Does death scare you?

Yea very much so. Im 49 so hopefully years of healthy living left.
The thought of going now and leaving a young family behind makes me feel sick.
Ive had cancer before and it turned me into a massive hypochondriac . Left longer and that cancer wouldve killed me. Had another near death experience 30 years ago and although it does make me appreciate life ive felt the shadow of death twice and it was horrible
A few year's ago I received a text from an ex apprentice who had worked with me year's earlier. We socialised with the wives, had BBQs etc. It was from his wife, informing me he'd passed away at the weekend. He'd been to a music festival, but decided to go home early, feeling unwell. He walked through the front door followed by his 8 year old son, got to the living room and collapsed. He was dead on the spot. Nothing his wife or the emergency services could do, he was just 50. He also had two early teenage daughters. It left the kids traumatised.
Sounds very very close. I am losing weight slowly. But need to lose a lot more really. Great to hear she's gone to college and got the qualifications.

I take her every Saturday to football and I'm a coach for her team which I've just started.

Luckily I do take time for me. And there might be more kids to come!
Love it, I helped run a few junior teams with the kids in, very rewarding, you’ll have a blast.
Your last two lines are the problem though! One minute I had 1 kid, the next I had four, ‘me time’ was down the swanny :( got em all to a good age (to be a bit selfish) and they’re popping grandkids like gremlins……on the weight loss front, if you feel like you’re doing your bit & not quite getting the results, try a simple herbal fat reducing tablet/metabolism booster, it does get harder to lose the older you get
Used to, now it's just inevitable isn't it. Just don't leave with any regrets and make peace with everybody you should. Hopefully it'll be in 40/50 years and I imagine by then my head will be that knackered I'll be just about ready.

See all the places on my list, do all the things I want to do on my list, watch my daughter grow up. I'm good with that
I've had a couple of general anesthetics and it's wonderful, one minute lucid the next unconscious.
That's how I'd like to go, assisted dying surrounded by my wife and kids.
Trouble is, I love them so much I don't want to leave them.

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