It's amazing how Obama escapes such a bad rap. He is ultimately responsible for the two candidates which contested the race.
I am happy The Donald got over the line, simply because it has got to the stage where one side of the political spectrum seemingly has the exclusive domain rights to being right on everything.
The result is no surprise, it had all the hallmarks of Brexit for months.
As for the assertion that it was just the "uneducated white voting mass" that got this result, it would seem the "uneducated black voting mass" decided they didn't have the same amount of motivation to vote as they did for Obama, which only highlights how America is still plagued by racial divides.
42 per cent of Independent women voters also came out for Trump.
81 per cent from the White Evangelical vote (loons)
He even got 29 per cent of the Hispanic vote, which is huge.
Roll on that Brexit £10billion a year trade deal, Donald. I quite fancy some of your Rib eye and muscle cars!