Donald Trump

*Was clear. This prick loaded the SC up. Again, the separation of powers over there is fucked
The Founding Fathers could not have conceived of the advances in medical science and life expectancy when they framed the USC. Yet another example of how events have overtaken a document that is approaching two and a half centuries old.
The Founding Fathers could not have conceived of the advances in medical science and life expectancy when they framed the USC. Yet another example of how events have overtaken a document that is approaching two and a half centuries old.
Trump being barred in certain states due to the Insurrection Act of 1800 or whenever will end up akin to being accused of wanton and furious cycling over here. The notion is right, and for good reason, but the law that supports hasnt kept up with contemporary life. Trump will counter it.

He is the most sinister public figure Ive ever known in my lifetime and Im no spring chicken anymore. He is entirely corrupted, compromised by a hostile foreign power, devoid of any integrity or morals, of demonstrably low intellect, but high on adoration with a fully loyal following. And Im convinced flat out on the bugle. A truly dangerous man. And seemingly unaccountable to anybody. Look at the obvious crimes he has committed and yet here we are.

If it wasnt so important to everyone, we could laugh at the state of the place over there
*Was clear. This prick loaded the SC up. Again, the separation of powers over there is fucked
I get your point, but as per the point I made earlier — three of the justices who ruled against Nixon were his appointees and Rehnquist (who recused himself) worked in his administration. 8-0. Don’t underestimate judges feeling like knuckling under to the Executive greatly weakens their own power. Thomas is a plant and probably Alito though. There might be other arguments that sway them — can you eliminate a candidate without an impeachment for OR conviction on a charge of treason? Of course he WAS impeached — just not convicted.
Trump being barred in certain states due to the Insurrection Act of 1800 or whenever will end up akin to being accused of wanton and furious cycling over here. The notion is right, and for good reason, but the law that supports hasnt kept up with contemporary life. Trump will counter it.

He is the most sinister public figure Ive ever known in my lifetime and Im no spring chicken anymore. He is entirely corrupted, compromised by a hostile foreign power, devoid of any integrity or morals, of demonstrably low intellect, but high on adoration with a fully loyal following. And Im convinced flat out on the bugle. A truly dangerous man. And seemingly unaccountable to anybody. Look at the obvious crimes he has committed and yet here we are.

If it wasnt so important to everyone, we could laugh at the state of the place over there
Thanks for not laughing. I AM over here.
I get your point, but as per the point I made earlier — three of the justices who ruled against Nixon were his appointees and Rehnquist (who recused himself) worked in his administration. 8-0. Don’t underestimate judges feeling like knuckling under to the Executive greatly weakens their own power. Thomas is a plant and probably Alito though. There might be other arguments that sway them — can you eliminate a candidate without an impeachment for OR conviction on a charge of treason? Of course he WAS impeached — just not convicted.
Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett are wholly unqualified and are plants. The only achievement, if you can ironically call it that, that Trump achieved politically last time, was to balance the judiciary in his favour. Ergo, no balance of powers. That any president can do that shows that systemically the place is broken. The days of Nixon being held to account are gone. You must know this. The fact that Roger Stone enabled Trump is living proof of it, he was part of both corrupt administrations, and was even pardoned by Trump after being convicted for offences committed following the exact same play book. They are living proof that they can literally take the piss out of a daft system
Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett are wholly unqualified and are plants. The only achievement, if you can ironically call it that, that Trump achieved politically last time, was to balance the judiciary in his favour. Ergo, no balance of powers. That any president can do that shows that systemically the place is broken. The days of Nixon being held to account are gone. You must know this. The fact that Roger Stone enabled Trump is living proof of it, he was part of both corrupt administrations, and was even pardoned by Trump after being convicted for offences committed following the exact same play book. They are living proof that they can literally take the piss out of a daft system
Neither of them are guaranteed votes for Trump. They aren’t judicial whackos the same way Thomas — totally compromised and owned — and Alito (crazy fascist jurist) are. They are conservative weaklings who have achieved above their station in an attempt by Trump to pack the court. They might not do his bidding now that they have the power to overrule. Unless you think there is dirt there that Trump has on them (which there could be in Kavanaugh’s case especially) in which case they’ve been effectively blackmailed.

Your other point is a more philosophical issue which requires a longer conversation, centering on the key factor all systems or government and economic systems operate under — trust.
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And this coming from a draft dodger with the made up bone spurs excuse. He's attacked dead soldiers, Disabled ones. Gold star Mums. 5 Star Generals, There is pratically fuckall that he could say which would turn his base against him.
“I like people who weren’t captured.” Not something that was ever gonna happen to Trump.
Logic tells me Trump will lose. I look at the percentage he secured in 2016 and 2020 and cannot see how he will add incremental voters to that. People who weren’t in the cult back then, are extremely unlikely to have been converted since.

Add into the mix those who did vote for him previously, genuinely appalled at his behaviour after his defeat - and the demographic factors you’ve highlighted and logic points to a fairly comprehensive victory for Biden.

The problems are the consequences are so catastrophic, and the stakes so high, that any prospect of Trump winning causes disproportionate angst amongst all right thinking people.

Add into the mix, something unpredictable and seismic happening to tip the balance towards Trump, and you have a breeding ground for anxiety.

Plus, for me at least, a Biden victory is unlikely to represent a decisive resolution. The circus will continue well after November.
He (Trump) doesn’t need to increase his 2016/2020 votes to win. The electoral college system can see to that.

It’s very possible he loses the popular vote (again) but wins the keys to Pennsylvania Avenue (again).

The longer he can eek out these court cases, the better. The Democrats are struggling and will struggle to fight a political campaign - it’s currently all tied up in the judiciary- which he loves. And which benefits him hugely.

Biden (IMHO) is electoral kryptonite; in this media age, and as an octogenarian, he’s going to find the campaign gruelling in the extreme. Every misstep, every stumble, mumble - Trump and his acolytes will relish it and prosper from it.

The Democrats will rue not choosing another candidate. And Trump, unless he’s barred judicially, will win.
Wish he'd never got into politics and wasn't such an awful man because he'd have made a killing as a stand-up comic.


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