Donald Trump

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Not sure if this deserves a new thread (mods - feel free to create one if you wish), but...

How long do we think it will be before Trump gets kicked out? Personally, I've come to the conclusion that his continuing for 4 years is impossible. I think his impeachment is inevitable, unless he is assassinated.

I've been reading up on what ground there needs to be for impeachment, and there's different interpretations, ranging from Gerald Ford's view that the House of Representatives can impeach the president on whatever grounds it likes, to another that Presidents cannot be impeached unless they have broken the law.

However, the American Constitution as drawn up by the founding fathers, states that a president may be removed for "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors". Interestingly the "other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" part comes from our laws here in England, where misdemeanors means any bad acts or serious misconduct. So the most reliable conclusion is that Trump can be impeached for any significant abuse of the authority of his office.

So the question is when, not if, I think. And I don't think that's got so much to do with Trump actually. I think it's more to do with how long people in the House of Representatives are prepared to put up with this dangerous lunatic. And whether (when) they think there's a good chance of the impeachment charge being upheld by the Senate.

I'm guessing he's not got long and I won't be at all surprised if this unravelling of his presidency starts within the next month or so.

He's inevitably going to break the law anyway - he probably has already - and if nothing else when his tax returns are leaked by the someone in the IRS passing them to the FBI, passing them to the media, then he's toast I expect.

I dont think he will be impeached until the GOP decide that he's lost sufficient support from the people who elected him. If they co-operate with the Democrats to kick him out too quickly they risk turning him into a martyr, and turning the Fox watching Trump supporters against the party. They aren't at that point yet. I would give him another 18 months, assuming he doesn't do something totally crazy, as opposed to only moderately crazy.
I dont think he will be impeached until the GOP decide that he's lost sufficient support from the people who elected him. If they co-operate with the Democrats to kick him out too quickly they risk turning him into a martyr, and turning the Fox watching Trump supporters against the party. They aren't at that point yet. I would give him another 18 months, assuming he doesn't do something totally crazy, as opposed to only moderately crazy.

So, I've been thinking about the whole impeachment thing since yesterday and you're not far wrong. I've been wondering why the GOP haven't said much, at the moment, especially with them being between a rock and a hard place with its constituents and having Trump come after them for 'betrayal'.

I think the GOP are going to sail close to the wind with these problems and wait, wait, wait until they get their reforms through the senate before allowing Trump into free fall and allow impeachment.

Interesting times ahead...
But it isn't most of them that are so inane, and why do you say we're happy about it? We also have universities that hundreds of thousands come from abroad to attend.
Yeah but the big space in between the coasts is absolutely full of fucking idiots and I'm sure Republicans are thrilled by it.
I dont think he will be impeached until the GOP decide that he's lost sufficient support from the people who elected him. If they co-operate with the Democrats to kick him out too quickly they risk turning him into a martyr, and turning the Fox watching Trump supporters against the party. They aren't at that point yet. I would give him another 18 months, assuming he doesn't do something totally crazy, as opposed to only moderately crazy.
Yes he still has a 40% approval rating which directly equates to his core support. There's probably nothing he could do to make more than a few of them to turn against him so congress will have to wait until he does something more than just a bit illegal to get rid or he'll have to go the JFK route.
That was fucking brilliant.

I am honestly petrified by Trump.
Pity we can't see it in the UK, yet.

As for the impeachment that's being talked about, then they need to give him time and enough rope to hang himself, as doing it while he still has 40% support (130 Million people, who have guns) would be asking for BIG trouble.

Let's just hope he doesn't go anywhere near "The Football" before that happens.

The one thing he is right on though is that he gets good ratings. I find watching him absolutely compelling. Scary but compelling.

I watched the full PC back last night and was agog from the first minute to the last.
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