Donald Trump

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I'm far from a Trump fan and would've preferred Hillary to win but now its happened I'm trying to look for any potential positives. Firstly, I don't think Trump is quite as obnoxious and bigoted as he came across during the campaign. Secondly, despite noises in some quarters that he'll be a huge threat to world peace I can't help thinking that he's a lesser threat than Hillary. Thirdly, I reckon he might well deliver on at least some of his promises to the American people - not all of them as that would be impossible, but it looks like austerity in the US could be over. Fourthly, there's a chance that the outlook for ourselves post-Brexit could now be brighter given his vocal support for Brexit and it's interesting to note that the pound is rocketing against the Euro.

All in all, this might not turn out to be quite as bad as many people feared. Of course, he won't be making all the decisions by himself either - he'll have a good support group of experts advising him every step of the way.

As with Brexit democracy has spoken, we move on and give him benefit of the doubt in this respect. Not being a cog in political machinery previously could be beneficial to all.
I'm far from a Trump fan and would've preferred Hillary to win but now its happened I'm trying to look for any potential positives. Firstly, I don't think Trump is quite as obnoxious and bigoted as he came across during the campaign. Secondly, despite noises in some quarters that he'll be a huge threat to world peace I can't help thinking that he's a lesser threat than Hillary. Thirdly, I reckon he might well deliver on at least some of his promises to the American people - not all of them as that would be impossible, but it looks like austerity in the US could be over. Fourthly, there's a chance that the outlook for ourselves post-Brexit could now be brighter given his vocal support for Brexit and it's interesting to note that the pound is rocketing against the Euro.

All in all, this might not turn out to be quite as bad as many people feared. Of course, he won't be making all the decisions by himself either - he'll have a good support group of experts advising him every step of the way.

This is pretty much where I am also, its done, lets fucking get on with it.

The protests and burning of American flags is a bit sad really. Wonder if there are any match thread dwellers who burn City flags every time we lose? Probably.

Lesbian feminazi? Or just a mard arse?
Probably both.
I fail to understand the mentality of folk who immediately want to film themselves whinging and skriking
when something fails to go the way they think it should.But the sense of entitlement, and the self pitying
horror that their view of the world isn't held by the majority is a joy to behold.
This is pretty much where I am also, its done, lets fucking get on with it.

The protests and burning of American flags is a bit sad really. Wonder if there are any match thread dwellers who burn City flags every time we lose? Probably.

During every match day thread I'd wager.
This is pretty much where I am also, its done, lets fucking get on with it.

The protests and burning of American flags is a bit sad really. Wonder if there are any match thread dwellers who burn City flags every time we lose? Probably.

Wonder if the Rags do it?
With all those fans worldwide it's no wonder we've got global warming.
Probably both.
I fail to understand the mentality of folk who immediately want to film themselves whinging and skriking
when something fails to go the way they think it should.But the sense of entitlement, and the self pitying
horror that their view of the world isn't held by the majority is a joy to behold.

It gives me a warm glow inside
Probably both.
I fail to understand the mentality of folk who immediately want to film themselves whinging and skriking
when something fails to go the way they think it should.But the sense of entitlement, and the self pitying
horror that their view of the world isn't held by the majority is a joy to behold.
I'd ban "video blogs" regardless of their content.
His last sentence carries an element of truth, I'm afraid. Picking Hilary has allowed Trump into office.

Yes, although the Democrats weren't spoiled for choice. Once Biden dropped out of the race they didnt seem to have many credible options. The worrying thing is that they could be in the same situation in 2020. Hence Michelle Obama is already being touted as their saviour.
The more and more I watch the latest developments in the world, from Brexit to Trump's victory, I can't help but think maybe there is a grain of truth in this theory we are living in some sort of simulated existence! I mean history really does repeat itself. Some little alien shit playing this epic game has clearly got bored and decide to start a new world war.
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