Donald Trump

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Yes but the exact people who look down on the normal working people have used their despair to gain power, trump and his mates, ukip and mays ideoligy won't help normal people, just exploit them.

25/30 years ago people would have been out on the streets not having this shite, but those that are now rising to power in US and Uk is a result of the slow destruction of both societies by thatcher, reagan, major, the bushes, blair, clinton and the con/lib coalition. all following an form of conservatism that has been allowed to grow.

In americas case the only difference between rebuclicans and democrats is their position on family life, one being anti things like abortion, lbgt rights, single parents, etc and the other being open to it. Ideologically they are just two similar parties with minor differences.

the majority of hose who voted exit and for trump are not idiots or racist, but fed up and lied to.

IMO . . . the majority who voted for Trump have seen the world pass the them by, driven by technology, changing social norms, and globalization.

And they are scared by all of those things, because they don't understand them and/or haven't been able to adjust to nor keep up with them. It's not what they know or live, and they've perhaps even been economically or personally hurt by these changes.

But . . . then they get angry at being told they don't understand them by a group of people who really don't care about their fate and, worse, who make fun of them, who call them bumpkins, and even worse, who depict their way of life as morally wrong. I don't blame them -- I'd be angry too.

And then THAT'S why they vote for Trump. Out of fear. And anger. Out of not caring about the negative consequences of doing so so, only because voting for him will finally enable them to get one over on those who have tormented them (real or imagined).

Which works well, since Trump's single defining characteristic his entire business and political career is that he does not either know or care about the negative consequences of HIS actions.
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The link mentions Birmingham
President Shitgibbon said Birmingham was a "No go zone".

The government are expecting it to kick off and they'd rather see a northern city trashed rather than their beloved micro country called London.

SELF EDIT: Twat on Faux News said it's a no go zone due to high mount of Muslims living there.
President Shitgibbon said Birmingham was a "No go zone".

The government are expecting it to kick off and they'd rather see a northern city trashed rather than their beloved micro country called London.
Don't think the Brummies will thank you for referring to their home town as a northern city!
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