Do you want Tevez to stay?

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Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

As much as I/we all want to abuse Tevez i'm a lot more interested in understanding just why he refused to play. In that single instance he must have known he was ending his playing career at City and possibly even anywhere else thats worth playing for because what other club will take this kind of risk no matter what his grievances are. I presume he must be aware its a breach of contract. Surely he knows he is going to face ridicule from his proffesional peers to say nothing of abuse from supporters. He had it all at City, adulation, untold millions and football at the highest level, all thrown away for what - I can't believe its all for a single substitution.

Will be very interesting to hear his side of whats happened.
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Personally, if Dzeko got a game of five a side before me I'd be miffed, so it's no wonder Tevez was pissed off and refused to play
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

I told you, I fucking told you all. I've been telling you since December! Carlos Tevez has got a track record of being a ****, he's been a **** with other clubs, he's been a **** with us, he's been a **** with his with wife, he's best mates with a ****, he's being a **** with us again. I must have posted on this website a hundred times that it will happen again. Did you all listen? No! No, instead, all you apologetic fuckers who pushed yer panties down and took a full length right up yer stinking brown shitters from the little **** and have all said "oh it's all okay Mr Tevez, please come back and play for us, please I'm a desperate twat!" and then gave him a big cheer (A FUCKING BIG CHEER, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!) ...a cheer for what you fucking clowns?!what is it alright in your world to be treated like a set if twats and then forgive and cheer people who've treated you like twats?... over and over again!

For fuck's sake! I don't know what world some people live in! I've not cheered for that **** once since he handed in that first transfer request. I was rudiculed on here by some of you! But can you see why?! Can you see you were fucking wildly wrong about this ****?

Carlos Tevez, I fucking hate you! You're a fucking ****, a moaning smarmy in-it-for-yourself adulterating piss-taking unloyal ****! Fuck you!
Re: Tevez

Personally, if Dzeko got a game of five a side before me I'd be miffed, so it's no wonder Tevez was pissed off and refused to play
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Florian_33 Florian Demirović
Apparently Zabaleta hit Tevez in the tunnel. I don't blame him
6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

I told you, I fucking told you all. I've been telling you since December! Carlos Tevez has got a track record of being a ****, he's been a **** with other clubs, he's been a **** with us, he's been a **** with his with wife, he's best mates with a ****, he's being a **** with us again. I must have posted on this website a hundred times that it will happen again. Did you all listen? No! No, instead, all you apologetic fuckers who pushed yer panties down and took a full length right up yer stinking brown shitters from the little **** and have all said "oh it's all okay Mr Tevez, please come back and play for us, please I'm a desperate twat!" and then gave him a big cheer (A FUCKING BIG CHEER, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!) ...a cheer for what you fucking clowns?!what is it alright in your world to be treated like a set if twats and then forgive and cheer people who've treated you like twats?... over and over again!

For fuck's sake! I don't know what world some people live in! I've not cheered for that **** once since he handed in that first transfer request. I was rudiculed on here by some of you! But can you see why?! Can you see you were fucking wildly wrong about this ****?

Carlos Tevez, I fucking hate you! You're a fucking ****, a moaning smarmy in-it-for-yourself adulterating piss-taking unloyal ****! Fuck you!
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

lets let the little herman munster headed twat know never to put on a blue shirt ever again at blackburn.

you'll never shag a sexy bird tevez, tevez,
you'll never shag a sexy bird tevez, tevez,
you argie twat,
you fucking ****,
you've sown your head on back to front,
carlos tevez, herman munster head
Re: Carlos tevez (mods we need a seperate tevez thread)

Leave him in Germany doesn't deserve to travel with the first team, he let his team mates down just as much as the fans.
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