Does Anyone actually rate Kolarov??

For a team ASPIRING to be the best team in England and one of the top 8 teams in Europe, he does not have the tool kit. he is not as bad as some suggest, but we need top class internationals in every position, and, at the very minimum, good cover in each position.

Kolarov falls under "good cover, at the very minimum."

This is a tale of woe that is going to be repeated numerous times with numerous players over the next few years. We will see ever better players being brought in and players we USED TO THINK were top class will not be in fashion, either through age or ability.

It is called PROGRESS, and unfortunately for Aleks, his has not matched the club's ambitions to achieve it.
He's no where near as bad as people make him out to be. He's a good player...but we're used to excellent players these past few years.
I personally feel he is playing in the wrong position, he'd be a quality CDM in many prem teams with his shooting and that fact that he can kinda defend but isn't the best positionally...
Farzyy said:
He's no where near as bad as people make him out to be. He's a good player...but we're used to excellent players these past few years.
I personally feel he is playing in the wrong position, he'd be a quality CDM in many prem teams with his shooting and that fact that he can kinda defend but isn't the best positionally...
You have to put your foot in and tackle to be a CDM. This guy goes down like a cheap prostitute whenever theres any physical contact
Unless he wears the number 47 next season get rid. His lack of urgency and positioning hinder the team.
Agree he's not a top 2 club player more like a spurs or Everton type. We need better than him if we are to seriously challenge United and Chelsea this year. Should look at Baines.
Think he gets a very raw deal on here,
Though I do agree he is not a top two player he isn't as bad as people make out on here.
I think alot of the time he is used as a scape goat for some of our bad performances,
His defending isn't great, going forward he is good and you can't deny he is one of the best in the PL from set pieces.
richball_PF55 said:
Think he gets a very raw deal on here,
Though I do agree he is not a top two player he isn't as bad as people make out on here.
I think alot of the time he is used as a scape goat for some of our bad performances,
His defending isn't great, going forward he is good and you can't deny he is one of the best in the PL from set pieces.
one Goal in the league this season ,I don't think that was a set play and I cant remember many assists if any ,hardly one of the best in the prem
His defending is woeful most of the time, he's too slow for the prem. he does have a mean shot occasionally and can deliver a decent ball 1 out of 10.
Move him on, I'm sure he will be happy.
My other half rates him. She's seen him in tight sweat pants after training ( she was getting autographs at Carrington for my birthday card) and to quote "he's a big lad!!"

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