Donald Trump

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I don't care what anyone says trump is representing the wishes of 60 million Americans and the lack of respect many are showing them is a disgrace. The silent majority continue to be labelled racist, thick, mad and all various other names by the liberals who fail to see the common sense the man is speaking. The bullying and type of tone you are suffering in this thread is why people were so shocked by trumps win and Brexit. Normal working people in the uk and America have been forced to avoid speaking the truth by many more outspoken with opposing views.

Really you think Donald Trump is showing common sense. I`ve sat and listen to what he`s said and the words of Kellyanne Conway and Donalds other cronies. I think the word rabble rousing springs to mind. Even most Donald Supporters are saying they dont like him but are voting because they hate the establishment and Hillary Clinton more.

If anyone tries to talk about issues all they get back off Donal Trump supporters is a tirade of abuse.

Bottom Line is, I`m not going to convince you Donald Trump is a loathsome **** and that Kellyanne Conway couldnt lie in bed straight. You sure as hell cant convince the rest of us he a lovely warm human being that misunderstood.
So you honestly think Pence would be worse than Trump? I know he's a far right bigot but at least he seems to be in touch with reality.
Hey, man, I trying to play nice! If hyperbole isn't allowed on here, the play dries up and blows away! ;-)

And, scary that a far right wing bigot who might be in touch with reality (is that possible for a Jesus freak?) is now considered a better option for President of the United States!YIKES!
Ta,inviting him straight away stinks of creeping up to him to get a trade deal,i don't like that
It stinks of nothing other than good sense.

You may wish to cut off your nose to spite your face but luckily the government doesn't.
Some of the language being used on this thread is outrageous and it needs to stop. By all means express your opinion be it for or against the man and what he stands for but think before you post because some of it is now over stepping a line, will be removed and posters will be thread banned or warned if it carries on.

Ta,inviting him straight away stinks of creeping up to him to get a trade deal,i don't like that
The fucking stupidity of voting leave means we now need as many trade deals as we can get.
We voted out and we have to make a go of it. And much of that will rely on deals with governments and individuals we don't agree with.
The fucking stupidity of voting leave means we now need as many trade deals as we can get.
We voted out and we have to make a go of it. And much of that will rely on deals with governments and individuals we don't agree with.

The problem with that seems to be that the UK is not allowed to make these deals whilst still a member of the EU.
I´m sure a lot will be done via verbal agreements to be implemented after UK leaves but actual trade treaties may be a different thing.
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