Donald Trump

I'm not hot on the alternative. But seeing as we are scraping the barrel, I'd take Trump.
If like anyone to show me were I said I support Trump. Problem with this forum is if you don't nail your colours, you are automatically on the other side..
Just a reminder that there is no “middle ground”, “centrist” position with extremist anti-democratic demagogues.

You either actively oppose or support them.

Indifference, equivocation, or silence is the same as a support.

That does not mean you have to actively support Harris, or any other candidate. But if you do not actively oppose Trump, you are implicitly supporting him and all that he stands for, for the same reason that staying silent about racism, or sexism, or homophobia, or transphobia, or antisemitism, or Islamophobia that you directly observe is implicit support of it (all horrible bigoted stances Trump regularly espouses, by the way).

If that is what you want to do, then so be it—you are, of course, free to do that in an open, democratic society (unless Trump is elected, anyway).

But don’t insult everyone’s intelligence by attempting to claim you are a “centrist” or “just see more than one viewpoint at a time” by not denouncing and actively opposing Trump, MAGA, and the beliefs inherent to that movement. Absolutely no reasonable person would accept as valid another person holding such a position toward the KKK, or neo-Nazis, or Putin. And Trump and MAGA are absolutely on par with those ideological groups and affiliated leaders.

I’ll leave this quote that has resonated with me since I first read the sermon from which it originates when I was a young man (along with Letter From Birmingham Jail, which I think should be read in every classroom in the US and UK):

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter…

…A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true".

Trump has been morally and ethically dead for decades. And anyone that supports him, or merely stays ‘neutral’ as Trump spouts hate, amplifies nonsensical conspiracies, and mongers fear, all while continually signalling he has nothing but contempt for inclusive, democratic values, are complicit.

Absolute nonsense. What if you can take positives from both sides? What you are describing is an activist.

Partisanship and politics breeds thought processes like yours. All you are saying is rhetoric and is where all the problems of nasty politics comes from.
Please explain the positives you see from Trump and the MAGA movement.

And it is good to know you think Martin Luther King Jr was talking absolute nonsense.

By the way, you asked someone to point out where you have said you support Trump, and so I did, simply quoting your own posts.

Here is some of your other posts in this thread to illustrate that your claims of being a “centrist” are nonsense, per your request.

At least have the integrity to be truthful about your political beliefs, especially when it is so easy to verify whether you are contradicting yourself.

Let's hope when he gets back in he can prevent the war.

The democrats think that voter ID is racist... Because they believe that the black community aren't upwardly mobile and savvy enough to actually afford or have the knowledge to do it.

Excuse me if I think that Trump would trust instead of victimise. You are delusional

No-one in their right mind can possibly vote for her. She hasn't got her own mind, in as much as when she prosecuted in California and San Francisco, she claimed to be a 'progressive prosecutor' and yet jailed people for cannabis dealing and use.

She is a where the wind blows kind of politician, and should be nowhere near the most powerful position in the world.

I'm not hot on the alternative. But seeing as we are scraping the barrel, I'd take Trump.
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Please explain the positives you see from Trump and the MAGA movement.

By the way, you asked someone to point out where you have said you support Trump, and so I did, simply quoting your own posts.

When he put tariffs on imported cars.

More African Americans in work, and other ethnic minorities.

First step act. To name a few
Re. who has a moral conscience, etc. I've been out in rural PA on & off, Trump country, where the bars are full of rednecks. To my surprise the only one of my anti-Trump notions that found any kind of support is one I've posted on here before, that never having had a dog or cat to take care of in his life shows DT's inability to feel compassion for the vulnerable. I said this to a stout MAGA couple recently and while the husband sneered and wanted to bash me I heard his missus say "wait, Eb. (whatever Eb was short for) I never thought of it that way afore."

She really did say afore.
Eb = Ebenezer? “Afore”?
It’s possible you came across a couple of time-travellers from the 17th century, or more likely, you found yourself a couple of real Yinzers.
When he put tariffs on imported cars.

More African Americans in work, and other ethnic minorities.

First step act. To name a few
The tariffs have and will continue to act to increase the costs of vehicles, both imported and domestically produced (as is the case with tariffs in general).

I have a degrees in economics and economic adjacent fields of study so I am happy to debate this until the end of time. There are very real economic issues with outcomes of globalisation but tariffs are not in any way, shape, or form a solution to them.

Trump policies had little to do with the initially improved ethnic minority employment rate—economic growth brought about during Obama’s administration is generally considered to be the driving force behind the lowering levels of unemployment for African-Americans. It is widely held that Trump’s shambles coronavirus response (and other policies) did have a negative impact on minority employment, however. Even so, average minority employment is actually higher under Biden than during Trump’s administration.

The First Step Act was bipartisan legislation that originated prior to Trump’s term and had little-to-nothing to do with Trump, he just took credit for it, as he does with many, many things he had nothing really to do with. And even then, Trump and the MAGA movement have begun to distance themselves from it, despite bragging about it when he is around minority voters.


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