Donald Trump

All good points. It could be argued though that all the “baggage” is a vote winner. Trump is playing and will play the “system v the people” shtick and how he’s fighting their corner etc.

I also make the point again about the electoral system. In the last election Biden saw some very big % gains in certain states - but it mattered little in terms of electoral college numbers.

It’s a sad aphorism, but one that holds true for the UK and the USA: the location of your voters is more important than their number.
The point about the college system is valid but it also contains some risks for the GOP. They are reliant on Florida and Texas. Florida is full of Nazis so ill give them that but Texas is changing fast, they have a very low tax rate and lots of businesses are locating there (and the local GOP in power is a shit show). Very much a changing mix and spread of the population.

The GOP margin last time was 5% but that is a similar number to the net population growth and the state has been steadily drifting from solid GOP to potential swing.

If the GOP loses texas they could be out of power for a long long time.

Thank you for being one of the people here whose brain and common sense is installed.

Some of the moaners about Biden would be better off on the match day thread.

He's the best of what there is available. It sucks to some, but it's him or a potential lunatic. As someone else said, if you are offered chicken or a plate of broken glass to eat, you don't ask how the chicken is cooked.
Agree - he did not romp home to victory in his primary win. He nudged ahead of the likes of Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren. Both now to old. Pete B was a good candidate but lets be realistic - is a gay guy going to get a fair chance? Is America ready for that?
He makes something like $1Million every court appearance. Raking it in
True - but deduct lawyers fees and then factor in he is about to be hit with $100m's of civil damages and his net financial position is uncertain.

And all that money that Trump hoovers up - doesn't go to traditional Political pacs or party funds that will spend it on TV adds and the like. Its controlled by Trump. The GOP is in a financial mess because of Trump. He channels the money to his own control - will he spend?
Is it too early to know how much shenanigans are being planned for things like early or postal votes?
(Was it Austin where there was only one place to do so for huge numbers of people?)
True - but deduct lawyers fees and then factor in he is about to be hit with $100m's of civil damages and his net financial position is uncertain.

And all that money that Trump hoovers up - doesn't go to traditional Political pacs or party funds that will spend it on TV adds and the like. Its controlled by Trump. The GOP is in a financial mess because of Trump. He channels the money to his own control - will he spend?

Aren't his lawyer fees nil because he doesn't pay?!
The point about the college system is valid but it also contains some risks for the GOP. They are reliant on Florida and Texas. Florida is full of Nazis so ill give them that but Texas is changing fast, they have a very low tax rate and lots of businesses are locating there (and the local GOP in power is a shit show). Very much a changing mix and spread of the population.

The GOP margin last time was 5% but that is a similar number to the net population growth and the state has been steadily drifting from solid GOP to potential swing.

If the GOP loses texas they could be out of power for a long long time.

Agree - he did not romp home to victory in his primary win. He nudged ahead of the likes of Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren. Both now to old. Pete B was a good candidate but lets be realistic - is a gay guy going to get a fair chance? Is America ready for that?
I'd argue FL (and AZ and increasingly NV) are probably going to be purple states for the foreseeable future due to high retiree populations which tend to be conservative despite high in-migration of inherently-liberal Coasters, so the real battleground for the future of America lies in the precise place you identify: Texas.

I agree Sanders and Warren are both too old -- and the Progressive wing has gone quiet (for now) anyway because of the larger issue related to the threat Trump and MAGA are.

I like PB too but I don't know that a gay man can win. By I don't know, I mean that -- I really don't. I can see reasons to be skeptical and reasons it wouldn't matter much. Unlike minorities and women, gay people aren't as a class an economic threat to the perpetually-aggrieved white male bumpkin hegemony -- only a "social" threat.
I broadly agree, and certainly hope you're right. Biden is sure once again to have a big overall lead, the big question is where it shakes out on a state-by-state basis. In Michigan for example about 2% of the population is Arab-American, many of whom (rightly, in my opinion) are furious at Biden's handling of Israel in the last three months. Whether or not they'd be right to convert that anger into sitting out the next election, many of them might.
Well then they have short memories. Trump bent over backwards for Israel and even went as far as recognizing Jerusalem as the Jewish capital.

Gaza is double fucked (if thats even possible given its state) if Trump is in there
The all caps is because I’ve said this about 1,000 times and I’m tired of repeating it because people keep ignoring it and they shouldn’t because it’s a fact that matters.

Again — point me to the Democrat who is polling well with Republicans. You wanna woman about Biden, fine — offer up the clearly better alternative.
The poor guy is 81 years old. It's just too easy for the GOP.

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