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:05 pm --<br /><br />
Aphex said:
kenzie115 said:
Aphex said:
he may try to move (more than likely) but to 'let him rot in the reserves' as some people have stated will reflect badly on us - eventually worse than the actual catalyst

i also have faith in ADUG to make the right decision on this.

No it won't, every media outlet, pundit, manager and player who has written about it or been interviewed in the past 15 hours has backed Mancini and slammed Tevez. I wouldn't even let him rot in the reserves, tell him he's banned from the training ground and the stadium and just let his contract run out or simply terminate his contract and sue him. We'd be portrayed as the club who finally stood up and stopped the ever increasing player power.

i think you'll find that some other than others. and i also think you'll find the most scathing have and will come from the people in sky's pocket

i'm not defending tevez, i'm waiting to see wht the final outcome is. as for letting him rot in the reserves it WILL reflect badly on us.
No it WON'T.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

We can sack him save the wages but unlike mutu retain his registration so he can't go and play elsewhere.

Incidentally it took Chelsea years but in the end they won in the courts mutu and the clubs that signed him now are on the hook to Chelsea for millions in compensation.

As phil mcnuty said on the BBC taking this through the courts will take 2 years at least in this time he wont be able to kick a football anywhere in the world at club level at least.

With the evidence at hand we have an excellent chance at ruining him in court. For me this is our only option. No one will pay his wages or any sort of fee for him now so it really is our best option moving forward.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

I'd put Herman on gardening leave but he's so stupid he probably wouldn't know which way up to hold the spade.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

tolmie's hairdoo said:
We know the chance of recouping much of our original valuation has gone, and he will now depreciate with every passing week, between now and the window.

The irony is, the clown has presented City with the 'perfect storm' to 'get even'.

Much like Chelsea did with Mutu, expect to see us take our chance in court for breach and recouping more than we could ever have wished on the open market.

Him and his fucking weasle will be turning tricks in Forte Apache just to put food on the table.

A fine of two weeks maximum equals almost £600k.

City will baulk at paying him an additional £3.6m to let him get even fatter in the stands, prior to the Jan window.

Sacking him now saves us £4.2m in the immediate.

The original talk was of cutting our losses in January, but it does appear to be getting nastier by the hour.

Great news. Thanks Tolm.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

tolmie's hairdoo said:
We know the chance of recouping much of our original valuation has gone, and he will now depreciate with every passing week, between now and the window.

The irony is, the clown has presented City with the 'perfect storm' to 'get even'.

Much like Chelsea did with Mutu, expect to see us take our chance in court for breach and recouping more than we could ever have wished on the open market.

Him and his fucking weasle will be turning tricks in Forte Apache just to put food on the table.

A fine of two weeks maximum equals almost £600k.

City will baulk at paying him an additional £3.6m to let him get even fatter in the stands, prior to the Jan window.

Sacking him now saves us £4.2m in the immediate.

The original talk was of cutting our losses in January, but it does appear to be getting nastier by the hour.

In years to come, just as we do with Bosman, i hope that players will talk about the Tevez case and ruling and see it as a rude awakening as to what will happen to you when you act the ****!

Finish the fucker and his twat of an agent.
Re: Carlos Tevez [Merged]

alera said:
We can sack him save the wages but unlike mutu retain his registration so he can't go and play elsewhere.

Incidentally it took Chelsea years but in the end they won in the courts mutu and the clubs that signed him now are on the hook to Chelsea for millions in compensation.

As phil mcnuty said on the BBC taking this through the courts will take 2 years at least in this time he won be able to kick a football anywhere in the world at club level at least.

With the evidence at hand we have an excellent chance at ruining him in court. For me this is our only option. No one will pay his wages or any sort of fee for him now so it really is our best option moving forward.

Listen to this man, only this ^^^
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