Donald Trump

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Jesus Christ the media need to fuck off for a bit now, going on and on and on about it.........

Re group in four years, run a campaign on policies rather than personalities and try not to pick a crooked and dried up old Stepford Wife as your nominee.
Did you ever read / watch The Stepford Wives? If I might Trumpify the issue - You're the Stepford Wife!
There wasn't any rioting but there was that ridiculous petition signed by millions and the general dummy-spitting from some remainers was utterly laughable, the irony being that some of those involved claimed to be accepting of other people's opinions yet when Brexit happened they completely refused to accept the result and resorted to generalising all Brexiters as racist or thick or both.

Note I said some remainers. We had some great debates about it at work amongst remainers and leavers and none of it descended into mud-slinging. My boss was a staunch remainer as well as being strongly behind Hillary Clinton. However, he said today that if there was another Brexit vote today he would vote to leave due to the amount of slapped arsed twats that are trying to scupper the process of us leaving the EU.

Oooooo a petition, some tutting, a totally peaceful march, a woman on social media, hardly Armageddon is it, no need for Bruce Willis to sort that out is there?? Social media gives every racist or yogurt knitter a platform to air their views, if you dont like it simply dont go on it, life is a lot simpler and if you do its nothing to get upset about in any case. Its just a very small minority spouting bollocks, which is what you get about most issues, as my dad said empty vessels make the most noise. The majority of people that I have encountered are totally accepting of the vote, most rational people understand the process, there is no way we should spoff another £100m on another vote because of a few twats, I think we should leave as that is the will of most of the people and I voted remain.

As I said there were 53 arrests in London on the anti establishment march just 6 days ago, hardly a murmur anywhere, a few yanks get their knickers in a twist and everyone is up in arms about it, something not quite right about that. I'm off to make an effigy to burn in protest, oh no, sorry to hang from a lamp post, burning it wouldnt be good for the environment.
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