Do you want the glory hunters/tourists?

Well I've been brought up a City fan for pretty much the whole 21 years of my life but I think if people want to become fans of our club they should be welcomed in, as long as they do support the team, not just use "City fan" as a tag and not have a clue about what is happening with the team or when we are playing and so on.

What makes me laugh about some rags is you'll get some guys who say they are "united fans" but they don't have any interest in football, they just choose a team to say they support. Then you get some girls who say they are "united fans" just because they have a crush on one or two of the players but they won't support the team or anything, just gawp at the player they like. The same can be said for many teams, but it is usually teams like united, chelsea, arsenal, liverpool have a lot of these fans and so on, so it seems to be the "bigger clubs" so if we want to get to the top like them we will probably end up getting fans like this anyway.
Just a heads up to the many people travelling in for games ibis is having a 50% of sale on hotel rooms from the 13-22 of march, just booked a room for the derby ;-)
The 12th Man said:
Then you get some girls who say they are "united fans" just because they have a crush on one or two of the players but they won't support the team or anything, just gawp at the player they like.

With any luck, the likes of Tevez and Lescott can help us avoid that, and Santa Cruz is always injured!
sorrry mate but this is a shit thread i come from Belfast and have been coming over to follow my beloved blues for 35years now i have no connection with Manchester but i feel like an adopted one. It probably costs me more per match to see city that what you would spend in a season. glory hunters come and go but diehards like myself who have gone through the good times and bad stay. i have been to the 1976 league cup final the 1999 play off final and many an european match. if the arabs extend the stadium to 60,000 and we fill it would you still rather have 40,000 every week i know what i would like to see. CTID
Yeah I do. It means we must have some success.

Hence the term glory hunters.
Don't really know why the out-of-towners are getting so worked up. You've obviously been supporting City for ages and have your reasons for this, you can hardly be considered glory hunters.

I'm on about these people we will get who will take pictures of the other team scoring, the people who will treat it like Disney World instead of a football game, the people who won't give a shit when we are getting beat, the people who can't name more than 2 players, the people who look at the league table and say "that's my team". These are the people I don't want and hope we don't get. I probably worded it wrong.

I also don't think it's a legit argument to bring the owners, manager, players into this. They're all doing there job, they're getting paid to play, manage, etc.. We were here long before any of them came and we'll be here long after and we don't get paid, we have to pay, so bringing them into it doesn't really mean anything.
To be fair, if you join up to a city forum and check it all the time i think theres no questioning whether you're a true fan, just shows how much we love city.
Bunch of fucking rags.

It doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter when you became a City fan, it doesn't matter how often you get to the games, it doesn't matter how many posts on a City forum you have. If you are a City fan, you are a City fan, that's it.

These fuckers who want to compare fan-penis size are pathetic and need to find an alternative outlet for their insecurities.

Every City fan is equal, and we are all part of the same family. You garner no extra kudos or respect from me because you were there in the 'bad old days'. I don't care. I don't care if you were there every game in Division Two. I don't care if you go to every European away day. I don't care if you come from Manchester, or London, or Ireland.

The only thing I care about, is if you have City in your heart. If you do, nothing more is needed, welcome to the family.

Perhaps instead of doing what the arrogant wanker rags do, and complaining about all of these 'glory hunters', we could actually embrace them, teach them about our history and teach them about the attitude of the club? Bring them into the fold, and keep our club a family club with a similar morality? You know, actually work hard to maintain the soul of our club, despite our growing stature?

Ah fuck it, we may as well move to fucking Old Trafford and don the Norwich scarfs.
I never lose any sleep about glory hunters/tourists one way or the other. Not really bothered where they come from either.

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