Donald Trump

The point about the college system is valid but it also contains some risks for the GOP. They are reliant on Florida and Texas. Florida is full of Nazis so ill give them that but Texas is changing fast, they have a very low tax rate and lots of businesses are locating there (and the local GOP in power is a shit show). Very much a changing mix and spread of the population.

The GOP margin last time was 5% but that is a similar number to the net population growth and the state has been steadily drifting from solid GOP to potential swing.

If the GOP loses texas they could be out of power for a long long time.

This is a major point people need to remember. I ran some numbers about a year ago and by my reckoning this year it will stay red but if the demographic shift continues at it’s current pace they might never win Texas ever again from 2028.

Without Texas, California and New York the GOP simply cannot win, it’s a generation out of office. That is an existential problem for them. And is probably at least part of the motivation for them going all in on the fall of democracy instead.
The all caps is because I’ve said this about 1,000 times and I’m tired of repeating it because people keep ignoring it and they shouldn’t because it’s a fact that matters.

Again — point me to the Democrat who is polling well with Republicans. You wanna woman about Biden, fine — offer up the clearly better alternative.
Put Obama on the VP ticket
This is a major point people need to remember. I ran some numbers about a year ago and by my reckoning this year it will stay red but if the demographic shift continues at it’s current pace they might never win Texas ever again from 2028.

Without Texas, California and New York the GOP simply cannot win, it’s a generation out of office. That is an existential problem for them. And is probably at least part of the motivation for them going all in on the fall of democracy instead.
I think you give them to much credit. They are all in on dictatorship because they've been cheating for decades and its not enough. If they can't manipulate democracy in their favour then they want to end it.
IIRC the amendment states cannot be ‘elected President’ more than twice. It’s the kind of ambiguous language that the gop are always testing the boundaries with. Maybe the Democrats should start doing the same.
As the vp is second in line it would create an issue. Would they get skipped in that scenario?

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