Donald Trump

Sadly, I built a house to raise my kids in McHenry County, albeit not in Woodstock where Groundhog Day was filmed.

It’s a backwoods town, with a nice downtown area, but then 2 blocks away you get into the jacked up pick up trucks and douchebags like the macho and the crazy guys you saw.

I wish I could say there weren’t millions of them in America, but their first instinct when you disagree with them is “I’ll fuck you up!”

We lasted 6 yrs before we moved back to civilization…back to the town we moved from, to be close to family for our kids, good schools, and a 24 acre park full of normies in the front yard!

I still go out to the boonies to go to the range, but it’s that grey area between nice town and rural, where people who can’t make it or take it in the city move because they don’t have the rural land to farm, or are simply not willing to do that work.

They drive trucks, drink Budweiser, they get drunk at BBQs at river/lake parties every weekend in the summer. They spend more money on their trucks than their homes or kids or education, and they’ll just as soon shoot you as hear they might possibly be wrong in their world view. I’d venture 99% of them don’t have a passport or haven’t been abroad. They definitely don’t speak a foreign language (other than dumb fuck Murican) and they ACTUALLY think they can stand up to the military if the time ever came, because THEY have been brainwashed into thinking THEY are the Patriots…even though none of them could tell you a thing about the Founding Fathers or the Constitution and Bill of Rights beyond the Second Amendment (which they DEFINITELY cannot recite) and the phrase “We the people”…which is what is written on the crazy gun nuts XXXXL shirt!

Thankfully, there was enough in there to show you we are not all crazy fucks looking for a gunfight and Civil War, but they are out there!

Notice, he wasn’t really being talked to, but he had to put in his far right wing 2 cents and it got him the audience he wanted and the attention he CLEARLY craves (mouth. beard, shirt!).

I hope to fuck Kamala can pull this off…and I’m sure those white guys have nothing against a California woman of Indian and Jamaican heritage being President. I’m positive!! :-/
Completely different subject but if you remember the Republic of Ireland v Roy Keane spat at the Saipan World Cup ... I couldn't take the way Roy Keane spoke in his interview back then because I heard the same macho bullshit from my dad, uncles, neighbours, etc growing up ... it was like a mirror of the bravado talk that refuses to take into consideration the complexities of others' perspectives or situations. It ate at me for years that Keane was lauded by all around me but he personified what I disliked from my own upbringing. (Now I don't mind him - IMO he is no better or worse than I am)

But how I felt about that I suspect is how you feel about these guys. You know their type and how they operate.
Completely different subject but if you remember the Republic of Ireland v Roy Keane spat at the Saipan World Cup ... I couldn't take the way Roy Keane spoke in his interview back then because I heard the same macho bullshit from my dad, uncles, neighbours, etc growing up ... it was like a mirror of the bravado talk that refuses to take into consideration the complexities of others' perspectives or situations. It ate at me for years that Keane was lauded by all around me but he personified what I disliked from my own upbringing. (Now I don't mind him - IMO he is no better or worse than I am)

But how I felt about that I suspect is how you feel about these guys. You know their type and how they operate.
Keane was generally lauded by United fans only, in Ireland.
The rest of us thought he was being a dickhead.
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Just checking you know it's a parody account. A very good one, it has to be said. E.g. "Schrodinger's Immigrant: A person who is simultaneously too lazy to work, but is also stealing your job."

I've followed Liam Nissan for a while now. The amount of MAGA nuts who say they're 'never going to watch his films again' because of the shit he posts is funny as fuck.
Completely different subject but if you remember the Republic of Ireland v Roy Keane spat at the Saipan World Cup ... I couldn't take the way Roy Keane spoke in his interview back then because I heard the same macho bullshit from my dad, uncles, neighbours, etc growing up ... it was like a mirror of the bravado talk that refuses to take into consideration the complexities of others' perspectives or situations. It ate at me for years that Keane was lauded by all around me but he personified what I disliked from my own upbringing. (Now I don't mind him - IMO he is no better or worse than I am)

But how I felt about that I suspect is how you feel about these guys. You know their type and how they operate.
There are tens of thousands of these guys in the far suburbs/exurbs around Chicago. The semi-rural areas to the North, between Chicago and Milwaukee and slightly to the west are generally poor, rust belt towns that rarely have any new construction and lots of older homes in general disrepair.

These guys either have their own small (often manual labor) businesses (Republican) who want lower taxes because even though they don’t recognize the tax breaks THEY get, and feel like their tax dollars are wasted on urban minorities and their problems (Republican) and they’re almost exclusively uneducated, white makes with a macho view of life (Republican), who think their kind of love of America (white make domination of women & minorities) makes them the “real” American patriots (Republicans). They like their leaders to be white, male and to look and sound strong (Republican).

There was NEVER A CHANCE they were going to find almost any guy who looks like them, in that area, who was anything but a Republican who looks like he’s a split second from ‘roid rage at any given moment!

In fact, you’ll notice it took them finding a softly spoken older lady somewhere on the street to get anything like a reasonable take on life (Democrat!).

