Donald Trump

This guy?

I said before in the Putin thread, this rapping is a piece of piss.
Ten minutes and a Bushmills Sherry Cask, and here you go.


This privileged white boy’s intellectual con,
Fools no one that listens for, not very long. The wrong ‘ un, longing to be No. 1.
The man that wants to be The Don.
Bully, sully, opponent’s name. Don’t matter why or how, just shame,…
on you not them, your only game, is shout distain and sound insane.
Shame, on you.
Blame is due, to those that back your rants and raves.
Next years plan’s what MAGA craves, just feed the cult and Jesus Saves.
Evangelistic hypocrisy, they fail to see, reality.
Feed the hungry, heel the sick, promote this prick, are you that thick?
Love thy neighbour unless they’re black, get the US back on track, the hack attacks and feeds the rich, with taxes lax, they make a stack.
House the homeless?
Give me a break, Christian values must be fake, Trumps Bible truly on the make. Merchandising , rake it in. Forgive the sin. It’s all Win/win.

Privileged boy and ne’er do well, at business, sure knows how to sell.
He’d sell his soul and yours as well, bankrupt and only time will tell if him or US will go to Hell.
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Another question to show my ignorance of the US system of election and government.
The incoming president selects their cabinet of Department heads etc., for approval by the Senate.
1. How or when is the Senate voted for.
2. Do the members of the cabinet not have to have been voted for by the public in the first place, to be representatives? If not, I find this part the most difficult part to accept as democracy in action. It’s open to abuse, surely.

I hope it’s understood what I’m asking.

What I’m used to here is a party putting candidates up in constituencies and the constituencies voting in whatever number of representatives they are allowed by Proportional Representation.
The numbers are crunched at the end of polling. People are deemed elected to the constituencies they represent. A government is formed. They pick a Taoiseach ( president/prime minister). The Taoiseach picks his cabinet from those that the public elected.
Senators are elected to six year terms, two per state on a rolling basis — two out of every three elections every two years we vote for one of the two seats with one election off.

Cabinet posts like many many many other government roles in the executive and the judicial branches are nominated by the President and voted on by the Senate. As these roles (cabinet, ambassadorships, judges, agency heads, some military posts) should in theory be about qualifications and expertise, and management-less vacancies are bad for American interests and government functionality, approvals are often a formality, but sometimes (and with more frequency) turn political in terms of collecting enough Senators to support a nominee.
Senators are elected to six year terms, two per state on a rolling basis — two out of every three elections every two years we vote for one of the two seats with one election off.

Cabinet posts like many many many other government roles in the executive and the judicial branches are nominated by the President and voted on by the Senate. As these roles (cabinet, ambassadorships, judges, agency heads, some military posts) should in theory be about qualifications and expertise, and management-less vacancies are bad for American interests and government functionality, approvals are often a formality, but sometimes (and with more frequency) turn political in terms of collecting enough Senators to support a nominee.
Trump’s appointees to the Supreme Court were confirmed by the Senate after saying they would not try to overturn Roe v Wade. Lying to the Senate is a crime, but very hard to prove. I assume that some Republican senators knew they were lying, but voted for them anyway. It’s democracy, folks.
Insulting Harris' looks will turn a lot of women who are on the fence against him. They'll see it as sexist and objectifying women.
Insulting Harris' looks will turn a lot of women who are on the fence against him. They'll see it as sexist and objectifying women.
Really? So saying you can grab a woman by the pussy, admire 8 year old girls or any of the many previous sexist remarks he’s made weren’t bad enough?
Really? So saying you can grab a woman by the pussy, admire 8 year old girls or any of the many previous sexist remarks he’s made weren’t bad enough?
Well obviously all of that as well. I wasn't dismissing any of that. Just saying this is going to be very fresh in the memory and is another load of nonsense from him on top of all the rest that you allude to.

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