Does death scare you?

Not afraid of death , did it once and i remember nothing happening . I will take my own life if i have to go down the cancer or something else which would mean a terrible and painful end , i want to just slip away in my sleep, god willing
There's a few on here will offer to hit you over the head with a shovel if that ever happens...........

You're not going anywhere as your pussy needs you
Imagine if there is an afterlife.
You’ve passed the test and you go through the pearly gates of heaven for eternal afterlife……

………and it’s full of like idiots who have annoyed you in this life who you have to spend forever with.
But it won’t be like earth, it will be thousands of years worth of idiots up there, billions & billions of them.

What was the question again?
Oh yeah……….Death for me please
I’ve seen a lot of death, people dying and it’s a strange thing, many don’t even know, one minute they were doing something then next nothingness, I always think it’s harder for the families, especially if they are present at the time. I just hope when I do go it’s peacefully and not a burden on anyone.
i am however More scared of others about me going, especially my parents, that will truly devastate me.
not scared of being dead. I will not be around so will know nowt about it

scared of dying in extreme pain if I am honest

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