Donald Trump

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I don't care what anyone says trump is representing the wishes of 60 million Americans and the lack of respect many are showing them is a disgrace. The silent majority continue to be labelled racist, thick, mad and all various other names by the liberals who fail to see the common sense the man is speaking. The bullying and type of tome you are suffering in this thread is why people were so shocked by trumps win and Brexit. Normal working people in the uk and America have been forced to avoid speaking the truth by many more outspoken with opposing views.

Yes but the exact people who look down on the normal working people have used their despair to gain power, trump and his mates, ukip and mays ideoligy won't help normal people, just exploit them.

25/30 years ago people would have been out on the streets not having this shite, but those that are now rising to power in US and Uk is a result of the slow destruction of both societies by thatcher, reagan, major, the bushes, blair, clinton and the con/lib coalition. all following an form of conservatism that has been allowed to grow.

In americas case the only difference between rebuclicans and democrats is their position on family life, one being anti things like abortion, lbgt rights, single parents, etc and the other being open to it. Ideologically they are just two similar parties with minor differences.

the majority of hose who voted exit and for trump are not idiots or racist, but fed up and lied to.
I don't care what anyone says trump is representing the wishes of 60 million Americans and the lack of respect many are showing them is a disgrace. The silent majority continue to be labelled racist, thick, mad and all various other names by the liberals who fail to see the common sense the man is speaking. The bullying and type of tone you are suffering in this thread is why people were so shocked by trumps win and Brexit. Normal working people in the uk and America have been forced to avoid speaking the truth by many more outspoken with opposing views.
Do you honestly think Trump speaks common sense?
Did Hilary not tell a lot of lies?
Thought you might say that.

Difference is during the election campaign the fact checkers established that 75% of what he said was factually incorrect compared to 10% for Clinton.

Do you not think he's treating his supporters as idiots when he blatantly contradicts what he's previously said; a recent example being his relationship with Putin where he totally contradicted what he said three years ago and expected everyone to ignore that. You're being taken for a mug by him.
Trolling in here ruins the thread

Just saying

Karen. You can't call people who respect him trolls just because they disagree with your opinion. Is the thread only for those to call him names?
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