Donald Trump

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Congress is Republican, the House is Republican and President is Republican. I doubt he’ll be losing too much sleep about getting stuff passed.
You know a lot of those members of Congress and Senators can't stand him? Some were voting for Clinton.
I'm not saying I agree at all but i saw this on a journalists twitter and thought it was interesting regarding the types of aggressive groups you've probably read supporting Trump online:

"The radicalisation of especially white men online is at astronomical levels"

"Trump managed to unite all this radicalised groups such as out and out racists, sexists, meninists, anti-globalists, conspiracy theorists"

"They truly believe that it is feminists, globalists, anti-racism activists and liberals who are the "true fascists" in the world."

"That's why I never got one strategy of Clinton's campaign: e.g. highlighting Trump's sexism. Trump supporters love him BECAUSE of his sexism"

I think its a bit stupid to say the result was because of these people but these groups sure did root for Trump.
I don't know why any man would support modern feminism(they used to have a point the way things were) which is more often than not just plain misandry by unhappy mentally unstable women and sometimes men crying to get what they want(self privileged).

I don't know why people would vote for Trump(Hillary was just a lesser of two pretty crap candidates neither of them look good choices to me) but I'd say it's nothing to do with sexism, Louis CK said it best for me sexism isn't going away(it's not like racism) it's deeply routed in men and women we are always going to see things our way and it's silly to expect the opposite sex to agree completely with it.
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Who was the last poor president or prime minister for that matter?
We're talking a rich and powerful billionaire when was the last time that happened? It's also not something he's worked towards academically from what I see, in fact it seems something he wants for him(he's not becoming president for any noble reasons I don't buy it). Think before you type, he's nowhere near working class never mind the poor. They do tend to be from good backgrounds(which isn't a bad thing) but there's a massive gulf between a billionaire(we're not just talking well off here) and the "mass population"(best spell this out too since you have trouble with everything unless I do, the rich and powerful are small percentage of the population... and billionaires... well even you should get the picture now) which is what I said, singling out the poor is what we call a strawman(defeating a stupid argument nobody made in the first place)... there is a reason that quote I mentioned is so popular, it's because it rings true time and time again.
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You know a lot of those members of Congress and Senators can't stand him? Some were voting for Clinton.
It’s one thing saying this/that but he has a very clear mandate and love him or loathe him, most party members know where their political bread is buttered and will toe the President line. Much, much harder for a President to have Senate/House controlled by the opposition and get his legislation through.
Congress is Republican, the House is Republican and President is Republican. I doubt he’ll be losing too much sleep about getting stuff passed.

There are plenty of Republicans in congress that think he's a tosser, they will help scrap obarnacare and other things, but there will be plenty of his policies and ideas that they will block. The first act though will be the scraping of the philibuster stratergy as some democrats have already said they will use it in frequency.

Anyway seeing as his vice pres thinks smoking doesn't kill and homosexuality is wrong, thinks abortion should be ilegal and evolution doesn't exhist, both are a pair of bellends.

The CIA will probably bump him off in six months anyway when he gets on their tits
It’s one thing saying this/that but he has a very clear mandate and love him or loathe him, most party members know where their political bread is buttered and will toe the President line. Much, much harder for a President to have Senate/House controlled by the opposition and get his legislation through.
They won't vote for anything against their own interests.
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