Thankfully, we are building our retirement lake home out in NW Illinois, well beyond this old, often dying, olde tyme type of town in the rural hinterlands. Yes, there are still plenty of Republicans out there, but they are much fewer and farther in between! ;-) And, much less aggressively macho (because many of them are secure in their manhood because they’re life long farmers tending hundreds of acres of crops for a living and don’t put up with bullshit!), who use please, thank you and wish you a good day when they meet you! In short, good, strong, ACTUAL REAL Americans!

For the record, here’s the Illinois Electoral Map from 2020.

Trump in RED (41%)
Biden in BLUE (58%)

The area of the video is in Yellow.


It shows you how RURAL, and thus low density population areas, there are in ALL the Midwestern/Middle American states, so don’t be fooled by the red vs blue MAPS, because they say NOTHING about how many people voted how!!!
There are tens of thousands of these guys in the far suburbs/exurbs around Chicago. The semi-rural areas to the North, between Chicago and Milwaukee and slightly to the west are generally poor, rust belt towns that rarely have any new construction and lots of older homes in general disrepair.

These guys either have their own small (often manual labor) businesses (Republican) who want lower taxes because even though they don’t recognize the tax breaks THEY get, and feel like their tax dollars are wasted on urban minorities and their problems (Republican) and they’re almost exclusively uneducated, white makes with a macho view of life (Republican), who think their kind of love of America (white make domination of women & minorities) makes them the “real” American patriots (Republicans). They like their leaders to be white, male and to look and sound strong (Republican).

There was NEVER A CHANCE they were going to find almost any guy who looks like them, in that area, who was anything but a Republican who looks like he’s a split second from ‘roid rage at any given moment!

In fact, you’ll notice it took them finding a softly spoken older lady somewhere on the street to get anything like a reasonable take on life (Democrat!).

Thankfully, we are building our retirement lake home out in NW Illinois, well beyond this old, often dying, olde tyme type of town in the rural hinterlands. Yes, there are still plenty of Republicans out there, but they are much fewer and farther in between! ;-) And, much less aggressively macho (because many of them are secure in their manhood because they’re life long farmers tending hundreds of acres of crops for a living and don’t put up with bullshit!), who use please, thank you and wish you a good day when they meet you! In short, good, strong, ACTUAL REAL Americans!

For the record, here’s the Illinois Electoral Map from 2020.

Trump in RED (41%)
Biden in BLUE (58%)

The area of the video is in Yellow.

View attachment 129098

It shows you how RURAL, and thus low density population areas, there are in ALL the Midwestern/Middle American states, so don’t be fooled by the red vs blue MAPS, because they say NOTHING about how many people voted how!!!
Springfield, Doh!
Listening to a local radio station on the way to work this morning (Red State, Red county) and there was a brief discussion about socialism off the back of a news story about the state taking ownership of a hoarde of gold coins. The co-host basically said it was the fault of socialism, where 'if you own a cow, the government can take it'. Fucking idiot!!!

The **** didn't even know what he was railing against, but he sure as hell knows he hates socialists and commies.
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Sadly, I built a house to raise my kids in McHenry County, albeit not in Woodstock where Groundhog Day was filmed.

It’s a backwoods town, with a nice downtown area, but then 2 blocks away you get into the jacked up pick up trucks and douchebags like the macho and the crazy guys you saw.

I wish I could say there weren’t millions of them in America, but their first instinct when you disagree with them is “I’ll fuck you up!”

We lasted 6 yrs before we moved back to civilization…back to the town we moved from, to be close to family for our kids, good schools, and a 24 acre park full of normies in the front yard!

I still go out to the boonies to go to the range, but it’s that grey area between nice town and rural, where people who can’t make it or take it in the city move because they don’t have the rural land to farm, or are simply not willing to do that work.

They drive trucks, drink Budweiser, they get drunk at BBQs at river/lake parties every weekend in the summer. They spend more money on their trucks than their homes or kids or education, and they’ll just as soon shoot you as hear they might possibly be wrong in their world view. I’d venture 99% of them don’t have a passport or haven’t been abroad. They definitely don’t speak a foreign language (other than dumb fuck Murican) and they ACTUALLY think they can stand up to the military if the time ever came, because THEY have been brainwashed into thinking THEY are the Patriots…even though none of them could tell you a thing about the Founding Fathers or the Constitution and Bill of Rights beyond the Second Amendment (which they DEFINITELY cannot recite) and the phrase “We the people”…which is what is written on the crazy gun nuts XXXXL shirt!

Thankfully, there was enough in there to show you we are not all crazy fucks looking for a gunfight and Civil War, but they are out there!

Notice, he wasn’t really being talked to, but he had to put in his far right wing 2 cents and it got him the audience he wanted and the attention he CLEARLY craves (mouth. beard, shirt!).

I hope to fuck Kamala can pull this off…and I’m sure those white guys have nothing against a California woman of Indian and Jamaican heritage being President. I’m positive!! :-/
Thanks for that man. Insightful and informative perspective from someone with a lived experience.

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