Donald Trump

I just can't see Trump not beating Biden because so many non-Trumpists don't like Biden.

I can imagine a load of Trump bodygaurds protecting Biden from secret CIA assassins.

Would Biden passing away within the next few weeks be the biggest threat to Trump?
He (Trump) doesn’t need to increase his 2016/2020 votes to win. The electoral college system can see to that.

It’s very possible he loses the popular vote (again) but wins the keys to Pennsylvania Avenue (again).

The longer he can eek out these court cases, the better. The Democrats are struggling and will struggle to fight a political campaign - it’s currently all tied up in the judiciary- which he loves. And which benefits him hugely.

Biden (IMHO) is electoral kryptonite; in this media age, and as an octogenarian, he’s going to find the campaign gruelling in the extreme. Every misstep, every stumble, mumble - Trump and his acolytes will relish it and prosper from it.

The Democrats will rue not choosing another candidate. And Trump, unless he’s barred judicially, will win.
This narrative that no one likes Biden is only partly valid. I say that as he wasn't a great candidate last time and Trump went in to the last election free of Jan 6th baggage.

People didn't love biden last time but he was a safe pair of hands and he wasn't Trump. And there is no other good option for dems.

This time, hes older and looks more than 4 years older. He also doesn't have the cover of covid to run a quiet campaign. But he also has a really strong record as POTUS. If the economy just does OK this year he is still miles ahead of Trump on most measures.

Then you have to factor in the jan 6th baggage and general shit show that is Trump. If he is not in jail by November it will only be because he has used the packed SCOTUS to intervene and/or delay enough trials to get over the line. He will in all probability lose the civil fraud trial and the Carroll damages case and owe hundreds of millions. He could well have his assets frozen. Trump needs a chunk of votes from outside his base. He has nothing good to say to these people and the grassroots GOP political machine is on its arse. Trump has suckered up all the money and the good people have left in droves.
This narrative that no one likes Biden is only partly valid. I say that as he wasn't a great candidate last time and Trump went in to the last election free of Jan 6th baggage.

People didn't love biden last time but he was a safe pair of hands and he wasn't Trump. And there is no other good option for dems.

This time, hes older and looks more than 4 years older. He also doesn't have the cover of covid to run a quiet campaign. But he also has a really strong record as POTUS. If the economy just does OK this year he is still miles ahead of Trump on most measures.

Then you have to factor in the jan 6th baggage and general shit show that is Trump. If he is not in jail by November it will only be because he has used the packed SCOTUS to intervene and/or delay enough trials to get over the line. He will in all probability lose the civil fraud trial and the Carroll damages case and owe hundreds of millions. He could well have his assets frozen. Trump needs a chunk of votes from outside his base. He has nothing good to say to these people and the grassroots GOP political machine is on its arse. Trump has suckered up all the money and the good people have left in droves.
All good points. It could be argued though that all the “baggage” is a vote winner. Trump is playing and will play the “system v the people” shtick and how he’s fighting their corner etc.

I also make the point again about the electoral system. In the last election Biden saw some very big % gains in certain states - but it mattered little in terms of electoral college numbers.

It’s a sad aphorism, but one that holds true for the UK and the USA: the location of your voters is more important than their number.
Logic tells me Trump will lose. I look at the percentage he secured in 2016 and 2020 and cannot see how he will add incremental voters to that. People who weren’t in the cult back then, are extremely unlikely to have been converted since.
I broadly agree, and certainly hope you're right. Biden is sure once again to have a big overall lead, the big question is where it shakes out on a state-by-state basis. In Michigan for example about 2% of the population is Arab-American, many of whom (rightly, in my opinion) are furious at Biden's handling of Israel in the last three months. Whether or not they'd be right to convert that anger into sitting out the next election, many of them might.
The Democrats will rue not choosing another candidate. And Trump, unless he’s barred judicially, will win.
Once again -- who do you suggest they offer up? Who is a Democrat polling well with Republicans? Here's the answer: no one.

This lack of realism from some of you isn't really helping the cause here.

Biden is a moderate, pragmatic, quiet, old school politican who has become a lightning rod . . . {deep breath} . . . BECAUSE NO MATTER WHO RAN FOR DEMOCRATS THE MAGA CULT WAS GOING TO MAKE THAT PERSON A LIGHTNING ROD.

You pull the lever for Biden because Trump and his cult are an existential threat to democracy.

What in the living fuck else do you need?
This narrative that no one likes Biden is only partly valid. I say that as he wasn't a great candidate last time and Trump went in to the last election free of Jan 6th baggage.

People didn't love biden last time but he was a safe pair of hands and he wasn't Trump. And there is no other good option for dems.

This time, hes older and looks more than 4 years older. He also doesn't have the cover of covid to run a quiet campaign. But he also has a really strong record as POTUS. If the economy just does OK this year he is still miles ahead of Trump on most measures.

Then you have to factor in the jan 6th baggage and general shit show that is Trump. If he is not in jail by November it will only be because he has used the packed SCOTUS to intervene and/or delay enough trials to get over the line. He will in all probability lose the civil fraud trial and the Carroll damages case and owe hundreds of millions. He could well have his assets frozen. Trump needs a chunk of votes from outside his base. He has nothing good to say to these people and the grassroots GOP political machine is on its arse. Trump has suckered up all the money and the good people have left in droves.
Thank you for being one of the people here whose brain and common sense is installed.

Some of the moaners about Biden would be better off on the match day thread.

He's the best of what there is available. It sucks to some, but it's him or a potential lunatic. As someone else said, if you are offered chicken or a plate of broken glass to eat, you don't ask how the chicken is cooked.
Once again -- who do you suggest they offer up? Who is a Democrat polling well with Republicans? Here's the answer: no one.

This lack of realism from some of you isn't really helping the cause here.

Biden is a moderate, pragmatic, quiet, old school politican who has become a lightning rod . . . {deep breath} . . . BECAUSE NO MATTER WHO RAN FOR DEMOCRATS THE MAGA CULT WAS GOING TO MAKE THAT PERSON A LIGHTNING ROD.

You pull the lever for Biden because Trump and his cult are an existential threat to democracy.

What in the living fuck else do you need?
Your writing is redolent of a certain politician who thinks the Caps Lock Key is a way to strengthen an argument.
Your writing is redolent of a certain politician who thinks the Caps Lock Key is a way to strengthen an argument.
The all caps is because I’ve said this about 1,000 times and I’m tired of repeating it because people keep ignoring it and they shouldn’t because it’s a fact that matters.

Again — point me to the Democrat who is polling well with Republicans. You wanna woman about Biden, fine — offer up the clearly better alternative.

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