Donald Trump

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The more and more I watch the latest developments in the world, from Brexit to Trump's victory, I can't help but think maybe there is a grain of truth in this theory we are living in some sort of simulated existence! I mean history really does repeat itself. Some little alien shit playing this epic game has clearly got bored and decide to start a new world war.

May I ask why you feel either Brexit or the election of Trump make world war 3 any more likely, when in truth Brexit will have no bearing on such a thing and Trump winning actually makes it less likely.
May I ask why you feel either Brexit or the election of Trump make world war 3 any more likely, when in truth Brexit will have no bearing on such a thing and Trump winning actually makes it less likely.
I'm not sure any of the hand wringing liberals understand that neither brexit or trump becoming president have actually happened yet. Still ,why let facts get in the way of ww3.
Yes, although the Democrats weren't spoiled for choice. Once Biden dropped out of the race they didnt seem to have many credible options. The worrying thing is that they could be in the same situation in 2020. Hence Michelle Obama is already being touted as their saviour.
Might work in their favour, Obama was fairly left field.
The more and more I watch the latest developments in the world, from Brexit to Trump's victory, I can't help but think maybe there is a grain of truth in this theory we are living in some sort of simulated existence! I mean history really does repeat itself. Some little alien shit playing this epic game has clearly got bored and decide to start a new world war.

Heaven forbid a sovereign nation wishes to leave a union to be able to 100% govern themselves. Must mean we're in a matrix.

Nicola Sturgeon, half of Hungary and half of Holland must be pixelated aliens as well.
Yes, although the Democrats weren't spoiled for choice. Once Biden dropped out of the race they didnt seem to have many credible options. The worrying thing is that they could be in the same situation in 2020. Hence Michelle Obama is already being touted as their saviour.
Biden was never in the race mate
The more and more I watch the latest developments in the world, from Brexit to Trump's victory, I can't help but think maybe there is a grain of truth in this theory we are living in some sort of simulated existence! I mean history really does repeat itself. Some little alien shit playing this epic game has clearly got bored and decide to start a new world war.
In a sense, metaphorically at least, this could be what Plato was speaking of in his allegory of the cave. Trump and Clinton were the shadows on the wall of the cave, the electorate were the prisoners against the wall trying to decide which shadow would serve them best. The answer? In truth...neither, really. Let go of the shackles and leave the cave. If this is the outcome of the election, then it seems a pretty good thing.

I blame American universities with their politically correct madness, and snowflake students, microaggressions, trigger warnings, safe spaces/rooms, and the denial of free speech to anyone who dares to disagree with the "correct" point of view, or god forbid, presents a "controversial" viewpoint. That video, and the hysterical reactions of teenagers, and young adults in America to Trump's victory, sums up a whole generation brought up on "There are no losers, everybody wins and gets a trophy" mentality. The video Metal Biker posted before is spot on too.

May I ask why you feel either Brexit or the election of Trump make world war 3 any more likely, when in truth Brexit will have no bearing on such a thing and Trump winning actually makes it less likely.

I'm not sure the potential breakup of European Union, which has been a key component in peace in Europe in modern times, the rise of hate crimes, racism, persecution of immigrants and minorities, as well inflicting potential economic strains on Europe and USA will help keep the peace personally. All consequences, or potential conflicts, of both bexit and trump. If you think the world's safer now than a few years ago then good for you. Wish I did.
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