Does the constant slander about City bother you?

Over the lst few weeks I've definitely noticed a shift in perceptions from the neutrals (ie not really our rivals). Now that we've gone and broke the British transfer record there is a swing to the anti-City agenda for sure. Being a moderator on one of the streaming sites where fans from all teams stop by there was a palpable feeling of wanting us to lose today. It's quite obvious most of that is media driven as if you try and engage they don't really want to know. Quite sad really.
Gives me a bit of extra fire in my belly to be honest. Makes winning mean that little bit more. Now I’m so used to it, I’d miss it if it went away. That’s one of the reasons why I never want fair and balanced opinion about us.
I got into a Twitter debate with a variety of MUFC fans over the last 24 hours. They claimed Utd had no debt between 1931 and the Glazers. This is absolute rubbish so for anyone who sees similar here’s a cutting from Dec 88 about the high spending, borrowing and debts at that time which helped create Fergie’s first trophy winning team. It may help!
Don’t forget Louis selling condemned meat to school canteens!
Apart from the simple jealousy I’m starting to think it’s an English thing. Deference and knowing your place is so ingrained. So when a player moves to the rags or liverpool it’s ok, they’re moving up, the natural order of things. But if a player moves to little new money city, owned by a non Anglo-Saxon foreigner, then that is disrupting the hierarchy, they’re forgetting their place and getting above their station. Perhaps I’m thinking too much about it and it’s just good old fashioned bitter envy.
I think there is a lot of truth in this theory. We constantly hear this strange phrase that United "have earned their money" when the club is underpinned by a mountain of debt owed to US banks and sustained by huge state sponsors like Saudi Telecom. It is deference backed up by lots of propaganda.
Had the misfortune to be in a bar this afternoon when a Rag I know came in, telling everyone who would listen that there was at least 15k empty seats at our yesterday.

If a little turd in his bedroom rocks your world with his negative comments, it says more about YOU than them.

Laughed at or hated, I'll take the hate everyday, being laughed at is much harder than being hated.
The Rag divs used to have a banner that said something like " Hated, Adored, but never Ignored"

They used to have a point. Not now though as they are generally a laughing stock.

The opposite of love though is not hate, it is indifference. Nobody is indifferent to us nowadays, i find that comforting, we are relevant, we matter, so everything is thrown at us because we are relevant and we do matter.

I love to reply to there stupidity on twitter with one word " Champions"
If this is what it’s like after two games, it seems it’s going to be worse than ever before this season then
Obsession levels have been cranked up a few notches
If this is what it’s like after two games, it seems it’s going to be worse than ever before this season then
Obsession levels have been cranked up a few notches
Apparently we are immoral and cynical for trying to sign one club men
Don’t remember any similar media outrage and weeks of pissing and moaning when other teams signed similar players. Like, say, Yorke, Barnes, De Gea, Henderson, Wan Bissaka etc etc

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