Does death scare you?

Not being ever able to see trees, the countryside, the wonderful array of animals we have on the earth, the sea, the joy of hurtling downhill on my bike, my beautiful daughters in old age, the tastes and smells of freshly cooked food and the views from a just-climbed peak. These are some of the simple things in life and they’re really all I need. I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy them all and when my time comes it is going to piss me off that they’re not going to be available for me any more. That’s it really - not a fear just a feeling of sadness.
When you are a child and you get an understanding of mortality and that you will die that is when it’s scary. It used to scare the shit out of me knowing that me and everyone I cared about will die.

Think as you get older there is more of an acceptance that it will happen and you make your peace with it. No one lives for ever so make it count whilst you are here.
no - its inevitable. I hope not to die in a drawn out excruciating pain kind of way but at the same time just dropping down dead will shock the family but with experience of losing people the drawn out version where the dying can say goodbye is better than dropping dead
I don’t know.
I’ve seen both with my mother getting progressively worse for years with emphysema and my father having a massive heart attack out of the blue.

Initially, my finding my father in a chair at home when I got in from work was worse, but I think in the end after the initial shock, you realise it is a much better way to go.
So what your really saying is that you have a load of kinky sex stuff that you need rid of before your next of kin finds out how colourful you really were. Good planning.
So what your really saying is that you have a load of kinky sex stuff that you need rid of before your next of kin finds out how colourful you really were. Good planning.
Yes mate haha
Missing out on future events scare me. I want to see us land on Mars and further.
And the Rags and dippers getting relegated.
After spending 18 months watching my wife of 25 years slowly succumb to a Brain tumour I feel insulated from any concerns.I have come out the other end more resilient but with permanent if fluctuating degrees of anxiety not related to death.
My parents are 84 and 79 respectively and I am grateful they’ve had long lives.
When life is precious I do wonder why so many people get irate over comparably menial events.

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