So am I correct in thinking that after being a Remainer and then finally albeit reluctantly you switched.It's a myth that the BBC is impartial. Perhaps it used to be sometime in the past but for as long as I can remember it's had its biases, lack of objectivity and sometimes even agendas.
None of that would matter were it not for the fact that they are supposed to be objective and impartial, and therefore a lot of people believe that they are and take what the BBC say as being gospel. So when in fact they are behaving like a lobby group, this is extremely dangerous.
Perhaps the most stark exsmple is its actual policy decision to not report on any climate-skeptic science or anything which might suggest that climate change may not be so extreme. A completely disgraceful position for a notionally objective news reporting organisation to assume. So on this topic it consistently peddles a biased, often uninformed and sometimes just downright wrong point of view, dressed up as objective and undeniable fact. It's bloody disgraceful.
Now after castigating Cummings for his reckless behaviour you have decided to castigate a journalist for agreeing with you.