Donald Trump

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His supporters wouldn't be rioting if he'd lost, they'd be shooting the towns up!

I did think before the result that if Hillary wins, some nutter Trump supporters would probably try to kill her. For her and her family's sake if nothing else, it's probably a good job she lost.
This is the spin being put on it now by many people borne out of their fear for what the future holds and is just wishful thinking on their part.
For example do you really believe it's his style to have a "good support group of experts advising him every step of the way"?

No spin and no fear from me mate. I just feel it's best to look at what positives he might bring to the table. I'd be doing exactly the same if it was a general election over here and the result didn't go the way I wanted.
As for your last comment, regardless of how he comes across I would find it absolutely astonishing that he'd take on that job and not have anyone advising him on all manner of matters. Do you seriously think he's going to bowl into the White House and do what the hell he wants without consulting anyone? I know he's a brash fucker but it doesn't work like that.
Jesus Christ the media need to fuck off for a bit now, going on and on and on about it.

I'm on record of being very anti Trump but the **** won. The great unwashed organising their third night of civil unrest need to get over it. It's democracy (or at least a Representative Republic). It doesn't mean that you get your way just because you drink soya milk and listen to TED Talks every week.

Not sure I like where society is going these days in the time of social media. It simply makes every **** that has never been told 'no' by their parents (Cresseda and James most likely) think that by shouting loud enough and long enough they will change the result. Well they won't. Trump got in because only 55% bothered to vote. Well fuck them.

Re group in four years, run a campaign on policies rather than personalities and try not to pick a crooked and dried up old Stepford Wife as your nominee.

Bunch of entitled arseholes.
The fear in these liberally extreme creatures is misguided.
More concerned about being PC than actually getting anything else done.
They'll cry Racism on the behalf of minorities (many of whom actually dislike this)

A friend summed it up best for me when we were kids: "I'd rather be picked to play in the school football team because of my ability, not because I'm the token black kid, and if I don't get picked it's tough shit, I'll have to prove I can be better"

I'm more concerned about being hit by an asteroid on this small piece of rock in this vast open space in this gigantic universe than say when WW3 will happen.

Are you not the bit concerned about the growing wave of anti-migrant, racist sentiment building up in America and, less so, in the UK? Are you ignoring the rise in hate crime? Also the rise in sex crimes against women? Maybe the fear of WW3 is exaggerated, I certainly hope so, but when you see countries severely divided and a president-elect who has sexually assaulted women, domestically abused his ex-wife, preached hate against women and minorities, there's cause for concern.
For example do you really believe it's his style to have a "good support group of experts advising him every step of the way"?
Pretty much yeah. Doesn't he own 400+ companies. Can't see him being hands on in each so he's probably used to delegating and trusting opinions of those that at the coal face so to speak.
Are you not the bit concerned about the growing wave of anti-migrant, racist sentiment building up in America and, less so, in the UK? Are you ignoring the rise in hate crime? Also the rise in sex crimes against women? Maybe the fear of WW3 is exaggerated, I certainly hope so, but when you see countries severely divided and a president-elect who has sexually assaulted women, domestically abused his ex-wife, preached hate against women and minorities, there's cause for concern.

countries have always been severely dvided though. and tbh i disagree that its mainly racist sentiment. i think people have genuine concerns over immigration that have been ignored for to long and are instantly labelled racist.
We should be looking at the reason behind trumps election win. IMO its mainly to do with the rich getting richer and the poor being worse off despite gdp figures or recovery. The people are losing jobs and the left are offering no alternative or answers. if we didn't have such a huge gap imo trump never would have got in. the past 20/30 years have created a climate where someone like trump is possible.
I dont remember seeing remainers out rioting and smashing shit up, the worst they have done is tut and woman on social media that they are more intelligent and should have been listened to.

There wasn't any rioting but there was that ridiculous petition signed by millions and the general dummy-spitting from some remainers was utterly laughable, the irony being that some of those involved claimed to be accepting of other people's opinions yet when Brexit happened they completely refused to accept the result and resorted to generalising all Brexiters as racist or thick or both.

Note I said some remainers. We had some great debates about it at work amongst remainers and leavers and none of it descended into mud-slinging. My boss was a staunch remainer as well as being strongly behind Hillary Clinton. However, he said today that if there was another Brexit vote he would vote to leave due to the amount of slapped arsed twats that are trying to scupper the process of us leaving the EU.
There wasn't any rioting but there was that ridiculous petition signed by millions and the general dummy-spitting from some remainers was utterly laughable, the irony being that some of those involved claimed to be accepting of other people's opinions yet when Brexit happened they completely refused to accept the result and resorted to generalising all Brexiters as racist or thick or both.

Note I said some remainers. We had some great debates about it at work amongst remainers and leavers and none of it descended into mud-slinging. My boss was a staunch remainer as well as being strongly behind Hillary Clinton. However, he said today that if there was another Brexit vote today he would vote to leave due to the amount of slapped arsed twats that are trying to scupper the process of us leaving the EU.

even then a lot of those signatures were fake accounts and people not from britain.
countries have always been severely dvided though. and tbh i disagree that its mainly racist sentiment. i think people have genuine concerns over immigration that have been ignored for to long and are instantly labelled racist.
We should be looking at the reason behind trumps election win. IMO its mainly to do with the rich getting richer and the poor being worse off despite gdp figures or recovery. The people are losing jobs and the left are offering no alternative or answers. if we didn't have such a huge gap imo trump never would have got in. the past 20/30 years have created a climate where someone like trump is possible.
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